No description provided (generated by Openapi Generator
PHP 7.4 and later. Should also work with PHP 8.0.
To install the bindings via Composer, add the following to composer.json
"repositories": [
"type": "vcs",
"url": ""
"require": {
"kronostechnologies/equisoft-connect-sdk-php": "*@dev"
Then run composer install
Download the files and include autoload.php
require_once('/path/to/EquisoftConnect SDK/vendor/autoload.php');
Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:
require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');
// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
$config = Equisoft\SDK\EquisoftConnect\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setAccessToken('YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN');
$apiInstance = new Equisoft\SDK\EquisoftConnect\Api\ContactsApi(
// If you want use custom http client, pass your client which implements `GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface`.
// This is optional, `GuzzleHttp\Client` will be used as default.
new GuzzleHttp\Client(),
$contactUuid = 'contactUuid_example'; // string | Contact unique identifier.
$acceptLanguage = 'acceptLanguage_example'; // string | Specify preferred language for returned data. Format is
try {
$result = $apiInstance->getByUuid($contactUuid, $acceptLanguage);
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo 'Exception when calling ContactsApi->getByUuid: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
All URIs are relative to http://localhost
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
ContactsApi | getByUuid | GET /crm/api/v1/contacts/{contactUuid} | Return the detail of a contact. |
ContactsApi | patchContact | PATCH /crm/api/v1/contacts/{contactUuid} | Update a contact |
DSFApi | createDsfFinancialCenter | POST /crm/api/v1/dsf/financialCenters | Create a financial center |
DSFApi | deleteDsfFinancialCenter | DELETE /crm/api/v1/dsf/financialCenters/{financialCenterId} | Delete a financial center |
DSFApi | getDsfFinancialCenters | GET /crm/api/v1/dsf/financialCenters/{financialCenterId} | Get a financial center |
DSFApi | listDsfFinancialCenters | GET /crm/api/v1/dsf/financialCenters | List all financial centers |
DSFApi | updateDsfFinancialCenter | POST /crm/api/v1/dsf/financialCenters/{financialCenterId} | Update a financial center |
DatabasesApi | createChargebeeCustomer | POST /crm/api/v1/databases/{databaseUuid}/chargebeeCustomer | Create a ChargeBee customer for the database |
DatabasesApi | getDatabase | GET /crm/api/v1/databases/{databaseUuid} | Get a database |
DatabasesApi | getUser | GET /crm/api/v1/databases/{databaseUuid}/users/{userId} | Get a database's user |
DatabasesApi | listDatabases | GET /crm/api/v1/databases | List all databases |
DatabasesApi | listUsers | GET /crm/api/v1/databases/{databaseUuid}/users | List database's users |
DatabasesApi | setDatabaseDistributor | PUT /crm/api/v1/databases/{databaseUuid}/distributor | Set the database's distributor |
DatabasesApi | unsetDatabaseDistributor | DELETE /crm/api/v1/databases/{databaseUuid}/distributor | Unset the database's distributor |
DatabasesApi | updateState | PUT /crm/api/v1/databases/{databaseUuid}/state | Update a database's state |
DatabasesApi | updateUser | PATCH /crm/api/v1/databases/{databaseUuid}/users/{userId} | Update a database's user |
DocumentsApi | deleteDocument | DELETE /crm/api/v1/documents/{documentId} | Delete a document. |
DocumentsApi | deleteDocuments | DELETE /crm/api/v1/documents | Delete specified documents. |
EventsApi | archiveEventInternalNote | POST /crm/api/v1/events/{eventId}/notes/{noteId}/archive | Archive an internal note for an event. |
EventsApi | createEvent | POST /crm/api/v1/events | Create an event. |
