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Releases: korlibs/korge


26 May 00:01
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🔥 New feature! 🔥 🧯🚒

Added TypedResourcesGenerator to generate a typed tree of your src/commonMain/resources including images, sounds and atlases + GameWindow.alwaysOnTop

Type-safe resource accesors

What's Changed

  • Documents the BigInt class by @soywiz in #1629
  • Document some more kbignum classes and extensions by @soywiz in #1631
  • Added TypedResourcesGenerator to generate a typed tree of your src/commonMain/resources including images, sounds and atlases + GameWindow.alwaysOnTop by @soywiz in #1634
  • WIP Feature/metal backend next iteration by @ygdrasil-io in #1517

Full Changelog: v4.0.1...v4.0.2


24 May 09:02
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🆕 New WASM target 🎊:

  • WASM. Only available on: kds, kmem, klock, krypto, klogger, kbignum. The rest of the libraries will be available once kotlinx.coroutines is published to central. There are some known bugs; follow the status here: #1628

Screenshot 2023-05-24 at 11 58 12

Version Bumps:


  • Fixes localTimezoneOffsetMinutes in apple platforms & adds DateTime.cfAbsoluteTime & DateTime.Companion.fromCFAbsoluteTime by @soywiz in #1592
  • Fixes new esbuild version on windows by @soywiz in #1611
  • Fixes and tests NativeStorage by @soywiz in #1613



  • Check browserReleaseEsbuild on all platforms by @soywiz in #1612
  • Configure tests in detail in the korge gradle plugin by @soywiz in #1608

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v4.0.0...v4.0.1


10 May 17:11
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Changelog will be updated with highlights after the release event.


Slides (with some updates):

