I am open to cooperation proposals. Here is my resume. I can write excellent code in Go and design IT infrastructure. You can write to me in telegram, I will answer everyone.
- gitbasher — Must-use CLI utility to help with git workflow
- mongox — MongoDB without boilerplate for fast and effective development
- servex — Web framework experience in lightweight net/http server
- cliex — Minimalistic HTTP client with circuit breaker based on resty
- bote — Easy-to-build interactive Telegram bots with telebot
- contem — Drop-in context.Context replacement for graceful shutdown
- logze — Structural logging with zerolog efficiency and slog interface
- errm — Errors with structural fields (like in slog) and stack trace
- abstract — Most useful data structures to get rid of boilerplate in business code
- lang — Generic one-liners to work with variables, slices and maps
- gorder — In-memory task queue with strict ordering for async operations
- datetime — UX friendly Date without time and Time without date