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RAPA Intake Process

Andrew Viren edited this page Oct 9, 2019 · 15 revisions

Process For RAPA

Step 1: Intake, scan, and verify

This step should occur each day at 4:00pm with the goal of completing it before the end of the day so that all permits are scanned and electronically stored the same day that they are received.

  1. Identify and sort permits and paperwork to their respective piles.

  2. Pull out permits with a check or that for a single-day event happening in the next 7 days. Input these before proceeding.

  3. Clean all permits: remove staples and paper clips and separate checks.

  4. Print check log and provide checks to Accounting.

  5. Date stamp each document with today's date in the bottom right corner of the document.

  6. Using a colored pen index all permits starting at 1 so that each related document has the same number written on it.

  7. Sort into stacks based on document type:

    • RAPA & rules and regulations
    • Photo ID
    • Clearances - Write the name of the associated facility on the top of each clearance when separating.
    • Insurance (COI)
    • Addenda
    • Approvals (approval emails, etc.) Papers not related to schedules or clearances should be recycled.
  8. Scan each pile at the Xerox in color and save the file directly to the shared drive. The scanner erases the cloud version at end of day.

  9. Download and verify that the scan is accurate and matches the physical paperwork and none are missing. You can use the index number as a visual anchor when comparing the paper and the scan.

  10. In Adobe Acrobat, choose Document--> Optimze scanned pdf. Delete blank pages.

  11. Run Sync toy to back up shared drive to Dropbox.

Step 2: Data Entry and Processing

  1. Open up PPRStat and log in. Select the appropriate permit and range such that only the permits you are entering will appear. Make sure to write down the number for your first-entered permit for the week, as you need it at the end.
  2. Open up the RAPA PDF you saved (in Adobe Acrobat) and put it side by side with PPRStat on your monitor.
  3. Enter the permit information into PPRStat to the best of your ability. If you're having questions don't hesitate to check the RESOURCES folder for any information you are seeking.
    1. Make sure to capitalize all addresses and proper nouns in organization titles.
    2. If there is no organization associated with the RAPA you need to enter a "-" in the field, as it is required information.
    3. If there are multiple permits for the same location and event, but just for different dates, take advantage of the "scheduled dates" feature in PPRStat. You can add multiple schedules to one permit.
  4. Put the PPRStat index in the top-right of the RAPA PDF for each RAPA.
  5. When you reach RAPAs with checks, make sure to input the check's information and amount and press YES when PPRStat asks you to append a new line.

Step 3: Output, Save, and Send

  1. Once you're done, you must Verify that each permit was entered correctly into the most recent version of PPRStat.

    • Go to PPRStat and enter in the range of your permits. After clicking "Manage Permits" go back to the menu and choose "Print Permits." Hit "No" when it prompts you to 'Sort permits by Location.'
    • Put the RAPA pdf side by side with the permit print preview and compare them to each other.
    • Write down any permits that have issues, go back and fix any problems or missing information.
    • If a permit doesn't show up in the print preview, this typically means it is missing critical information such as a date, amenity, or staff approver.
    • Note the number of permits, as this is necessary information when you are mailing them out.
  2. Once the RAPA data is correctly verified, you must verify the Check information

    • Go back to the PPRStat menu and choose "Print Check Log" Print ONLY the first page (otherwise it will print every single check log) and verify that the data on the check log is correct.
    • Sign your initials on the bottom and scan it in. Save to your computer.
  3. Once all the information has been verified, it is time to print out 3 copies to hand off to District Managers, Operations Managers, and to the Mail Room (to be sent to the applicant.)
    Note: this process requires you to print out three copies sorted by district. Two copies should be sorted by program district and one sorted by operations district.

    1. PPR Stat will prompt you "Sort by location?" choose "YES." It will then prompt you "Sort by program district?." Print two copies after answering YES (sorted by Program District) and one copy after answering NO (sorted by Operations District.)
      • NOTE When printing multiple copies, make sure to check "collate"
    2. Take one program district sorted pile and set aside to be mailed.
    3. For the other pile, sort each permit by Program District so that you can give it to the respective DM. Do the same with Operations districts pile.
  4. Paperwork Handoff

    1. Take IDs and shred in the storage room.
    2. Take Clearances and put them in Anne Marie's box.
    3. Take RAPA and COI and put in recycling.
    4. Take the Check Log and the checks and give them to Felicia (north-western corner of building) or put it in her mailbox.
    5. Take District Manager copies and put it in the correct mailbox (next to Anne Marie's Desk.)
    6. Take Operations Manager copies and put them in the respective mailbox (near the front Desk.)
    7. Take the pile that is to be mailed out to the applicant and remember the number of sheets of paper from before -- this is necessary information for the mail room. Go to Suburban Station to the mail room and hand off those permits, use their iPad to submit the job.
  5. Digital Cleanup

    1. Name the RAPA PDF the intake date e.g. 20190520
    2. Save the correctly named RAPA pdf to
      P:\PERFORMANCE MGMT\Backlog\RAPA\Completed
    3. Name the IDs PDF the day's date and save it to
    4. Name the Clearances PDF the day's date and save it to
      P:\PERFORMANCE MGMT\Backlog\Clearances\
    5. Name the Insurances PDF the day's date and save it to
    6. Name the CheckLog PDF the day's date and save it to
      P:\PERFORMANCE MGMT\Backlog\CheckLogs