What's Changed

  • Make Animator to start automatically by default, without waiting for the next frame, and allowing to configure that behaviour in root and children nodes by @soywiz in #1100
  • Support View.renderToBitmap to render the background color too by @soywiz in #1102
  • Added CachedContainer functionality + improve _stage lookup by propagating it by @soywiz in #1101
  • Fixes ISO8601 parsing with offsets by @soywiz in #1104
  • Allow using a pre-allocated array for QOI encoding to avoid allocating a new array for every call. by @Kietyo in #1098
  • UI Rework, new TextBlock and rich text support, justify, word wrapping and ellipsis, fixes bounds with filters, add fast material-like circle+rounded rect with shadow rendering based on SDF [Part 1] by @soywiz in #1105
  • Supports korge { androidMsaa = 4 } to configure antialiased multisampled rendering on Android by @soywiz in #1103
  • Initial prebaked MSDF font support + support rendering rich and plain text direclty in RenderContext2D by @soywiz in #1109
  • Supports bidirectional Bitmap <-> UIImage conversion by @soywiz in #1108
  • Lazy dynamic BitmapFont from VectorFont by @soywiz in #1113
  • Start work removing KorUI by starting dropping the KorgeDebugNode interface and moving KorUI to the JVM only KorGE target by @soywiz in #1114
  • Support rendering only a specific text range by @soywiz in #1118
  • Support native image encoding on native image formats by @soywiz in #1120
  • Tests HEIC loading in apple platforms by @soywiz in #917
  • Bumps kover agent version to 1.0.688 by @soywiz in #1124
  • Try to make KotlinNativeCrossTest abstract to make it compatible with Kotlin 1.8.0-Beta by @soywiz in #1125
  • Increase kbignum coverage by @soywiz in #1126
  • Add NBuffer to replace MemBuffer, DataBuffer, FBuffer and others now that DataView in JS is fast on all the browsers by @soywiz in #1134
  • Major kmem update: unify all Buffers : FBuffer, MemBuffer, DataBuffer, Fast32Array... into a new just Buffer by @soywiz in #1135
  • Optimize AG State to be allocation-free & immutable by using inline classes & tightly packed integers, equality comparison, serialization & hashCodes are now trivial by @soywiz in #1137
  • Move AG enums and structures outside AG class and add the AG prefix + convert enum class to inline class to get faster performance by @soywiz in #1138
  • Change how AGUniformValues work (backported from PR) by @soywiz in #1142
  • Remove e2e sample by @soywiz in #1143
  • Backported offscreen rendering functionality (create KmlGlContext without a window) by @soywiz in #1144
  • Cleanup: Automatically handle some AG objects, and doing preparation work for simplifying AG based on NAG experiments by @soywiz in #1145
  • Simplify AG [Part 1] by @soywiz in #1149
  • Modify KorgeAndroidView.kt by @MYKIM95 in #1148
  • Remove old MicroDynamic, DynamicJvm, DynamicNode, ObjectMapper, Struct, ClassFactory etc. and replace old code by @soywiz in #1150
  • Fixes wrong wskey=null in RawSocketWebSocketClient + add test verifying wrong length for wskey by @soywiz in #1152
  • Support text input in Linux K/N by @soywiz-otg in #1161
  • Add isActive check to animator by @BioRyajenka in #1158
  • Cleanup & fix: Removes premultiplied complexity in shaders by @soywiz in #1162
  • Call gl.beforeDoRender in AGOpengl by @BioRyajenka in #1163
  • Ensure RenderContext.doRender & AGOpengl is calling ag.beforeDoRender by @soywiz in #1165
  • Prepare StrReader to be extensible and support streams by @soywiz in #1169
  • Support multiple programs/uniforms in BatchBuilder2D by @soywiz in #1151
  • Tests and fixes Animator.looped with block nodes by @soywiz in #1173
  • Add UniformBlockData & UniformBlockBuffer by @soywiz in #1174
  • Adds CharReader & CharReaderFromSyncStream & allows Charset.decode to support streams by @soywiz in #1177
  • Add extra Deque variants by @soywiz in #1178
  • Support creating SyncStream from a sequence of ByteArray by @soywiz in #1179
  • Supports XML streaming by @soywiz in #1180
  • Update to Kotlin 1.8.0 by @soywiz in #1123
  • Fixes & tests scene transitions parameters by @soywiz in #1184
  • Go back to Kotlin 1.7.21 by @soywiz in #1182
  • DirectGL on Win32. Hugely reduces OpenGL overhead on windows JVM: Use JNA 5.13 Library.OPTION_SYMBOL_PROVIDER to implement fast direct OpenGL mapping on Windows by @soywiz in #1195
  • Fixes DirectGL on win32 and enable it, since it was not enabled by @soywiz in #1198
  • Update kotlinx.serialiation and atomicfu versions by @soywiz in #1199
  • Update coverage agent to 1.0.692 by @soywiz in #1201
  • Move build.gradle*.kts code into buildSrc by @soywiz in #1202
  • Do not use kotlin-dsl to not propagate it to the korge gradle plugin by @soywiz in #1203
  • Update to Kotlin 1.8 & version substitution by @soywiz in #1204
  • Partially fixes GPU rendering by @soywiz in #1205
  • Fixes control, alt, shift not working on K/N win32 by @soywiz in #1206
  • Fixes YAML special double colon case by @soywiz in #1222
  • Fixes characters from being slightly displaced and spaces showing a dot in a LazyBitmapFont by @soywiz in #1223
  • Implement array element swapping & rotation by @soywiz in #1227
  • Optimized ImageOrientation and make it more useful by @soywiz in #1228
  • Support slicing Rectangle by @soywiz in #1229
  • Improved RectangleInt and make Bitmap.locking using it by @soywiz in #1230
  • Add Bitmap.oriented to transform a bitmap based on an ImageOrientation by @soywiz in #1231
  • Simplify how bitmap slices work by @soywiz in #1224
  • Moved korim-jpeg to a separate repo using kproject by @soywiz in #1242
  • Move LuaK to kproject: by @soywiz in #1251
  • Update with the ability to disable ligatures for TtfFont. by @Kietyo in #1233
  • Converted korvi to kproject: by @soywiz in #1254
  • Move lipsyncing to kproject: by @soywiz in #1258
  • Bump Kotlin to 1.8.10 & serialization to 1.5.0-RC by @soywiz in #1260
  • Moved MOD, S3M and XM to korge-audio-formats repo: by @soywiz in #1261
  • Support slight differences between platforms when comparing goldens by @soywiz in #1263
  • Bump to Kotlin 1.8.10, unify K/N configuration and disable custom freeCompilerArgs by @soywiz in #1266
  • Unify both settings.gradle & buildSrc/build.gradle with repositories defined in gradle/repositories.settings.gradle by @soywiz in #1267
  • Do not include BuildVersions in commits by generating them in buildSrc/build.gradle instead in groovy by @soywiz in #1270
  • Updating deprecated text to link to other function by @FSaurenbach ...
Read more


10 May 02:07
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v4.0.0-rc6 Pre-release

What's Changed

  • Added TileMap.overdrawTiles to be used with LDtk by @soywiz in #1579
  • Use an older android build gradle plugin to avoid issues with older IntelliJ versions by @soywiz in #1581
  • Add admob kproject link by @soywiz in #1582
  • Small fix by @soywiz in #1583
  • Fixes remaining resource combination issues for Android and iOS by @soywiz in #1584