EventsApi | createEventInternalNote | POST /crm/api/v1/events/{eventId}/notes | Add an internal note to an event. |
EventsApi | deleteEvent | DELETE /crm/api/v1/events/{eventId} | Delete an event. |
EventsApi | deleteEvents | DELETE /crm/api/v1/events | Delete some events. |
EventsApi | getCalendar | GET /crm/api/v1/calendars/{calendarId} | Get informations about a calendar or a default calendar. |
EventsApi | getEvent | GET /crm/api/v1/events/{eventId} | Return the detail of an event. |
EventsApi | getEventInstances | GET /crm/api/v1/events/{eventId}/instances | Get a recurring event instances. |
EventsApi | getEventInternalNoteList | GET /crm/api/v1/events/{eventId}/notes | Get the internal notes list for an event. |
EventsApi | listCalendars | GET /crm/api/v1/calendars | Get the list of available calendarslol. |
EventsApi | listEvents | GET /crm/api/v1/events | List or search events. |
EventsApi | patchEvent | PATCH /crm/api/v1/events/{eventId} | Partially update an event. |
EventsApi | patchEventInternalNote | PATCH /crm/api/v1/events/{eventId}/notes/{noteId} | Update an internal note of an event. |
EventsApi | putEventLinksDocuments | PUT /crm/api/v1/events/{eventId}/documents | Update the links between an event and existing documents |
EventsApi | restoreEventInternalNote | POST /crm/api/v1/events/{eventId}/notes/{noteId}/restore | Restore an archived internal note for an event. |
EventsApi | transferEventToCompleted | POST /crm/api/v1/events/{eventId}/transferToCompleted | Transfer an event to the completed/done calendar. |
FieldValuesApi | createGroup | POST /crm/api/v1/fields/{fieldName}/groups | Create a group |
FieldValuesApi | createGroupValue | POST /crm/api/v1/fields/{fieldName}/groups/{id}/values | Create a group value |
FieldValuesApi | createValue | POST /crm/api/v1/fields/{fieldName}/values | Create a value |
FieldValuesApi | deleteGroup | DELETE /crm/api/v1/fields/{fieldName}/groups/{id} | Delete single group for a specific field name and group id |
FieldValuesApi | deleteValue | DELETE /crm/api/v1/fields/{fieldName}/values/{id} | Delete single value for a specific field name and value id |
FieldValuesApi | getGroup | GET /crm/api/v1/fields/{fieldName}/groups/{id} | Get single group for a specific field name and group id |
FieldValuesApi | getValue | GET /crm/api/v1/fields/{fieldName}/values/{id} | Get single value for a specific field name and value id |
FieldValuesApi | linkValueGroup | PUT /crm/api/v1/fields/{fieldName}/values/{id}/groups | Link a value to a group |
FieldValuesApi | listFields | GET /crm/api/v1/fields | List fields with values list (values domain). |
FieldValuesApi | listGroupValues | GET /crm/api/v1/fields/{fieldName}/groups/{id}/values | List values for a specific field name and group |
FieldValuesApi | listGroups | GET /crm/api/v1/fields/{fieldName}/groups | List groups for a specific field name |
FieldValuesApi | listValues | GET /crm/api/v1/fields/{fieldName}/values | List values for a specific field name |
FieldValuesApi | updateGroup | PUT /crm/api/v1/fields/{fieldName}/groups/{id} | Update a group |
FieldValuesApi | updateValue | PUT /crm/api/v1/fields/{fieldName}/values/{id} | Update a value |
GatewaysApi | createCapsilAccess | POST /crm/api/v1/gateways/capsil/accesses | Create a Capsil Access |
GatewaysApi | createEquisoftAnalyzeAccess | POST /crm/api/v1/gateways/equisoftAnalyze/accesses | |
GatewaysApi | deleteCapsilAccess | DELETE /crm/api/v1/gateways/capsil/accesses/{accessId} | Delete Capsil access |
GatewaysApi | deleteEquisoftAnalyzeAccess | DELETE /crm/api/v1/gateways/equisoftAnalyze/accesses/{accessId} | |
GatewaysApi | gatewayAdminLogin | POST /crm/api/v1/gateways/credentials-validation/admin-credentials/login | Verify gateway admin login |
