Releases: tzapu/WiFiManager
Releases · tzapu/WiFiManager
Yes a release, 7 years in the making...
RC Changelog:v2.0.16-rc.2...v2.0.17
Full Changelog: 0.14...v2.0.17
What's Changed
- Adding WiFiManagerParameter implementation with labelPlacement parameter by @ayomawdb in #251
- Allow showing static IP config without predefined value by @vyruz1986 in #365
- Development and cleanup by @tablatronix in #313
- added some esp abstraction to make ports easier by @tablatronix in #489
- Esp32 by @tablatronix in #490
- Added Custom DNS, fix newlines by @tablatronix in #561
- Fix travis builds, add esp32 builds by @liebman in #570
- allow automatic config portal to be disabled by @liebman in #575
- Changed setAPCallback and setSaveConfigCallback to take std::function… by @cmarrin in #584
- add CORS headers by @ohadcn in #608
- enable all example builds for esp32 by @liebman in #571
- disable wps by default, enable if its enabled in core by @liebman in #645
- fix bad progmem access by @liebman in #647
- Fix crasahes in doParamSave() & WiFiManagerParameter::setValue by @liebman in #660
- compat MacOS newline by @0x1abin in #666
- Swapping enableAP and softAPConfig by @rodri16 in #722
- issuu #644 add utf-8 charset to head by @dontsovcmc in #687
- WiFiManagerParameter init() to protected from private by @dontsovcmc in #741
- Set value by @dontsovcmc in #743
- Implements #717: Added getParameters and getParametersCount methods. by @fllaca in #718
- add callback before save config wifi or params by @irwanayeah in #734
- Add a callback when reset settings is triggered by @gmag11 in #378
- WIP: Added OTA updater option from esp8266 by @sidey79 in #587
- wifimanager.cpp / wifimanager.h by @sidey79 in #803
- Update WiFiManager.template.html by @mikdatdogru in #895
- signal class value has been wrapped to int() by @mikdatdogru in #894
- hotfix: rename internal HTTP_HEAD to HTTP_HEADER by @d-a-v in #928
- separate charset UTF-8 and viewport meta by @dontsovcmc in #772
- Fixed: Waiting for connection result with time out issue by @norbertg1 in #615
- Add PlatformIO installation docs by @LongLiveCHIEF in #958
- Add missing line to code sample by @revolter in #995
- Fix ArduinoJson (Using ARDUINOJSON_VERSION_MAJOR) by @Ruandv in #993
- Update WiFiManager.cpp by @marcovannoord in #1011
- Readme: fill DNS server if setSTAStaticIPConfig by @dontsovcmc in #1053
- swap comments by @adrianjost in #1073
- Fix warning in WiFiManager::debugPlatformInfo for ESP32 by @davefiddes in #1106
- Use constrain properly by @lbussy in #1151
- Fix library name by @ivankravets in #1155
- Fix. The library is not assembled under ESP8266 by @egrekov in #1175
- Development by @tablatronix in #499
- adding WifiManager::isConfigPortalActive() abd WifiManager::isWebPortalActive() by @cpainchaud in #1199
- fix debug message in WiFiManager::handleParamSave by @cpainchaud in #1204
- fix potential memory leak in WiFiManagerParameter::setValue by @cpainchaud in #1206
- trivial: WiFiManagerParameter get accessors should work on const by @flavio-fernandes in #1005
- Added Github Action to Compile Examples on ESP8266 by @shafr in #1258
- Add a callback for OTA update by @Mollayo in #1286
- Using __FlashStringHelper for customHTML by @Mollayo in #1292
- CI / DC Update - Library Build, Linting, Examples Json Fix by @shafr in #1264
- Enable Portal Timeout in not Blocking Portal by @ricardollreis in #1331
- Both infoids and _ap_password are intialized by check time. by @pplanel in #1344
- Fix "Acccess" typo by @andypiper in #1366
- Output "Unknown" if Arduino/ESP-IDF version is unknown by @thorrak in #1382
- Update .gitignore by @ovidiupruteanu in #1391
