Package errm
is wrapper on eris for convinient usage of errors with structrual fields and stack trace
Install: go get
There are familiar methods like New
, Errorf
, Wrap
and others that works as expected. But there are two breaking futures:
- There is a stack trace in every error, thanks for the
- You can add
pairs to make an error message more convinient to handle in future
Which option is better for further search and analysis?
- err1:
cannot start server 'orders' at address: :7000: port is in use
- err2:
cannot start server=orders address=:7000: port is in use
The second one can be easily parsed and it is more friedly to read. Here is the code for these two examples:
err1 := fmt.Errorf("cannot start server '%s' at address: %s: %w", name, addr, err)
err2 := errm.Wrap(err, "cannot start", "server", name, "address", addr)
err := errm.New("some-err", "field", "value", "field2", []any{123, 321}, "field3", 123, "field4")
// some-err field=value field2=[123 321] field3=123
notFoundErr := errm.New("not found")
name := "database"
err2 := errm.Wrapf(err1, "another error with %s", name, "address", "")
if errm.Is(err2, notFoundErr) {
// another error with database address= not found
randomErr := errm.Errorf("some random error with %s", "unwanted behaviour")
notFoundErr := errm.New("not found")
errList := errm.NewList()
errList.New("some error", "retry", 1)
errList.Wrap(notFoundErr, "database error")
if errList.Has(notFoundErr) {
finalErr := errList.Err()
fmt.Println(errm.Wrap(finalErr.Error(), "multi error"))
// multi error: some random error with unwanted behaviour; some error retry=1; database error: not found
errSet := errm.NewSet()
// Add the same error for three times
notFoundErr := errm.New("not found")
fmt.Println(errSet.Len()) // 1
// Add two errors with the same message
fmt.Println(errSet.Len()) // 2
// Add an another error but with the same message
err := errors.New("A")
fmt.Println(errSet.Len()) // 2
// Add wrapped -> got another error message -> another error
errSet.Add(errm.Wrap(notFoundErr, "another error"))
fmt.Println(errSet.Len()) // 3
If you'd like to contribute to errm
, make a fork and submit a pull request!
Released under the MIT License