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Easy-to-use HTTP client with Circuit Breaker


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The cliex package is a robust and extensible HTTP client designed for making HTTP requests in Go applications, leveraging the capabilities of the resty library. It simplifies the process of sending HTTP requests and provides advanced features such as configuration options, circuit breaking, retries, and more.

This package is a wrapper on resty — it makes HTTP requests less verbose, adds request based retry settings and a circuit breaker.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Features
  3. Installation
  4. Usage
  5. Configuration Options
  6. Request Options
  7. Contributing
  8. License


  • Customizable HTTP Client: Configure base URL, user agent, proxy, authentication tokens, and more.
  • Circuit Breaker Support: Protects your application from cascading failures by using circuit breakers for HTTP requests.
  • Requests with Retries: Automatically retries failed requests with exponential backoff.
  • Logging Support: Integrates with custom loggers for request and error logging.
  • HTTP Client Sets: Manage groups of HTTP clients, enabling requests to multiple endpoints with error handling for broken clients.
  • Flexible Request Options: Supports custom headers, query parameters, form data, body payloads, and more.
  • SSL/TLS Configuration: Allows configuration of CA files, client certificates, and insecure requests.
  • Debug Mode: Enables additional logging for request troubleshooting.


To install the package, use:

go get -u



Create an HTTP client using the provided configuration options.

package main

import (

func main() {
	// Creating a new HTTP client with default settings
	client := cliex.New(
		cliex.WithAuthToken("Bearer YOUR_TOKEN"),

	// Making a GET request
	resp, err := client.Get(context.Background(), "/endpoint")
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("Request failed: %v", err)

	log.Printf("Response: %s", resp.String())

Using HTTPSet for Multiple Clients

Create a set of HTTP clients and perform operations on them collectively.

package main

import (

func main() {
	clientSet := cliex.NewSetFromConfigs(
		cliex.Config{BaseURL: ""},
		cliex.Config{BaseURL: ""},

	resp, err := clientSet.Get(context.Background(), "/shared-resource")
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("Request failed: %v", err)

	for _, r := range resp {
		log.Printf("Response from client: %s", r.String())

Handling Broken Clients

You can manage failing clients within a set and choose to retry or handle them separately.

package main

import (

func main() {
	clientSet, err := cliex.NewSetFromConfigs(
		cliex.Config{BaseURL: ""},
		cliex.Config{BaseURL: ""},
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("Error creating client set: %v", err)

	_, err = clientSet.Get(context.Background(), "/resource")
	if err != nil {
		log.Printf("Request failed: %v", err)
		brokenClients := clientSet.GetBroken()

		// Retry or handle broken clients
		for _, index := range brokenClients {
			log.Printf("Broken client index: %d", index)

Configuration Options

  • BaseURL: Sets the base URL for HTTP requests.
  • UserAgent: Sets the User-Agent header for each request.
  • AuthToken: Provides an Authorization header with a bearer token.
  • ProxyAddress: Defines a proxy server for sending requests.
  • RequestTimeout: Configures the maximum amount of time to wait for a request.
  • CAFiles: Loads CA certificates for SSL validation.
  • ClientCertFile/ClientKeyFile: Client-side certificate and key for TLS.
  • Insecure: Allows insecure SSL connections.
  • Debug: Enables detailed logging.
  • CircuitBreaker: Activates the circuit breaker feature.

Request Options

Option Description Type
Method The HTTP method to use (e.g., GET, POST, PUT, DELETE). string
Headers A map of header keys and values to include in the request. map[string]string
Query A map of query string parameters and their values. map[string]string
PathParams Path parameters for the request URL (e.g., /v1/users/{userId}). map[string]string
Cookies Cookies to include in the request. []*http.Cookie
FormData Form data to include when submitting a form. map[string]string
Files Files to upload, where the key is the file name and the value is the file path. map[string]string
AuthToken Authentication token for the request. string
BasicAuthUser Username for basic authentication. string
BasicAuthPass Password for basic authentication. string
ForceContentType Specifies a custom content type to parse the response (e.g., application/json). string
Body The body of the request, can be any type. any
Result A variable to store the response body. any
OutputPath File path to save the response output. string
RequestName Name of the request for logging purposes. string
RetryCount Number of times to retry the request if it fails. int
RetryWaitTime Initial wait time between retries (default: 100 milliseconds). time.Duration
RetryMaxWaitTime Maximum wait time between retries (default: 2 seconds). time.Duration
InfiniteRetry Whether to retry the request indefinitely. bool
RetryOnlyServerErrors Whether to retry only for server (5xx) errors. bool
NoLogRetryError Whether to suppress logging of retry errors. bool
EnableTrace Enable tracing of the request, accessible via resp.Request.TraceInfo(). bool


Contributions to improve the package are welcome. Please ensure any changes come with tests, and are validated against existing integrations.


This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT License.