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Command line examples

mwobensmith edited this page Oct 3, 2019 · 1 revision

The full range of command-line arguments for Iris is viewed by passing in the -h flag, but this is a quick start. These are listed from most to least frequently used.

Positional argument to specify test target

This is the name of the target to run tests on.

iris sample

-t Tests to run

One or more tests, separated by commas, no spaces. The .py suffix is not necessary.

iris sample -t test_1

-d Test directories to run

One or more package directories, separated by commas, no spaces.

iris sample -d section2

-x Tests or directories to exclude

One or more tests/directories, separated by commas, to exclude from the run.

iris sample -x section1

-l Locale

Download build from list of supported locales, currently: 'en-US', 'zh-CN', 'es-ES', 'de', 'fr', 'ru', 'ar', 'ko', 'pt-PT', 'vi', 'pl', 'tr', 'ro', 'ja'

iris sample -l ro

-i Debug level

iris sample -i DEBUG

Controls the verbosity of logging output. Parameters are 'CRITICAL', 'ERROR', 'WARNING', 'INFO', 'DEBUG'. The default is 'INFO', but choosing 'DEBUG' will generate much more information.

Less frequently used:

-c Clean

When used, delete all old runs and cached builds on disk in the Iris Control Center.

iris sample -c

-m Max tries

Number of times to run a failing test before giving up. The default is 3, meaning that after three failures, the test will be permanently marked FAIL and Iris will move on to the next test. Adjusting this number lower or higher adjusts tolerance for flaky tests. To enforce the strictest tolerance for failure, you can use 1.

iris sample -m 1

-n No check for key lock

Turns off the default check for toggled keys on the keyboard. Iris tests may not function correctly when users have certain keys toggled, but for reasons of speed or compatibility, this check can be disabled.

iris sample -n

-b Spotlight

Turn on real-time pattern, region, and location spotlighting on screen. Helpful to debug a test, but can add artificial errors if a pattern search time has been exceeded because of drawing operations.

iris sample -b

-e Email results

Send summary of results to an email address, using credentials provided in config file.

-o Override

Run tests, even if disabled.

iris sample -o

-p Port

Port to use for local web server. Defaults to 2000, override if this is a problem for your local Iris use.

iris sample -p 2001

For special use only. Do not use unless you know what you are doing:

-w Working directory

Change working directory of project. The default value is ~/.iris.




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