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rml599gh edited this page Oct 18, 2012 · 6 revisions

Standard runs

Test runs for new users to check their model set-up against.

Single site offline

A meteorological forcing file for Tumbarumba is provided with the CABLE-2.0 release. This file has been taken from PALS and modified to include some site specific information required by CABLE and not in the PALS file, namely vegetation type (iveg), canopy height (hc), measurement height (za) and C4 fraction (frac4).

Build and run CABLE with this met file (see CABLE user guide for full instructions) for the period 2002-2006 to generate output that should be equivalent to the output file available as output_v2.tar from CABLE SharePoint site in the CABLE package download page. As described in the CABLE user guide, choices can be made in the namelist file to govern the simulation. The simulation results shown on the PALS site, named as Tumba_oldC, Tumba_C and Tumba_CNP, are done with the switch icycle set to 0, 1, and 3 respectively. These output files are labelled accordingly.

ACCESS one year test run

As described in the CABLE user guide, example UMUI jobs are available to firstly build and secondly run a one year atmosphere only ACCESS run with CABLE. The output from the run job is available on vayu, in /data/projects/ACCESS/CABLE-output/JOB-ID-NO.

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