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Real Time Transcription

adamrangs edited this page Aug 8, 2022 · 1 revision

Real-time transcription (RTT) can be received after enabling Webex Assistant(WXA) by the host of the meeting. The WXA can be enabled or disabled before or during a Webex meeting. By using RTT APIs users can enable or disable the WXA and can see the transcriptions during a meeting.

NOTE: This feature is only available after sdk-version 3.3.0-SNAPSHOT

Real time transcription API Examples

  1. To check if Webex Assistant is enabled

    val isEnabled: Boolean = call.getWXA().isEnabled()
  2. To check if user can control Webex Assistant

    val canControl = call.getWXA().canControlWXA()

    This API helps to check if user has the ability to enable or disable the Webex assistant.

  1. Enabling or disabling Webex Assistant

    call.getWXA().enableWXA(true /*true to enable otherwise false*/, CompletionHandler { result ->
        Log.d(TAG, "enableWXA callback: result ${result.isSuccessful} isEnabled ${}")
  1. Registering a transcription arrived listener

    call.getWXA()?.setOnTranscriptionArrivedListener( object :
        WXA.OnTranscriptionArrivedListener {
            override fun onTranscriptionArrived(transcription: Transcription) {
                "transcription: ${transcription.content} by ${transcription.personName}")
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