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[Iris 2.0] Bug Manager

IonutBudeanu edited this page Feb 4, 2019 · 14 revisions

Create the ability to retrieve information about Bugzilla bugs and GitHub issues.


Bug Manager


Ionut Budeanu, Silviu Checherita (mentoring)

Tracking issue:


Short description:

The integration system with Bugzilla and GitHub will provide a simple API to determine GitHub and Bugzilla bug status, which can be used to determine whether a test should be run.

Use case:

This API will be used to determine whether a test should be run. Currently we know that we have tests that are blocked by a Bugzilla bug or a Github issue. At the beginning of each test there will be a hook where we'll check the bug or issue status and depends on the response received from API we'll know if the bug is still reproducible or is fixed in order for test to be run.

Our current system to determine if a test should run it's a really time consumer. This feature will make the bug status identification process a lot easier because everything will be verified automatically in manner of seconds and in the future we'll no longer need to verify the bug status manually.

Bugzilla Response Example:

"flags": [`
          `"name": "blocker",`
          `"status": "?",`
          `"id": 2906,`
          `"setter": "[email protected]",`
          `"creation_date": "2014-09-28T21:03:47Z"`
      `"resolution": "INVALID",`
      `"id": 35,`
      `"version": "1.0",`
      `"status": "RESOLVED",`
      `"platform": "All",`
      `"classification": "Unclassified",`
      `"cc_detail": [

The information needed from the above example contains fields like id, status and paltform.

These fields will be retrieved using the bugzilla library with which we can log in to the Bugzilla using an API key provided by the Bugzilla platform. Also with this library we can parse the response JSON and we can retrieve various information like in the above example.

GitHub Response Example:

    "id": 1,
    "state": "open",
    "title": "Found a bug",
    "body": "I'm having a problem with this.",
    "user": {
      "login": "octocat",
      "id": 1,
      "node_id": "MDQ6VXNlcjE=",
      "avatar_url": "",
      "gravatar_id": "",
      "url": ""

The library used for identifying the id and the needed info from this response including fields like state and title, it's called PyGithub. With this library we can access the needed repo and also we can parse the JSON response in order to extract various information.

The API token can be created here.

For determine on which platform the issue is reproducible we'll check if the issue title contains [platform] .

Title Example:

[Win]Github API test issue

Errors Handling

Both libraries bugzilla and PyGithub handle errors by throwing an Exception. Each method will contain a try-except block where we'll gonna treat those exceptions. In case of a connection failure inside of the is_blocked method we'll treat a custom BugManagerException that will return always True (if the connection fails the issue will be treated as blocked).


def get_bugzilla_bug(id):
    except Exception:
        raise BugManagerError('Bugzilla API call failed') 
def is_blocked(id):
    except BugManagerError:
        return True


  • Overview

The implementation starts by creating a new Python module named bug_management which will be under the api package. The absolute path is represented like this: your_iris_directory/iris2/targets/firefox/

Inside of it, the structure is based on 3 main methods: get_github_issue(), get_bugzilla_bug() and is_blocked().

First two methods will deliver the information received from the both REST API's: bugzilla and github and inside of the third one is created some logic in order to determine if a test should run based on the responses received from the API's.

Information like API key or url will be held inside of the config.ini file.

  • New sections for config.ini file



A bug status can be determined without a login but there are some circumstances where some bugs requires from user to be logged in. Also this functionality can help us in the future.

  • Sample Code
# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
# You can obtain one at

from github import Github
import bugzilla
from src.configuration.config_parser import get_config_property
from src.core.api.os_helpers import OSHelper
from src.core.api.errors import BugManagerError

api_key = get_config_property('Bugzilla', 'api_key')
base_url = get_config_property('Bugzilla', 'bugzilla_url')
g = Github(get_config_property('GitHub', 'github_key'))

bugzilla_os = {'win': 'Windows 10', 'win7': 'Windows 7', 'linux': 'Linux', 'mac': 'macOS'}

def get_github_issue(id):
        repo = [x for x in g.get_user().get_repos() if == 'iris2']
        if len(repo) > 0:
            return repo[0].get_issue(id)
            return None
    except Exception:
        raise BugManagerError('Github API call failed')

def get_bugzilla_bug(id):
        b = bugzilla.Bugzilla(url=base_url, api_key=api_key)
        return b.get_bug(id)
    except Exception:
        raise BugManagerError('Bugzilla API call failed')

def is_blocked(id):
        if 'issue_' in id:
            bug = get_github_issue(id).state
            if bug.state == 'closed':
                return False
                if OSHelper.get_os() in bug.title:
                    return True
                    return False
            bug = get_bugzilla_bug(id)
            print(bug.status, bug.platform)
            if bug.status in ['CLOSED', 'RESOLVED']:
                return False
                if bugzilla_os[OSHelper.get_os()] == bug.platform or bug.platform in ['All', 'Unspecified']:
                    return True
                    return False
    except BugManagerError:
        return True

  • New and/or changed files and directories

New Python Module inside of the Firefox package (iris2/targets/firefox/

  • Control Center


  • Localization


  • Documentation


  • Bootstrap


  • Setup

This implementation will require 2 new Python libraries:


  • Dependencies on other people/teams/software.

Waiting for the necessary support from Iris 2. Also the possibility to change the implementation and/or adding new libraries i think can represent a small risk.

  • Other factors that could influence functionality or schedule.

The only thing that can affect our current design is the library changes and updates.

Estimated schedule:

  • xxxx-xx-xx Spec due date (this)
  • xxxx-xx-xx Implementation
  • xxxx-xx-xx Code review
  • xxxx-xx-xx Testing
  • xxxx-xx-xx Final check-in date




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