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Tutorial EzLang Templates
We'll now take a look at templates, because we'll often use them in upcoming tutorial examples. Don't worry about the unfamiliar properties we'll use, they will be explained in sections to come, for now just get an impression of what EzLang looks like, and how to create templates.
When you start writing your own .ez files, you may find yourself writing the same types of widgets over and over again. To make your .ez files more readable and more ergonomic, you can use templates in these situations. Let's say for example that your interface has many auto-scaling labels of a certain color:
- Layout:
mode: box
orientation: vertical
- Label:
text: Label 1
fg_color: yellow
bg_color: blue
auto_scale: true, true
- Label:
text: Label 2
fg_color: yellow
bg_color: blue
auto_scale: true, true
As you can see, the label definitions are nearly identical; only the text property is different. Writing all these identical properties over and over can get quite verbose with two labels, let alone more. Instead we can define a template. A template is defined in the following format:
- <TemplateName@BaseWidget>:
The name of the template can be anything you like. The BaseWidget is the widget the template inherits from. This can be a basic widget type (Label, Layout, Checkbox, etc.) or another template. It's possible for templates to inherit from other templates, but in the end it must always inherit from a basic widget. Here is the template for our label:
- <MyCustomLabel@Label>:
fg_color: yellow
bg_color: blue
auto_scale: true, true
- Layout:
mode: box
orientation: vertical
- MyCustomLabel:
text: Label 1
- MyCustomLabel:
text: Label 2
This looks much cleaner! We no longer have to define common properties over and over again. They will instead be inherited from the template. It is possible to overwrite properties of a template; properties defined when using a template always overwrite the properties of the template definition:
- <MyCustomLabel@Label>:
fg_color: yellow
bg_color: blue
auto_scale: true, true
- Layout:
mode: box
orientation: vertical
- MyCustomLabel:
text: Label 1
- MyCustomLabel:
text: Label 2
fg_color: red
The text of the second label will be red, because the fg_color defined when using a template overwrites the fg_color of the template definition.
Templates are not just useful for reusing widgets. They can also be used for single-use widgets, usually to make your .ez file easier to read. This is especially true for layouts. There can be only one root layout, but you can define as many layout templates as you like on the root level. Consider an example creating multiple screens:
- Layout:
mode: screen
- Layout:
id: screen_1
mode: box
- Label:
text: Hello screen one!
- Layout:
id: screen_2
mode: box
- Label:
text: Hello screen two!
This is still readable, but if we keep adding more screens (and more widgets to the screens) it will become hard to read. Here is an alternative using templates:
- <ScreenOne@Layout>:
mode: box
- Label:
text: Hello screen one!
- <ScreenTwo@Layout>:
mode: box
- Label:
text: Hello screen two!
- Layout:
mode: screen
- ScreenOne:
id: screen_1
- ScreenTwo:
id: screen_2
By using layout templates we can segment the definitions into meaningful blocks and keep the indentation levels under control. You can nest templates in templates, so even if you have a very complex UI, your config files can remain flat and readable. To show this, we'll create a screen layout template, which uses a menu layout template, which uses a button template:
- <CustomButton@Button>:
fg_color: yellow
bg_color: blue
auto_scale: true, true
- <Menu@Layout>:
mode: box
orientation: vertical
- CustomButton:
text: Option 1
- CustomButton:
text: Option 2
- <ScreenOne@Layout>:
mode: box
- Menu:
- Layout:
mode: screen
- ScreenOne:
id: screen_1
The general tutorial continues with: Ezlang Layout modes.
Tutorial-Project-StructureMinimal example
EzLang basics
EzLang Templates
Ezlang Layout modes
EzLang Box mode layouts
EzLang Stack mode layouts
EzLang Table mode layouts
EzLang Float mode layouts
EzLang Tab mode layouts
EzLang Screen mode layouts
EzLang Layout Scrolling
EzLang Layout Views
EzLang Widget overview
EzLang Label
EzLang Text Input
EzLang Button
EzLang Checkbox
EzLang Radio button
EzLang Dropdown
EzLang Slider
EzLang Canvas
EzLang Property Binding
EzLang Sizing
EzLang Size hints
EzLang Auto scaling
EzLang Maths Sizing
EzLang Manual Sizing
EzLang Positioning
EzLang Layout Mode Positioning
EzLang Position Hints
EzLang Position Maths
EzLang Manual Position
EzLang Adjusting Position
EzLang Keyboard Selection
Widget States and the State Tree
The Scheduler Object
Managing callbacks
Callback Structure
Callback Configs
Callback: On keyboard enter
Callback: On Left Mouse Click
Callback: On Press
Callback: On Select
Callback: On Deselect
Callback: On Right Mouse Click
Callback: On Hover
Callback: On Drag
Callback: On Scroll Up
Callback: On Scroll Down
Callback: On Value Change
Callback: Custom Key Binds
Callback: Global Key Binds
Callback: Property Binds
Scheduled Single Exectution Tasks
Scheduled Recurring Tasks
Threaded Tasks
Custom Properties
Programmatic Widgets
Updating widgets
Managing selection
Default global (key)binds
Layout: Box Mode NestedLayout: Box Mode Size Hints
Layout: Stack Mode
Layout: Table Mode Dynamic
Layout: Table Mode Static
Layout: Float Mode Manual
Layout: Float Mode Position hints
Layout: Screen Mode
Layout: Tab Mode
Layout: Scrolling
Layout: Views
Widget: Label
Widget: Text input
Widget: Button
Widget: Checkbox
Widget: Radio Button
Widget: Dropdown
Widget: Slider
Widget: Progress Bar
Widget: Canvas
Scheduler: Schedule Once
Scheduler: Schedule Once Callback
Scheduler: Schedule Recurring
Scheduler: Schedule Recurring Callback
Scheduler: Threaded Task State Tree
Scheduler: Threaded Task Custom Property
Scheduler: Create Widgets
Scheduler: Modal Popup
WidgetsCommon Properties
Text Input
Radio button
Schedule once
Schedule Recurring
Schedule Threaded
Cancel Task
Cancel Recurring Task
Create Widget
Remove Widget
Select Widget
Deselect Widget
Update Widget
Force Redraw
Open Modal
Dismiss Modal
Bind Global Key
Remove Global Key
Clear Global Keys
Bind Property
Create Custom Properties
Get Property
Get Property Mut
Overwrite Callback Config
Update Callback Config