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Android SDK 3.x Library Size and Sample Application Size

Rohit Sharma edited this page Oct 13, 2022 · 2 revisions

SDK Library

Android SDK v3.1+ comes with the support of 32 bit and 64-bit architecture for ARM and Intel processors. The size for v3.7 is

Architecture Size
Universal 214 MB
arm64-v8a 53.3 MB
armeabi-v7a 49.8 MB
x86_64 55.2 MB
x86 54.8 MB

Sample application - Kitchen Sink

We can split the APK with respect to each architecture and can distribute it individually if required.

splits {
    abi {
        enable true
        include "x86", "x86_64", "armeabi-v7a", "arm64-v8a"
        universalApk true
APK Size
Universal 217 MB
arm64-v8a 57.1 MB
armeabi-v7a 53.5 MB
x86_64 59 MB
x86 58.6 MB

Google Play

Google Play uses your app bundle to generate and serve optimized APKs for each device configuration, so only the code and resources that are needed for a specific device are downloaded to run your app. You no longer have to build, sign, and manage multiple APKs to optimize support for different devices, and users get smaller, more optimized downloads.

For details: Google Play Guide

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