This package is to be used in conjuction with an optimisation technique that will provide the parameters used to generate the motion of each limb of an hexapod. More precisely, we use this with the Intelligent Trial and Error algorithm.
We no longer use nor develop this software since we moved to a new backend for the interaction with the hexapods. Please refer to dynamixel_control_hw and hexapod_ros/hexapod_driver for newer software used for our hexapods.
Original author : Antoine Cully
hexa_control needs the nav_msgs and geometry_msgs packages that can be retreived by APT-get with sudo apt-get install ros-YourDistro-nav-msgs
and sudo apt-get install ros-YourDistro-geometry-msgs
In addition, it requires libdynamixel to be available on the system. It can be found on the HOME folder by default. You can change where to search for libdynamixel by setting the environmental variable RESIBOTS_DIR to the path where libdynamixel is located.
## Odometry This package needs some odometry information to estimate the performance of the trial. To get it, the program subscribes to the "vo" topic.
hexapod_server advertises a service called Transfert with which a consumer can send parameters to be used by the oscillators.