Full Changelog: v4.0.0-rc5...v4.0.0-rc6


06 May 09:37
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v4.0.0-rc5 Pre-release

What's Changed

  • runJs: correct MIME type for JavaScript modules by @smaugfm in #1567
  • Fixes mipmaps where TEXTURE_BASE/MAX_LEVEL are supported by @soywiz in #1568
  • Make Maximize button on macOS cocoa to go fullscreen by @soywiz in #1569
  • Fixes empty lines in yaml maps by @soywiz in #1570
  • Fixes and tests onStageResized / onEvent(ViewsResizedEvent) by @soywiz in #1571
  • Remove old korge gradle plugin code by @soywiz in #1572
  • Include resources from dependant projects recursively: fixes kproject dependencies with bundled resources by @soywiz in #1574
  • Bump kotlinx.coroutines to 1.7.0 by @soywiz in #1576
  • Add starter kits & mascot links by @soywiz in #1573
  • fix Starter kits link error for readme by @vlfx in #1578

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v4.0.0-rc4...v4.0.0-rc5


02 May 13:00
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v4.0.0-rc4 Pre-release

What's Changed

  • runJs: correct MIME type for wasm files by @smaugfm in #1562
  • Try to fix not using sourceMaps on JS to avoid huge performance bottleneck when running JS by @soywiz in #1563
  • Fixes packageJsClosureCompiler task, report errors & apply_input_source_maps by @soywiz in #1564
  • Atlas texture generation for *.atlas folder/files, fixes catalog generation and resource processing on all the targets & adds mechanism to add a custom resource processors in the build.gradle by @soywiz in #1565

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v4.0.0-rc2...v4.0.0-rc4


27 Apr 21:15
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v4.0.0-rc2 Pre-release

What's Changed

  • Optimize View.localMatrix in K/N by @soywiz in #1537
  • Fixes Vector2/Point.isCollinear for fully horizontal points and repeated points by @soywiz in #1539
  • Supports android display cutout by @soywiz in #1540
  • Moved collisions API to kproject by @soywiz in #1542
  • Do not require Korge().start {}. Also keep compatibility with the old parameters windowWidth, bgcolor etc. for now. by @soywiz in #1543
  • Align extensions for Float too by @soywiz in #1545
  • EmptyShape2d -> EmptyShape2D by @soywiz in #1544
  • Update by @soywiz in #1546
  • Bump kotlinx-coroutines to 1.7.0-RC by @soywiz in #1547
  • Update by @soywiz in #1549
  • Update Kotlin to 1.8.21 by @soywiz in #1551
  • Support specifying a base offset for the buffer in AGVertexData by @soywiz in #1550
  • Reduce the number of texture units to 8 for iOS by @soywiz in #1552
  • Support getting AGIndexType.bytesSize and getting it from shader's VarKind by @soywiz in #1553
  • Update by @soywiz in #1555
  • Fixes Android library release builds being empty by @soywiz in #1556
  • Checks latest KorGE version automatically by @soywiz in #1558
  • Since bundles are deprecated in favour of kproject, let's remove bundle code from the plugin by @soywiz in #1557
  • Fixes AudioDataStream to be able to seek and to restart by @soywiz in #1560
  • Fixes android Sound, since the deque writer/reader were in different threads and the datastructure was not thread-safe by @soywiz in #1561

Full Changelog: v4.0.0-rc...v4.0.0-rc2


13 Apr 14:49
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v4.0.0-rc Pre-release

What's Changed

  • Fixes OpenGL contextLost on all targets & checks on the JVM by @soywiz in #1520
  • Add runJvm by @soywiz in #1521
  • Support VAO on OpenGL MacOS by @soywiz in #1522
  • Supports sound pausing/resuming on Android when the apps goes to the background / foreground by @soywiz in #1523
  • Fixes back button pressing on Android by @soywiz in #1524
  • Implement some DialogInteface methods in iOS by @soywiz in #1525
  • Fixes iOS rendering issue by @soywiz in #1527
  • Some MPoint -> Point, Double -> Float by @soywiz in #1528
  • Huge arrayequal optimization + reduce checkings when uploading buffers to AGBuffer by @soywiz in #1529
  • Remove experimental wrapped klock variants by @soywiz in #1508
  • Remove old versions for a couple of projects by @soywiz in #1531
  • Move korlibs.math.math package to just korlibs.math by @soywiz in #1530
  • Move view align methods to korlibs.korge.view.align by @soywiz in #1532
  • JVM Views extension mechanism + moved particles to kproject by @soywiz in #1533
  • Caches the PGP signatory decoding, that was performed for each artifact, by @soywiz in #1534
  • Cleanup MRectangle and MBoundsBuilder by @soywiz in #1535

Full Changelog: v4.0.0-beta3...v4.0.0-rc


06 Apr 21:23
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v4.0.0-beta3 Pre-release

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v4.0.0-beta2...v4.0.0-beta3


04 Apr 09:19
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v4.0.0-beta2 Pre-release

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v4.0.0-beta...v4.0.0-beta2