Releases: isuPatches/android-wisefy
Releases · isuPatches/android-wisefy
#55 IllegalAccessError / conflict with GCM 8.3.0 library
#57 NullPointerException exception with isDeviceConnectedToMobileOrWifiNetwork()
#51 - API methods package private instead of public
#52 - getNearbyAccessPoints method not public
#53 - Return different code for network already configured
#41 - withConext method not public
#42 - Bump versions
#43 - Split proguard rules
#44 - Eliminate potential manifest merger issues
#45 - Fix potential memory leak for Android N
#46 - Rename GetManagerUtil to ManagerUtil
#47 - Explain WiseFy permissions in README
#48 - Update tests to have better naming schema
#38 - Update dependencies to latest
#39 - Extract Jacoco gradle logic into separate file
#40 - Update license to 2017
#31 - Add getFrequency for >= API 21
#32 - Add isNetwork5gHz for >= API 21
#33 - Update libraries to latest
#34 - Adjust logging for better performance
#35 - Adjust visibility
#19 - Publish for general use
#22 - Connect to Travis CI
#28 - Add short license to README
#16 - Update Documnetation
#20 - Update builder pattern to accept context
#21 - Rename some builder pattern methods
#23 - Change package name
#24 - Create java docs
#25 - Enforce having to call withContext
#26 - Add Apache license
#9 - Add methods to check for mobile and wifi network access
#10 - Update to newer libs
#11 - Update to espresso testing
#12 - Add option to enabled/disable logging
#13 - Switch to real timeouts instead of approximations
#14 - Update documentation
#15 - Move to builder pattern
#5 - Add isWifiEnabled functionality
#8 - Add change log
#2 - Add isSecure functionality
#4 - README sucks