Merged pull-request: Added workaround for a bug in UIDatePicker in count down mode. #105 (tomaskraina)
Merged pull-request: Added minimumDate and maximumDate to contructor of ActionSheetDatePicker #98 (emmanuelay)
Fixed bug: Picker rotating when host view controller fixed to portrait #100
Fixed bug: UIDatePicker does not fire the target-action associated with the UIControlEventValueChanged event the first time #104
Merged pull-request: Add a Bitdeli Badge to README #107 (bitdeli-chef)
Fixed bug: Example projects failed to launch #96
Closed issue: Travis builds is broken by fix #96 #99
Merged pull-request: Update README.md #95 (jeffreyjackson)
Fixed bug: StatusBar visibility #90
- Fixed bug: Compiler warning due to Unicode char in source #92
Merged pull-request: Add additional check for UIDatePickerModeCountDownTimer #91 (skywinder)
Merged pull-request: Count down duration fix #89 (ijameelkhan)
Implemented enhancement: Add delegate for custom button pressed #33
Implemented enhancement: Run picker within done block of another #84
Merged pull-request: Added callback for custom button being pressed #81 (velga)
Merged pull-request: Added support for popover customizations. #77 (openreply)
Fixed bug: iPad - Swift Popover not visible #68
Merged pull-request: General fixes for #74 & #50 #76 (skywinder)
Merged pull-request: Further support for countdown timer #74 (mgmart)
Fixed bug: i used DatePicker in ActionSheetPicket-3.0, but app crashed. #65
Closed issue: ActionSheetString picker Crash #75
Closed issue: Example fails when clicking "Modal Test": 'Pushing a navigation controller is not supported' #70
Closed issue: Using ActionSheetDatePicker as CountDownTimer-Picker #72
Closed issue: ActionSheetDatePicker: set selectedDate in response to custom button press #73
Merged pull-request: title text with attributes. #64 (nebiros)
Fixed bug: Xcode 6 / Swift incompatibility #36
Merged pull-request: Fix for UIDatePickerModeCountDownTimer callback #50 (jklp)
Implemented enhancement: Method request: hideActionSheetPicker #51
Fixed bug: DatePicker callback freezes screen #42
Closed issue: impossible to run in xcode 6 #48
Merged pull-request: unexpected action sheet dismissing in portrait mode only #40 (numen31337)
Merged pull-request: Support ActionSheet width to full-screen-width in 4.7 inch and 5.5 inch devices #38 (nowsprinting)
Implemented enhancement: ActionSheetDatePicker needs done/cancel blocks #37
Merged pull-request: Notify cancel on popover dismiss #34 (ynop)
Implemented enhancement: Pop over direction #28
Fixed bug: Show from a presented view controller #31
Fixed bug: ActionSheetStringPicker not showing on iphone #30
Closed issue: ActionSheetPicker needs cancel block to handle hiding #39
- Merged pull-request: Method for presenting overlapping views. #32 (serebryakov-av)
Merged pull-request: Update SWActionSheet.m #29 (serebryakov-av)
Implemented enhancement: ActionSheetDatePicker target-action #27
- Closed issue: Still getting warnings #16
Fixed bug: Toolbar buttons don't appear when Actionsheet is fired from an iPad Form Sheet or Page Sheet #22
Merged pull-request: fix iOS8 wrong popover size in iPad #25 (AdrianFlorian)
Fixed bug: iOS 8 iPad wrong frame size. #18
Closed issue: iOS8 - iPad popover, wrong size #24
Closed issue: done button color #21
Closed issue: Presented in wrong frame when sender is a navbar bar button item #23
- Closed issue: Issue with iOS 8 beta #9
Merged pull-request: Minute Interval for ActionDatePicker #12 (Jack-s)
Closed issue: Use with UITableViewCells #4
Closed issue: configurePickerView for ActionSheetCustomPicker throws exception #10
Closed issue: i get this warning!'sizeWithFont:' is deprecated: first deprecated in iOS 7.0 - Use -sizeWithAttributes: #11
Fixed bug: On Iphone 4 the ActionSheetStringPicker doesn't work Well #5
Fixed bug: Crash when using in 5s iOS 7.1 #8
- Merged pull-request: added check for iPhone 4, to fix transparent view background problem. #6 (JaseElder)
Merged pull-request: Convert screenshots over to iOS 7. #3 (markrickert)
Merged pull-request: Add basic documentation to the readme. #2 (markrickert)
* This changelog was generated by github_changelog_generator