GatewaysApi | getCapsilAccess | GET /crm/api/v1/gateways/capsil/accesses/{accessId} | Get Capsil access |
GatewaysApi | listAssetBookCredentials | GET /crm/api/v1/gateways/assetbook/credentials | |
GatewaysApi | listCapsilAccesses | GET /crm/api/v1/gateways/capsil/accesses | List capsil accesses |
GatewaysApi | listCapsilCarrierAdminSystems | GET /crm/api/v1/gateways/capsil/carrierAdminSystems | List carrier admin systems |
GatewaysApi | listCredentials | GET /crm/api/v1/gateways/credentials-validation/{gatewayId}/credentials/{status} | |
GatewaysApi | listEquisoftAnalyzeAccesses | GET /crm/api/v1/gateways/equisoftAnalyze/accesses | |
GatewaysApi | listGatewayConfigurations | GET /crm/api/v1/gateways/generic/{gatewayType}/configuration | |
GatewaysApi | listGateways | GET /crm/api/v1/gateways/credentials-validation | |
GatewaysApi | listGenericCredentials | GET /crm/api/v1/gateways/generic/{gatewayName}/credentials | |
GatewaysApi | patchEquisoftAnalyzeAccess | PATCH /crm/api/v1/gateways/equisoftAnalyze/accesses/{accessId} | |
GatewaysApi | updateCapsilAccess | PATCH /crm/api/v1/gateways/capsil/accesses/{accessId} | Update a Capsil Access |
GatewaysApi | updateCredentials | PUT /crm/api/v1/gateways/credentials-validation/{gatewayId}/credentials/{status} | |
LegacyContactApi | legacyContactAddContact | POST /apps/api/ | Create a new contact. |
LegacyContactApi | legacyContactDeleteContact | POST /apps/api/ | Delete a contact. |
LegacyContactApi | legacyContactGetContact | GET /apps/api/ | Get complete record for a contact. |
LegacyContactApi | legacyContactGetContactAccessRights | GET /apps/api/ | Get access rights for a contact. |
LegacyContactApi | legacyContactGetContactAccessRightsByExternalId | GET /apps/api/ | Get access rights for a contact using external id. |
LegacyContactApi | legacyContactGetContactList | GET /apps/api/ | Get a list of all contacts. |
LegacyContactApi | legacyContactGetDatagatewayUniverisContact | GET /apps/api/ | Get access rights for a contact using external key. |
LegacyContactApi | legacyContactPatchContact | POST /apps/api/ | Patch a contact. |
LegacyContactApi | legacyContactUpdateContact | POST /apps/api/ | Update a contact. |
LegacyDocumentApi | legacyDocumentAddDocument | POST /apps/api/kronos.document.add | Create a new document. |
LegacyDocumentApi | legacyDocumentDeleteDocument | POST /apps/api/kronos.document.delete | Delete a document and it's related files. |
LegacyDocumentApi | legacyDocumentDeleteDocumentFile | POST /apps/api/kronos.document.deleteFile | Delete one file from a document. |
LegacyDocumentApi | legacyDocumentDownloadDocumentFile | GET /apps/api/kronos.document.downloadFile | Download a file. File data is encoded in base64. |
LegacyDocumentApi | legacyDocumentGetDocument | GET /apps/api/kronos.document.get | Get all data for a document record. |
LegacyDocumentApi | legacyDocumentGetDocumentList | GET /apps/api/kronos.document.getList | Get a list of all documents. |
LegacyDocumentApi | legacyDocumentUpdateDocument | POST /apps/api/kronos.document.update | Update a document. |
LegacyDocumentApi | legacyDocumentUploadDocumentFile | POST /apps/api/kronos.document.uploadFile | Upload a new file in a document. |
LegacyFieldValuesApi | legacyFieldValuesGet | GET /apps/api/kronos.fieldValues.get | Return a list of all available field values item. |
LegacyFieldValuesApi | legacyFieldValuesGetList | GET /apps/api/kronos.fieldValues.getList | Return a list of field values. |
LegacyFinanceApi | legacyFinanceAddContact | POST /apps/api/ | Create a new contact. |
LegacyFinanceApi | legacyFinanceGetAccountStatement | GET /apps/api/ | Get Account Statement information for a contact. |
LegacyFinanceApi | legacyFinanceGetAccountStatementByExternalId | GET /apps/api/ | Get Account Statement information for a contact. |
