Releases: isuPatches/android-wisefy
release(all): Release 5.0.0-RC3 (#184)
[No issue] Fix proguard obfuscation
#115 Update dependencies
#116 Android P Support
#117 Delete --verbose
and --dontobfuscate
from proguard
#118 Update compile
to be implementation
in documentation
#119 Update to gradle 5.+
#120 Update to AndroidX
#122 Remove GCM Support
#124 Remove FindBugs
#125 Remove CheckStyle
#127 Fix crashes with null current network or null current network info
#129 Update documentation for 4.x
#130 Include sample app as part of the main repo
#132 Add tests for sample app
#133 Integrate RoboElectric
#135 Refactor getSavedNetwork
and getSavedNetworks
#136 Move to Firebase Test Lab and Circle CI
closes #85 Add ability to get IP details
closes #87 Add ability to get current network details
closes #88 Remove hungarian notation
closes #89 Udpate to Gradle 4.+
closes #90 Add PMD
closes #91 Add CPD
closes #92 Add FindBug
closes #93 Add Checkstyle
closes #94 Add nullability annotations
closes #95 Rearchitect a few things
closes #96 Add @RequiresPermission
closes #97 Extract dependencies to a separate gradle file
closes #98 Change from TargetAPI
to RequiresApi
closes #100 Update Java/KDocs
closes #101 Use lambda expressions
closes #109 Rewrite in Kotlin
closes #110 Add KTLint and Detekt
Prerelease of 2.1.0 for debugging
#58 - Implement Asynchronous API
#59 - Test Against Android O
#60 - Run logic on background thread
#61 - Split and organize tests
#62 - Add functionality to return a single saved network that matches a given regex
#64 - Add annotations for clarity
#66 - Add additional methods to check network capabilities
#67 - Have search for SSID support regex
#68- Add functionality to return multiple nearby access points that match a given regex
#69 - Add functionality to return a single nearby access points that matches a given regex
#70 - Add functionality to retrieve the RSSI level of a single network
#71 - Add functionality to return multiple saved network that match a given regex
#72 - Add functional to return multiple SSIDs that match a given regex