- WM_VERSION_STR correction (used in About section) by @alexmaurer-madis in #1407
- Escape single quotes in htmlEntities() by @abryant in #1413
- Silence debug output by @mazgch in #1404
- Change Stream to Print by @pfn in #1307
- Updated links in by @JoergAJ in #1431
- Update strings_en.h -> show/hide wifi password in form by @mhendriks in #1430
- Avoid String addition when dealing with compile time by @45gfg9 in #1443
- Added links in readme file by @JoergAJ in #1446
- Use esp_wifi_set_country_code for ESP32 by @thorrak in #1470
- Change test action to install from local directory by @thorrak in #1473
- feat(callback): add config portal timeout callback. by @mrthiti in #1497
- fix: not found getChipModel method for ESP8266 by @mrthiti in #1503
- Support for WifiManager as ESP-IDF component by @abrender in #1489
- Refactor strings BREAKING by @tablatronix in #1474
- Unified casing of strings by @Fruchtzwerg94 in #1529
- Make Show Password a label so one can click on it by @Wandmalfarbe in #1595
- Update CMakeLists.txt by @abrender in #1624
- Update WiFiManager.cpp by @furynick in #1657
- Allow subclassing by @sinedied in #1698
- Wifi manager frank cohen by @frankcohen in #1642
New Contributors
- @ayomawdb made their first contribution in #251
- @cmarrin made their first contribution in #584
- @ohadcn made their first contribution in #608
- @0x1abin made their first contribution in #666
- @rodri16 made their first contribution in #722
- @dontsovcmc made their first contribution in #687
- @fllaca made their first contribution in #718
- @irwanayeah made their first contribution in #734
- @gmag11 made their first contribution in #378
- @sidey79 made their first contribution in #587
- @mikdatdogru made their first contribution in #895
- @norbertg1 made their first contribution in #615
- @LongLiveCHIEF made their first contribution in #958
- @revolter made their first contribution in #995
- @Ruandv made their first contribution in #993
- @marcovannoord made their first contribution in #1011
- @adrianjost made their first contribution in #1073
- @davefiddes made their first contribution in #1106
- @lbussy made their first contribution in #1151
- @egrekov made their first contribution in #1175
- @cpainchaud made their first contribution in #1199
- @flavio-fernandes made their...
Draft Methods Docs
- setDebugOutput(false) causes the automatic Wi-Fi connection to fail #1444
- ESP32-S3 support (added no_temp flag) #1421
- AP stops after single quote in name #1398
- Abort and connect flags used uninitialized #1379
- ESP8266 SPIFFS Deprecated - Replace with LitteFS #1466 ( adds minor example )
- No way to tell if Exit has been pressed when using (non-)blocking startWebPortal() #1452
- setHostname does not set the host name #1403
- setDebugOutput(false) causes the automatic Wi-Fi connection to fail #1444
- Issue when Scan is cached xxxx ms ago #1386
- css alignment tweaks for all form inputs/elements
- fix regression for old esp 2.3 missing methods
- moved ssid selections to use data-attributes not innerhtml for better character encoding reliability
- adds css feedback for buttons
- Patch for arduino 2.0 event name changes
- Should be compatible with Arduino ESP 2.0 and some IDF, meaning S2 and C3 arduino boards defs
- Refactor strings BREAKING in #1474
Full Changelog: 0.16.0...v2.0.15-rc.1
Fix for arduino esp32 1.8 fatal compile
Fixes arduino json v6 compatibility in examples
V 0.15
Release 0.15 which hotfixes some critical fixes for latest esplib support and adds backwards compatibility with 2.3.0
Fixes Fatal HTTP_HEAD definition re-declaration conflict with esp core.
Detailed Changes
v 0.14
Fixes for esp8266 wps optional in lib
v 0.13
ver .13