LegacyFinanceApi | legacyFinanceGetAssetDetail | GET /apps/api/ | Get asset detail with transactions. |
LegacyFinanceApi | legacyFinanceGetContact | GET /apps/api/ | Get complete data for a contact. |
LegacyFinanceApi | legacyFinanceGetContactList | GET /apps/api/ | Get a list of all contacts. |
LegacyFinanceApi | legacyFinanceGetLiabilities | GET /apps/api/ | Get Liabilities information for a contact. |
LegacyFinanceApi | legacyFinanceUpdateContact | POST /apps/api/ | Update a contact. |
LegacyParametersApi | legacyParametersGet | GET /apps/api/kronos.parameters.get | Get the system parameters. |
LegacyProvisioningApi | legacyProvisioningAddOrganization | POST /apps/provisioning/kronos.provisioning.addOrganization | Add a new organization. |
LegacyProvisioningApi | legacyProvisioningAddUser | POST /apps/provisioning/kronos.provisioning.addUser | Add a new user. |
LegacyProvisioningApi | legacyProvisioningChangeDatabaseProfile | POST /apps/provisioning/kronos.provisioning.changeDatabaseProfile | Change database profile. |
LegacyProvisioningApi | legacyProvisioningClearCache | POST /apps/provisioning/kronos.provisioning.clearCache | Clear cache. |
LegacyProvisioningApi | legacyProvisioningDeleteOrganization | POST /apps/provisioning/kronos.provisioning.deleteOrganization | Delete an organization. |
LegacyProvisioningApi | legacyProvisioningDeleteUser | POST /apps/provisioning/kronos.provisioning.deleteUser | Delete a user. |
LegacyProvisioningApi | legacyProvisioningEnableContactPersonalizedFieldsModule | POST /apps/provisioning/kronos.provisioning.enableContactPersonalizedFieldsModule | Enable Contact Personalized Fields module for a database. |
LegacyProvisioningApi | legacyProvisioningEnableFnaForUser | POST /apps/provisioning/kronos.provisioning.enableFnaForUser | Enable FNA for user. |
LegacyProvisioningApi | legacyProvisioningGetCrmGatewaysAccessReport | GET /apps/provisioning/kronos.provisioning.getCrmGatewaysAccessReport | Get a report of active accesses for all CRM datagateways. |
LegacyProvisioningApi | legacyProvisioningGetFFGatewaysAccessReport | GET /apps/provisioning/kronos.provisioning.getFFGatewaysAccessReport | Get a report of active accesses for all FF datagateways. |
LegacyProvisioningApi | legacyProvisioningGetGatewayArchiveByDate | GET /apps/provisioning/kronos.provisioning.getGatewayArchiveByDate | Get the archives for a given gateway at the given date. |
LegacyProvisioningApi | legacyProvisioningGetGatewayArchiveListByDate | GET /apps/provisioning/kronos.provisioning.getGatewayArchiveListByDate | Get the archives list for a given gateway at the given date. |
LegacyProvisioningApi | legacyProvisioningGetOrganizationStatus | POST /apps/provisioning/kronos.provisioning.getOrganizationStatus | Return the state of a given database. |
LegacyProvisioningApi | legacyProvisioningGetSyncControlDataForAllDatabaseStatus | GET /apps/provisioning/kronos.provisioning.getSyncControlDataForAllDatabaseStatus | Get the progression status of a previous call to moveUserToOrganization. |
LegacyProvisioningApi | legacyProvisioningMonitorDatagateways | GET /apps/provisioning/kronos.provisioning.monitorDatagateways | Monitor stats of the datagateways for a given environment. |
LegacyProvisioningApi | legacyProvisioningSyncControlData | POST /apps/provisioning/kronos.provisioning.syncControlData | Sync one database pilotage. |
LegacyProvisioningApi | legacyProvisioningSyncControlDataForAllDatabase | POST /apps/provisioning/kronos.provisioning.syncControlDataForAllDatabase | Use gearman to sync all database for a given profile. |
LegacyProvisioningApi | legacyProvisioningUpdateUser | POST /apps/provisioning/kronos.provisioning.updateUser | Update a user. |
MovementApi | addMovement | POST /crm/api/v1/movements | Add a movement |
