Releases: gnosisguild/zodiac-pilot
Releases · gnosisguild/zodiac-pilot
- fix: submit through walletconnected Safe by @jfschwarz in #415
- fix: generally prevent global scope clashes by @jfschwarz in #390
Dependency updates
- fix(deps): update dependency react-toastify to v11 by @renovate in #379
- fix(deps): update dependency react-toastify to v11.0.1 by @renovate in #395
- fix(deps): update dependency @types/react to v19.0.2 by @renovate in #397
- fix(deps): update dependency react-toastify to v11.0.2 by @renovate in #400
- fix(deps): update dependency lucide-react to ^0.469.0 by @renovate in #409
- fix(deps): update dependency viem to v2.21.56 by @renovate in #414
Other changes
- chore(deps): update dependency @cloudflare/workers-types to v4.20241218.0 by @renovate in #393
- chore: refactor transaction remove modal on edit route by @frontendphil in #394
- chore: clear transactions on special route by @frontendphil in #392
- chore(deps): update dependency globals to v15.14.0 by @renovate in #396
- chore: remove the need for an active execution route at all times by @frontendphil in #391
- chore(deps): update dependency wrangler to v3.98.0 by @renovate in #398
- chore(deps): update dependency vite to v6.0.4 by @renovate in #399
- chore(deps): update dependency wrangler to v3.99.0 by @renovate in #403
- chore(deps): update pnpm to v9.15.1 by @renovate in #404
- chore(deps): update dependency esbuild to v0.24.1 by @renovate in #405
- chore(deps): update dependency vite to v6.0.5 by @renovate in #408
- chore(deps): update dependency esbuild to v0.24.2 by @renovate in #413
Full Changelog: v3.1.0...v3.1.1
This release continues the regular development flow and contains all changes from 3.0.2
- fix: move
method out of global scope by @frontendphil in #388
New features
- feat: allow route config when disconnected by @frontendphil in #380
Dependency updates
- fix(deps): update dependency wagmi to v2.14.3 by @renovate in #378
- fix(deps): update dependency @tanstack/react-query to v5.62.8 by @renovate in #386
Other changes
- chore(deps): update typescript-eslint monorepo to v8.18.1 by @renovate in #376
- chore(deps): update dependency wrangler to v3.96.0 by @renovate in #377
- chore: use vi.importActual in test to avoid dynamic import vars by @frontendphil in #383
- chore(deps): update dependency tailwindcss to v3.4.17 by @renovate in #385
- chore(deps): update dependency wrangler to v3.97.0 by @renovate in #387
Full Changelog: v3.0.2...v3.1.0
This is a hot fix release to roll back all changes since version 3.0.1 and only apply a critical bug fix.
- fix: error when executing as safe owner without mod
Full Changelog: v3.0.1...v3.0.3
- fix: switch chain not working by @frontendphil in #268
- fix: update announce image by @frontendphil in #286
- fix: duplicate announcement image by @frontendphil in #287
- fix: remove unnecessary transaction warning by @frontendphil in #292
- fix: wait for page reload when sending message to tab fails by @frontendphil in #293
- fix: improve toasts by @frontendphil in #338
- fix: do not show a double divider by @frontendphil in #339
- fix: 404 when clicking button on transactions by @frontendphil in #361
- fix: ensure active route when deleting the currently active one by @frontendphil in #362
- fix: error when executing as safe owner without mod by @jfschwarz in #356
Dependency updates
- fix(deps): update dependency @tanstack/react-query to v5.62.7 by @renovate in #301
- fix(deps): update react monorepo by @renovate in #302
- fix(deps): update dependency zod to v3.24.1 by @renovate in #305
- fix(deps): update react monorepo by @renovate in #306
- fix: use central pnpm lock path to deploy fork and vnet api by @frontendphil in #315
- fix(deps): update dependency lucide-react to ^0.468.0 by @renovate in #304
- fix(deps): update dependency isbot to v5 by @renovate in #332
- fix(deps): update dependency wagmi to v2.14.0 by @renovate in #336
- fix(deps): update dependency web-vitals to v4 by @renovate in #333
- fix(deps): update dependency viem to v2.21.55 by @renovate in #343
- fix(deps): update react monorepo (major) by @renovate in #334
- fix(deps): update dependency wagmi to v2.14.1 by @renovate in #344
- fix(deps): update dependency remix-utils to v8 by @renovate in #346
Other changes
- chore: add renovate bot to allowlist of cla tool by @frontendphil in #269
- chore: allow all bots in CLA by @frontendphil in #270
- chore: Configure Renovate by @renovate in #261
- chore: update react-router by @frontendphil in #274
- chore: setup automerge by @frontendphil in #277
- chore(deps): update dependency @eslint/compat to v1.2.4 by @renovate in #272
- chore: require explicit type imports by @frontendphil in #278
- chore(deps): update dependency @safe-global/api-kit to v2.5.4 by @renovate in #275
- chore(deps): update dependency @safe-global/protocol-kit to v5.0.4 by @renovate in #276
