Name | Type | Description | Notes |
externalKey | string | External key of the document. | [optional] |
dateStart | string | Date start of the document. | [optional] |
dateEnd | string | Date end of the document. | [optional] |
dateSignature | string | Date signature of the document. | [optional] |
writtenBy | string | Author of the document. | [optional] |
notes | string | Notes of the document. | [optional] |
users | \Equisoft\SDK\EquisoftConnect\Model\LegacyUser[] | Users related to the document. | [optional] |
id | string | Id of the document. | [optional] |
type | string | Type of the document. | [optional] |
subType | string | Subtype of the document. | [optional] |
name | string | Name of the document. | [optional] |
files | \Equisoft\SDK\EquisoftConnect\Model\LegacyDocumentBase64FilePayloadItem[] | Files contained inside the document. | [optional] |
contacts | \Equisoft\SDK\EquisoftConnect\Model\LegacyContactContactPayloadItem[] | List of linked contacts. | [optional] |