MovementApi | cancelMovement | POST /crm/api/v1/movements/{movementId}/cancel | Cancel a movement. |
MovementApi | deleteMovement | DELETE /crm/api/v1/movements/{movementId} | Delete a movement. |
MovementApi | getExecutedMovementIdMapping | POST /crm/api/v1/movements/executed/{executedMovementId}/idMapping | Get the mappings for id and uuid between the source and destination databases, for a given entity type |
MovementApi | getExecutedMovementInfo | GET /crm/api/v1/movements/executed/{executedMovementId}/info | Get basic information about an executed movement |
MovementApi | getMovementStatistic | GET /crm/api/v1/movements/statistic | Get movement statistic |
MovementApi | listMovements | GET /crm/api/v1/movements | List all movements |
RemoteAccountApi | getMailAccountAccessRights | GET /crm/api/v1/mailAccounts/{remoteAccountId}/accessRights | Return the mail account access rights granted to the currently connected user account. |
SystemParametersApi | getCompanyDetails | GET /crm/api/v1/databases/{databaseUuid}/parameters/account/company | Get company information about the enterprise or an alternate company |
SystemParametersApi | getCompanyLogo | GET /crm/api/v1/databases/{databaseUuid}/parameters/account/company/logo | Get company logo |
TasksApi | archiveTaskInternalNote | POST /crm/api/v1/tasks/{taskId}/notes/{noteId}/archive | Archive an internal note for a task. |
TasksApi | createTask | POST /crm/api/v1/tasks | Create a task. |
TasksApi | createTaskInternalNote | POST /crm/api/v1/tasks/{taskId}/notes | Add an internal note to a task. |
TasksApi | deleteTask | DELETE /crm/api/v1/tasks/{taskId} | Delete a task. |
TasksApi | deleteTasks | DELETE /crm/api/v1/tasks | Delete some tasks. |
TasksApi | getTask | GET /crm/api/v1/tasks/{taskId} | Return the detail of a task. |
TasksApi | getTaskInternalNoteList | GET /crm/api/v1/tasks/{taskId}/notes | Get the internal notes list for a task. |
TasksApi | listTasks | GET /crm/api/v1/tasks | List or search tasks. |
TasksApi | patchTask | PATCH /crm/api/v1/tasks/{taskId} | Partially update a task. |
TasksApi | patchTaskInternalNote | PATCH /crm/api/v1/tasks/{taskId}/notes/{noteId} | Edit an internal note for a task. |
TasksApi | putTaskLinksDocuments | PUT /crm/api/v1/tasks/{taskId}/documents | Update the links between a task and existing documents. |
TasksApi | restoreTaskInternalNote | POST /crm/api/v1/tasks/{taskId}/notes/{noteId}/restore | Restore an archived internal note for a task. |
TasksApi | transferTaskToCompleted | POST /crm/api/v1/tasks/{taskId}/transferToCompleted | Transfer a task to completed/done. |
UsersApi | getCurrentUser | GET /crm/api/v1/users/me | Get informations about the current user |
UsersApi | getUserContext | GET /crm/api/v1/context | Get user context metadata. |
- AccessRights
- AdminCredentialPayload
- CalendarsCalendar
- CalendarsListCalendarResponse
- ContactContactAdditionalInformation
- ContactContactAddress
- ContactContactEmail
- ContactContactIdentification
- ContactContactMaritalStatus
- ContactContactOccupation
- ContactContactPhone
- ContactContactSegmentation
- ContactContactWebsite
- ContactLink
- ContactLinkParticipant
- ContactPatchContactPayload
- ContactPatchDto
- ContactsContact
- ContextActor
- ContextEquisoftConnect
- ContextEquisoftConnectUser
- ContextInstance
- ContextPreferences
- ContextUser
- ContextUserContext
- CredentialDto
- CredentialsResponse
- DatabaseDatabaseChargebeeCustomerCreatedResponse
- DatabaseSetDistributorPayload
- DatabaseState
- DatabaseUpdateStatePayload
- DatabasesDatabase
- DatabasesListDatabasesResponse
- DateOrDateTime
- DsfCreateOrUpdateFinancialCenterResponse
- DsfFinancialCenter
- DsfFinancialCenterPayload
- DsfListFinancialCenterResponse
- ErrorResponse
- EventsCreateEventPayload
