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Anna Milan edited this page Nov 11, 2024 · 3 revisions


Friday 20 September 2024 11h - 12h30 UTC


MS Teams



Name Country/Affiliation GitHub handle Attendance
Jörg KLAUSEN (Chair) Switzerland @joergklausen X
Lance BRAASCH USA @lancebraasch x
Gao CHEN USA @gaochen-larc x
Shuli HAN China @hansl2022 x
Paolo LEONI Italy @PaoloLeoniIT x
Jon MUNGAI Kenya @TBA x
Naicker SIVASHNI South Africa @TBA
--- --- --- ---
Magali KRIEGER OceanOPS/WMO @MKrieger29 x
Anna MILAN WMO Secretariat @amilan17 X


Name Country/Affiliation GitHub handle Attendance
Dave BERRY WMO Secretariat X
Johanna KORHONEN WMO Secretariat x
Samantha LINNERTS South Africa x
Luis NUNES WMO Secretariat x
Washington OTIENO WMO Secretariat x
Thinesh SORNALINGAM Canada x
Franziska Stürzl MeteoSwiss @fstuerzl x
Jitze VAN DER MEULEN KNMI @meulenvd



  • Introduction (Jörg) (5 minutes)
  • Round table (all) (20 minutes)
  • WMO Overview (Anna) (10 min)
  • TT-WIGOSMD Overview with ToRs (Jörg) (20 minutes)
  • Activities (Jörg)
    • Metadata harmonization and alignment joint project (15 minutes)
  • Architecture of participation (Joerg)
  • AOB


The meeting commenced with Joerg welcoming everyone and a group photo of all online. The attendees then had an opportunity to introduce themselves by explaining their professional background, roles, experience with WMO metadata standards, and other interesting facts.

Anna provided an overview of the WMO structure, the relevant publications, the procedures for amending the publications, and an overview of the fast-track procedure.

Joerg provided a deep explanation of the Terms of Reference (ToRs) for the task team, which included developing and maintaining the metadata code lists, model, and representation. He then requested members to become engaged in evolving this model and opened the floor for comments. Gao stressed the importance of this standard concerning open-source science, open data, and FAIR principles. Thinish mentioned that he worked on an initial effort to bring consistency and coordination between the two types of standards (WIGOS and WIS) and expressed an interest in contributing to this work. Paolo also noted that this is a good opportunity and expressed an interest in contributing. Joerg continued to describe the ToRs for metadata representation. Washington pointed out that the representation is of interest to the hydrological teams. Joerg continued to describe the ToRs for consolidating documentation.

Joerg provided an overview of the key activities, which include metadata harmonization and planning of a metadata workshop. Washington asked if the metadata workshop would only cover WMO metadata standards or will it include other communities. Joerg responded positively and recalled that many different communities were represented during the initial development of the WIGOS metadata standard. Joerg wrapped up the meeting by describing the working arrangements, noting that the team meets about once per month and GitHub is the working space.


Next meetings

  • 2025-10-24 11-12h30 UTC
  • 2025-11-21 12-1h30 UTC (placeholder)
  • 2025-12-19 12-1h30 UTC (placeholder)