- chore(deps): update dependency @safe-global/safe-gateway-typescript-sdk to v3.22.4 by @renovate in #279
- chore(deps): update dependency @types/chrome to ^0.0.287 by @renovate in #280
- chore(deps): update dependency dotenv to v16.4.7 by @renovate in #282
- chore(deps): update dependency eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y to v6.10.2 by @renovate in #283
- chore: update landing page design by @frontendphil in #281
- chore(deps): update dependency eslint-plugin-react to v7.37.2 by @renovate in #284
- chore(deps): update dependency nanoid to v3.3.8 by @renovate in #285
- chore(deps): update dependency postcss to v8.4.49 by @renovate in #289
- chore(deps): update dependency prettier-plugin-tailwindcss to v0.6.9 by @renovate in #290
- chore: use pnpm workspace by @frontendphil in #291
- chore(deps): update dependency @safe-global/api-kit to v2.5.5 by @renovate in #294
- chore(deps): update vitest monorepo to v2.1.8 by @renovate in #295
- chore: remove jan as default assignee by @frontendphil in #296
- chore(deps): update dependency @shazow/whatsabi to ^0.17.0 by @renovate in #298
- chore(deps): update dependency @safe-global/protocol-kit to v5.1.0 by @renovate in #297
- chore(deps): update dependency esbuild to ^0.24.0 by @renovate in #299
- chore(deps): update actions/checkout action to v4 by @renovate in #307
- chore(deps): update pnpm to v9.15.0 by @renovate in #303
- chore: setup turbo repo by @frontendphil in #311
- chore(deps): update actions/setup-node action to v4 by @renovate in #308
- chore(deps): update dependency @types/node to v22.10.2 by @renovate in #312
- chore(deps): update dependency wrangler to v2.21.2 by @renovate in #300
- chore: reorg workflows by @frontendphil in #314
- chore: remove css module plugin by @frontendphil in #318
- chore(deps): update dependency cspell to v8 by @renovate in #313
- chore(deps): update dependency @cloudflare/workers-types to v4 by @renovate in #310
- chore(deps): update dependency nanoid to v5 by @renovate in #317
- Update by @jfschwarz in #319
- chore: release when respective release workflows change by @frontendphil in #320
- chore(deps): update cloudflare/wrangler-action action to v3 by @renovate in #309
- chore(deps): update dependency typescript to v5 by @renovate in #322
- chore: use yaml instead of yml everywhere by @frontendphil in #323
- chore(deps): update dependency wrangler to v3 by @renovate in #324
- chore: add CoC by @frontendphil in #325
- chore(deps): update dependency vite to v6 by @renovate in #327
- chore(deps): update mnao305/chrome-extension-upload action to v5 by @renovate in #328
- chore(deps): update softprops/action-gh-release action to v2 by @renovate in #330
- Update by @jfschwarz in #326
- chore(deps): update dependency ser-kit to v1 by @renovate in #321
- chore(deps): update dependency react-select to v5.9.0 by @renovate in #335
- chore: adjust code for react 19 by @frontendphil in #337
- chore(deps): update typescript-eslint monorepo to v8 (major) by @renovate in #331
- chore(deps): update dependency @safe-global/api-kit to v2.5.6 by @renovate in #341
- chore: restructure pages to resemble an actual web-app; use loaders and actions by @frontendphil in #340
- chore(deps): update dependency @safe-global/protocol-kit to v5.1.1 by @renovate in #342
- chore(deps): update dependency @shazow/whatsabi to ^0.18.0 by @renovate in #345
- chore: add some missing specs by @frontendphil in #347
- chore :add specs for edit route by @frontendphil in #348
- chore: switch edit route to action by @frontendphil in #349
- chore(deps): update eslint monorepo to v9.17.0 by @renovate in #354
- chore(deps): update dependency ser-kit to v1.0.4 by @renovate in
What's Changed
- chore: migrate fork api to pnpm by @frontendphil in #251
- chore: migrate vnet api to pnpm by @frontendphil in #252
- fix: side panel auto scroll by @frontendphil in #253
- fix: add icons to translations to differentiate them by @frontendphil in #255
- fix: show wallet connect logo in light mode by @frontendphil in #256
- chore: use transaction state id instead of index by @frontendphil in #257
- chore: refactor copy to clipboard by @frontendphil in #258
- fix: wrong route used when creating a new one by @frontendphil in #260
Full Changelog: v3.0.0...v3.0.1
What's Changed
- Turn it into a side panel by @jfschwarz and @frontendphil in #138
Full Changelog: v2.15.0...v3.0.0
What's Changed
- Fix Safe app connection to nexus and stakewise by @jfschwarz in #152
Full Changelog: v2.14.0...v2.14.1
What's Changed
- Allow simulating calls with EOAs by @jfschwarz in #150
New Contributors
- @frontendphil made their first contribution in #144
Full Changelog: v2.13.15...v2.14.0
What's Changed
- uniswap multicall: don't unfold batches with value > 0 by @jfschwarz in #139
- generally impersonate metamask by @jfschwarz in #140
Full Changelog: v2.13.13...v2.13.14