- EventsCreateEventResponse
- EventsEvent
- EventsEventType
- EventsGetEventInstancesResponse
- EventsListEventResponse
- EventsOrderByType
- EventsPatchEventPayload
- EventsPatchEventResponse
- EventsPutEventLinkDocumentsPayload
- EventsTransferToCompletedResponse
- EventsVisibilityType
- FieldValue
- FieldValueCreateGroupPayload
- FieldValueCreateOrUpdateGroupResponse
- FieldValueCreateOrUpdateValueResponse
- FieldValueCreateValuePayload
- FieldValueField
- FieldValueGroup
- FieldValueLinkGroupValuePayload
- FieldValueListFieldResponse
- FieldValueListGroupResponse
- FieldValueListValueResponse
- FieldValueLocalizedString
- FieldValueUpdateGroupPayload
- FieldValueUpdateValuePayload
- FieldValueValue
- GatewaysAccessesCapsilAccess
- GatewaysAccessesCarrierAdminSystem
- GatewaysAccessesCreateAccessResponse
- GatewaysAccessesCreateCapsilAccessPayload
- GatewaysAccessesCreateEquisoftAnalyzeAccessPayload
- GatewaysAccessesCreateOrUpdateCapsilAccessResponse
- GatewaysAccessesEquisoftAnalyzeAccess
- GatewaysAccessesListCapsilAccessResponse
- GatewaysAccessesListCarrierAdminSystemResponse
- GatewaysAccessesListGatewayAccessesResponse
- GatewaysAccessesPatchEquisoftAnalyzeAccessPayload
- GatewaysAccessesUpdateCapsilAccessPayload
- GatewaysAccessesUser
- GatewaysAccessesValidationAdminCredentialResponse
- GatewaysAccessesValidationGatewayAdminDto
- GatewaysCredentials
- GatewaysCredentialsWithSsn
- GatewaysFullfinanceScrapeJob
- GatewaysGatewayDto
- GatewaysGatewaysResponse
- GatewaysListCredentialsResponse
- GroupUsersListGroupUsersResponse
- GroupUsersUserOrGroup
- InternalNotesAuthor
- InternalNotesCreateNotePayload
- InternalNotesCreateNoteResponse
- InternalNotesHistoryType
- InternalNotesLegacyNote
- InternalNotesNote
- InternalNotesNoteList
- InternalNotesNoteRevision
- InternalNotesNoteRevisionType
- InternalNotesPatchNotePayload
- InternalNotesPatchNoteResponse
- KronosFieldValuesFieldValuesGet
- KronosFieldValuesValue
- KronosFinanceAssetDetail
- KronosFinanceContactListItem
- KronosFinanceContactPayload
- KronosFinanceContactPayloadItem
- KronosFinanceContactPayloadRequest
- KronosFinanceGeneralInsurance
- KronosFinanceGetContactItem
- KronosFinanceGetContactList
- KronosFinanceGetContactResponse
- KronosFinanceJob
- LegacyAddUpdateItem
- LegacyAddUpdateResponse
- LegacyContactAddress
- LegacyContactContact
- LegacyContactContactGetItem
- LegacyContactContactLink
- LegacyContactContactLinkParticipant
- LegacyContactContactListItem
- LegacyContactContactPayload
- LegacyContactContactPayloadItem
- LegacyContactContactPayloadRequest
- LegacyContactEmail
- LegacyContactGetAccessRightsResponse
- LegacyContactGetListOptions
- LegacyContactGetListResponse
- LegacyContactGetResponse
- LegacyContactJob
- LegacyContactMaritalStatus
- LegacyContactOptionGetListSearch
- LegacyContactPatchContact
- LegacyContactPatchContactPayloadRequest
- LegacyContactPatchContactResponse
- LegacyContactPatchEntry
- LegacyContactPhone
- LegacyContactPicture
- LegacyContactSpouseContactPayloadItem
- LegacyContactWebSite
- LegacyDateRange
- LegacyDocumentBase64FilePayload
- LegacyDocumentBase64FilePayloadItem
- LegacyDocumentDocumentGetItem
- LegacyDocumentDocumentListItem
- LegacyDocumentDocumentPayload
- LegacyDocumentDocumentPayloadItem
- LegacyDocumentDocumentPayloadRequest
- LegacyDocumentDownloadFileResponse
- LegacyDocumentFile
- LegacyDocumentGetListOptions
- LegacyDocumentGetListResponse
- LegacyDocumentGetResponse
- LegacyDocumentUploadDocumentFileRequest
- LegacyFieldValuesFieldValues
- LegacyFieldValuesFieldValuesGetList
- LegacyFieldValuesSubValue
- LegacyFinanceAccountStatement
- LegacyFinanceAsset
- LegacyFinanceGetAccountStatementResponse
- LegacyFinanceGetLiabilitiesResponse
- LegacyFinanceLiability
- LegacyFinancePlan
