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[Iris 2.0] Smart region handling

icrisan edited this page Jan 29, 2019 · 5 revisions

Add support for Region class to retrieve a list of subregions


Smart region handling


Ioana Crisan

Tracking issue:


Short description:

The get_matrix(m,n) method acts on the current region and returns a "matrix" object(a list of lists) containing new Region objects representing that Region's subdivisions.


If a Region named r is 100 x 100 pixels at coordinates (0, 0), the call to 
r.get_matrix(2,2) will return a matrix of 2 by 2 elements, with each element 
sized to 50 x 50 pixels.

[ [ Region(0,0,50,50), Region(50,0,50,50) ],
  [ Region(0,50,50,50), Region(50,50,50,50) ] ]

Use case:

User can use some reserved getter properties to take advantage of this feature and not being required to permanently create new regions for each test case/helper method that he writes.


screen_region = Region(0, 0, SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT)

TOP_HALF = Region.screen_regions(screen_region, 'TOP_HALF')
BOTTOM_HALF = Region.screen_regions(screen_region, 'BOTTOM_HALF')

LEFT_HALF = Region.screen_regions(screen_region, 'LEFT_HALF')
RIGHT_HALF = Region.screen_regions(screen_region, 'RIGHT_HALF')

TOP_THIRD = Region.screen_regions(screen_region, 'TOP_THIRD')
MIDDLE_THIRD_HORIZONTAL = Region.screen_regions(screen_region, 'MIDDLE_THIRD_HORIZONTAL')
BOTTOM_THIRD = Region.screen_regions(screen_region, 'BOTTOM_THIRD')

LEFT_THIRD = Region.screen_regions(screen_region, 'LEFT_THIRD')
MIDDLE_THIRD_VERTICAL = Region.screen_regions(screen_region, 'MIDDLE_THIRD_VERTICAL')
RIGHT_THIRD = Region.screen_regions(screen_region, 'RIGHT_THIRD')

UPPER_LEFT_CORNER = Region.screen_regions(screen_region, 'UPPER_LEFT_CORNER')
UPPER_RIGHT_CORNER = Region.screen_regions(screen_region, 'UPPER_RIGHT_CORNER')
BOTTOM_LEFT_CORNER = Region.screen_regions(screen_region, 'BOTTOM_LEFT_CORNER')
BOTTOM_RIGHT_CORNER = Region.screen_regions(screen_region, 'BOTTOM_RIGHT_CORNER')

def screen_regions(region, caption):
    captions = {
        'TOP_HALF': Region.get_matrix(1, 2, region)[0][0],
        'BOTTOM_HALF': Region.get_matrix(1, 2, region)[1][0],

        'LEFT_HALF': Region.get_matrix(2, 1, region)[0][0],
        'RIGHT_HALF': Region.get_matrix(2, 1, region)[0][1],

        'TOP_THIRD': Region.get_matrix(1, 3, region)[0][0],
        'MIDDLE_THIRD_HORIZONTAL': Region.get_matrix(1, 3, region)[1][0],
        'BOTTOM_THIRD': Region.get_matrix(1, 3, region)[2][0],

        'LEFT_THIRD': Region.get_matrix(3, 1, region)[0][0],
        'MIDDLE_THIRD_VERTICAL': Region.get_matrix(3, 1, region)[0][1],
        'RIGHT_THIRD': Region.get_matrix(3, 1, region)[0][2],

        'UPPER_LEFT_CORNER': Region.get_matrix(2, 2, region)[0][0],
        'UPPER_RIGHT_CORNER': Region.get_matrix(2, 2, region)[0][1],
        'BOTTOM_LEFT_CORNER': Region.get_matrix(2, 2, region)[1][0],
        'BOTTOM_RIGHT_CORNER': Region.get_matrix(2, 2, region)[1][1],
   return captions.get(caption)


my_region = Screen.TOP_HALF
is_found = exists(my_pattern, my_region)

even_smaller = my_region.top_half()
is_found = exists(another_pattern, even_smaller)


  • Overview

More details about how you will create this feature.

  • Sample code


  • New and/or changed files and directories

  • Control Center

This feature is not available in the Control Center, so no impact.

  • Localization

  • Documentation

  • Bootstrap

No changes are required to the bootstrap scripts.

  • Setup

No changes are required to the setup scripts.


  • Dependencies on other people/teams/software.

No known dependencies.

  • Other factors that could influence functionality or schedule.

Estimated schedule:

  • xxxx-xx-xx Spec due date (this)
  • xxxx-xx-xx Implementation
  • xxxx-xx-xx Code review
  • xxxx-xx-xx Testing
  • xxxx-xx-xx Final check-in date




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