This repository has been archived by the owner on Aug 14, 2019. It is now read-only.
Contains the following changes:
- reverted nap:to bugfix (#1144)
- no-op on bad ames packet mugs (#1143)
- fixes clay boot printfs (#1142)
- Fix app behn error handling (#1141)
- +ob overhaul (#1110)
- Aquarium and pH (#1120)
- updates %behn to no-op if its unix-duct is unset (#1130)
- corrects %ford %cast error messages (#1131)
- Behn pass errors to client vanes (#1135)
- Update the talk help URL (#1123)
- fixes +rift-scry jet registration hint in %clay (#1134)
- hardens %ames initialization (#1138)
- suppresses %clay file-change printfs for initial filesystem (#1139)