- LegacyFinancePlanBeneficiary
- LegacyFinancePlanInTrust
- LegacyFinancePlanSummary
- LegacyFinancePolicy
- LegacyFinancePolicyCoverage
- LegacyFinancePolicyCoverageInsured
- LegacyFinancePolicyCoverageOption
- LegacyFinanceTransaction
- LegacyInt
- LegacyParametersParametersGet
- LegacyProvisioningAddOrganizationResponse
- LegacyProvisioningAddUpdateUserResponse
- LegacyProvisioningChangeDatabaseProfilePayload
- LegacyProvisioningChangeDatabaseProfilePayloadRequest
- LegacyProvisioningChangeDatabaseProfileResponse
- LegacyProvisioningClearCachePayload
- LegacyProvisioningClearCachePayloadRequest
- LegacyProvisioningClearCacheResponse
- LegacyProvisioningDeleteOrganizationOption
- LegacyProvisioningDeleteOrganizationOptionRequest
- LegacyProvisioningDeleteOrganizationResponse
- LegacyProvisioningDeleteUserOption
- LegacyProvisioningDeleteUserOptionRequest
- LegacyProvisioningGatewayArchivePayload
- LegacyProvisioningGetFileForGatewayArchiveByDateResponse
- LegacyProvisioningGetGatewayArchiveListByDateResponse
- LegacyProvisioningGetOrganizationStatusResponse
- LegacyProvisioningGroupItem
- LegacyProvisioningMonitorDatagatewayResponse
- LegacyProvisioningOrganizationPayload
- LegacyProvisioningOrganizationPayloadRequest
- LegacyProvisioningReportAccessesResponse
- LegacyProvisioningSyncControlDataForAllDatabaseResponse
- LegacyProvisioningSyncControlDataResponse
- LegacyProvisioningUserIdentifier
- LegacyProvisioningUserItem
- LegacyProvisioningUserPayload
- LegacyProvisioningUserPayloadRequest
- LegacyResponse
- LegacySystemLinkedValue
- LegacyUser
- MovementAddMovementResponse
- MovementClientBaseUsingDistributionListMovement
- MovementClientBaseUsingDistributionListMovementPayload
- MovementClientBaseUsingFileMovement
- MovementClientBaseUsingFileMovementPayload
- MovementCopyMovement
- MovementCopyMovementPayload
- MovementDatabase
- MovementDistributionList
- MovementExecutedMovementInfoResponse
- MovementGatewayAccessCode
- MovementIdMappingRequest
- MovementIdMappingResponse
- MovementListMovementResponse
- MovementMoveMovement
- MovementMoveMovementPayload
- MovementMovedEntityEntry
- MovementMovement
- MovementMovementPayload
- MovementMovementStatisticResponse
- MovementMovementType
- MovementOptions
- MovementReassignmentMovement
- MovementReassignmentMovementPayload
- MovementTransferOption
- MovementUser
- MovementUserMap
- MovementUserTuple
- MovementUserTuplePayload
- MovementValidationError
- MovementValidationErrorResponse
- ParametersCompanyResponse
- TasksCreateTaskPayload
- TasksCreateTaskResponse
- TasksDueDateFilter
- TasksListTaskResponse
- TasksOrderByType
- TasksPatchTaskPayload
- TasksPatchTaskResponse
- TasksPutTaskLinkDocumentsPayload
- TasksTask
- TasksTransferToCompletedResponse
- TasksVisibilityType
- Translation
- UsersListUsersResponse
- UsersRole
- UsersUpdateUserPayload
- UsersUser
- UsersUserGroup
Authentication schemes defined for the API:
- Type:
- Flow:
- Authorization URL:
- Scopes:
- crm:contact: Read/Write access on contacts
- crm:database: Read/Write access on databases
- crm:datagateway: Read/Write access on gateways
- crm:event: Read/Write access on events
- crm:fieldValue: Read/Write access on field values
- crm:file: Read/Write access on documents
- crm:insurance:read: Read access on insurance
- crm:investment:read: Read access on investment
- crm:movement: Read/Write access on movement
- crm:remoteAccount: Read/Write access on mail accounts
- crm:task: Read/Write access on tasks
- crm:user: Read/Write access on users
- profile: Read/Write access on profile
To run the tests, use:
composer install
This PHP package is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project:
- API version:
- Package version:
- Generator version:
- Package version:
- Build package: