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Scheduled Calendar Meetings

ciscoRankush edited this page Jul 8, 2024 · 2 revisions

This document describes the APIs of Calendar Meeting and their usage in SDK’s, which is available from v3.2.0 onwards.

NOTE : Calendar APIs are not applicable for Guest Users

List API

list(fromDate: Date?, toDate: Date?, CompletionHandler<List<CalendarMeeting>>()

The list api takes in the following parameters:

fromDate : Date parameter, used as a filter to list only those meetings whose end time is equal to or greater than the fromDate value. If null value is provided, then all meetings that start from 7 days prior to the current date will be listed

toDate : Date parameter, used as a filter to list only those meetings whose start time is equal to or less than the toDate value. If null value is provided, then all meetings that end after a 30 days from the current date will be listed.

CompletionHandler<List> : Returns the list of calendar meetings.

NOTE: The list api can only provide meetings that were scheduled from past 7 days till next 30 days from current date. This is the max range for which meetings will be listed.

Example : Let’s say user has meeting scheduled for 1:00 P.M to 2:00 P.M (Meeting 1),1:15 P.M to 1:45 P.M (Meeting 2), 1:30 P.M to 2:30 P.M (Meeting 3), 3:00 P.M to 3:30 P.M (Meeting 4), 3:30 P.M to 5:00 P.M (Meeting 5) on current day and the fromDate and toDate are of time 2:00 P.M to 3:00 P.M. Then the list api will provide Meeting1, Meeting 3 and Meeting 4.

Get calendar meeting by ID API

getById(meetingId: String, CompletionHandler<CalendarMeeting>()

The api takes in the following parameters:

meetingId : The id of the meeting object

CompletionHandler : Return the calendar meeting matching the meetingId.

Set event observer API

fun setObserver(observer: CalendarMeetingObserver?)

Sets an observer to listen to the following events

CalendarMeetingAdded: This event is fired when a new calendar meeting is created. You get the meeting object with this event.

CalendarMeetingUpdated: This event is fired when an existing calendar meeting is updated, for example: Title of meeting is changed. You get the updated meeting object with this event.

CalendarMeetingRemoved: This event is fired when an existing calendar meeting is deleted. You get the meeting id with this event.

Move meeting support

Checks if the move meeting feature is supported for the given calendar meeting.

 isMoveMeetingSupported(meetingId : String)

This API takes in the following parameters:

meetingId: The id of the meeting object

The api returns:

Boolean: Returns true when the move meeting feature is supported for this calendar meeting.

The isOngoing attribute in CalendarMeeting

isOngoing: This boolean value can be used to indicate if a meeting is ongoing. The boolean value is true for meetings that are ongoing and have been joined on another device by the same user.

The canJoin attribute in CalendarMeeting

canJoin : This boolean value can be used to indicate if a meeting can be started or joined. The boolean value is true for meetings that are about to start (usually a few minutes before the start time) and is true when a meeting is ongoing.

When a meeting ends, user is notified by the CalendarMeetingUpdated event where the canJoin boolean will be false. And CalendarMeetingUpdated event is fired with canJoin as true, when a meeting can be started, or when user boots up SDK and a meeting is in progress.

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