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Paul Leopardi edited this page Oct 8, 2024 · 25 revisions

Cable Agenda - June 2019 - and this link to corresponding Minutes

Previous meeting

  1. Actionable items from last meeting:

Tagged versions need to be documented - Jhan

Add a link to newsletter archive from CABLE communication - Jhan DONE

User guide requires significant revision. 

Especially discussed was around file input/ancillaries used.

Add citations to User Guide (to the 5.1 section) - **Martin De Kauwe** to look at this

Ticketing system and development guidelines needs to be reviewed and documented. - **Jhan** 

Tagged versions needs to be documented - **Jhan**
**Rachel** is going to investigate privacy issues surrounding collection and use of personal data.
Jhan suggested that perhaps registration should amount to supplying name, email, institution and NCI ID in the email to cable_help and thats it. - Can we do this?

Also see Tickets section below.

  1. Gab to update on benchmarking progress.

  2. JaC update.

  3. Jhan will be visiting the UKMO in June to discuss JaC. Please dicuss the committee's desired position/agenda to be put forward here?

  4. ACCESS-CM2 paper. Version name by which to refer to CABLE?

  5. Any other business?


Full list of commented Tickets from April meeting.

Pushed to trunk.

Ticket #215 has modified indentation.

Ticket #214 corrects variables in casa and missing P-dep.

Ticket #212

Ticket #204

Remaining Tickets from April meeting.


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