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Processing Checks for Outdoor Sports Permits

Carolina Torres edited this page Dec 8, 2016 · 1 revision

For some OSP would will need to enter checks and fee amounts; Usually you will process a checks all at once. When working with checks be sure to make one stack for checks and one for permits. This will help keep you organized during the double checking procedure. Under the dates and time part of the OSP form you will find this box:

You will then be prompted to a screen where you can enter the check or money order information.

Once this screen pops up you will enter the information exactly as it is on the check.

Note: Serial numbers will be given to money orders and are usually longer (7+characters) than check numbers which are much shorter (2-3 characters);

From time to time you will have a check that accounts for more than one permit, In this case you will select that it is not a new check. When you enter this check, be sure to enter the full amount of the check and then simply add the amount that will be used for the other permits on each individual permits.

Then hit Apply This Payment Once you have entered all OSPs with checks you will have to print the check log to do so you will have to return to the main screen Image 11

There are a few steps you have to take before printing the check log and preparing to have it dropped off.

  1. Start by counting all of the checks and making sure you have the same number that is listed in the Account Log.
  2. Next you will double check the stack of checks with what is on the log. First look at the check number and compare it to the amount.
  3. Next double check the permit number and the amount of money listed on the application.

Once you have double checked the checks and the log you will have to sign and date the last line of the sheet. Then you will be ready to drop the checks and log to Cynthia in Finance Department.

The entered permits will have to be scanned (refer to scanning procedure at the top of this document) and placed in the completed folder.