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# KronosFinanceGetContactItem


Name Type Description Notes
id string Unique id. [optional]
uuid string Contact UUID. [optional]
typeContact string Type of the contact. [optional]
indOrg string Type INDIVIDUAL OR ORGANIZATION. [optional]
displayName string Display name of the contact. [optional]
firstName string First name of the contact. [optional]
nickname string Nickname of the contact. [optional]
middleName string Middle name of the contact. [optional]
lastName string Last name of the contact. [optional]
corporationName string First line of corporation name (Organization). [optional]
corporationNameLine2 string Second line of corporation name (Organization). [optional]
rank string Rank of the contact. (Industrial Alliance only). [optional]
facebookLink string Facebook link. [optional]
twitterLink string Twitter link. [optional]
linkedinLink string LinkedIn link. [optional]
avatar int Avatar. [optional]
picture \Equisoft\SDK\EquisoftConnect\Model\LegacyContactPicture [optional]
gender string Gender of the contact. Either MALE, FEMALE or UNKNOWN. [optional]
sin string Sin of the contact. [optional]
birthdate string Birthdate of the contact. [optional]
smoker string Smoker status. [optional]
smokerSince string Date the contact started/stopped smoking. [optional]
addressHome \Equisoft\SDK\EquisoftConnect\Model\LegacyContactAddress [optional]
addressOffice \Equisoft\SDK\EquisoftConnect\Model\LegacyContactAddress [optional]
addressOther \Equisoft\SDK\EquisoftConnect\Model\LegacyContactAddress [optional]
phoneHome string Phone number of the contact at home. [optional]
phoneHomeSecond string Second phone number of the contact at home. [optional]
phoneAssistant string Assistant phone number of the contact. [optional]
phoneOffice string Office phone number of the contact. [optional]
phoneOfficeSecond string Second office phone number of the contact. [optional]
phoneCell string Cell phone number of the contact. [optional]
phonePager string Pager phone number of the contact. [optional]
phoneFax string Fax phone number of the contact. [optional]
mainEmail string Main email of the contact. [optional]
emailPersonal string Personal email of the contact. [optional]
webSite string Web Site URL. This represent the main website for the contact. [optional]
emailBusiness string Business email of the contact. [optional]
emailOther string Business email of the contact. [optional]
notes string Notes of the contact. [optional]
peculiarity string Peculiarity of the contact. [optional]
endFinancialYear string End of the financial year (for organization). [optional]
users \Equisoft\SDK\EquisoftConnect\Model\LegacyUser[] Owner of the contact. By default use the current api user. [optional]
language string Language. [optional]
active string Active (boolean). [optional]
publish string Publish (boolean). [optional]
title string Title. [optional]
suffix string Suffix. [optional]
civility string Civility. [optional]
civilityId int Civility id. [optional]
personAddressed string Person Addressed (Correspondance). [optional]
organizationLine1 string Organization name (Correspondance). [optional]
organizationLine2 string Organization name - second line (Correspondance). [optional]
department string Department (Correspondance). [optional]
customerNumber string Customer Number. [optional]
addresses \Equisoft\SDK\EquisoftConnect\Model\LegacyContactAddress[] Contact addresses. [optional]
phones \Equisoft\SDK\EquisoftConnect\Model\LegacyContactPhone[] Contact phones. [optional]
emails \Equisoft\SDK\EquisoftConnect\Model\LegacyContactEmail[] Contact emails. [optional]
webSites \Equisoft\SDK\EquisoftConnect\Model\LegacyContactWebSite[] Contact web sites. [optional]
birthPlace string Birth Place. [optional]
nationality string Nationality. [optional]
orgDateCreated string Organization created date. [optional]
orgDateClosed string Organization closed date. [optional]
dateEndFinancialYear string Financial year end date. [optional]
orgIdNo string Organization identification number. [optional]
orgFedNo string Organization federal number. [optional]
orgProvNo string Organization provincial number. [optional]
orgStateId string Organization state identification [optional]
orgEin string Organization EIN. [optional]
spouse \Equisoft\SDK\EquisoftConnect\Model\LegacyContactContact [optional]
maritalStatus \Equisoft\SDK\EquisoftConnect\Model\LegacyContactMaritalStatus [optional]
currentJob \Equisoft\SDK\EquisoftConnect\Model\LegacyContactJob [optional]
links \Equisoft\SDK\EquisoftConnect\Model\LegacyContactContactLink[] Linked contacts. [optional]
class string Class (separated by ;). [optional]
classIds \Equisoft\SDK\EquisoftConnect\Model\LegacyInt[] Class ids. [optional]
group string Mailing group (separated by ;). [optional]
groupIds \Equisoft\SDK\EquisoftConnect\Model\LegacyInt[] Mailing group ids. [optional]
hobby string Hobby (separated by ;). [optional]
hobbyIds \Equisoft\SDK\EquisoftConnect\Model\LegacyInt[] Hobby ids. [optional]
origin string Origin (separated by ;). [optional]
originIds \Equisoft\SDK\EquisoftConnect\Model\LegacyInt[] Origin ids. [optional]
domain string Activity Domain (separated by ;). [optional]
domainIds \Equisoft\SDK\EquisoftConnect\Model\LegacyInt[] Domain ids. [optional]
territory string Territory. [optional]
territoryId int Territory id. [optional]
seg1 string Segmentation 1. [optional]
seg1Id int Segmentation 1 id. [optional]
seg2 string Segmentation 2. [optional]
seg2Id int Segmentation 2 id. [optional]
seg3 string Segmentation 3. [optional]
seg3Id int Segmentation 3 id. [optional]
seg4 string Segmentation 4. [optional]
seg4Id int Segmentation 4 id. [optional]
seg5 string Segmentation 5. [optional]
seg5Id int Segmentation 5 id. [optional]
seg6 string Segmentation 6. [optional]
seg6Id int Segmentation 6 id. [optional]
createdBy string Email of the user who created the event. [optional]
createdOn string Date of creation of the event. [optional]
modifiedBy string Email of the user who last modified the event. [optional]
modifiedOn string Date of the last modification of the event. [optional]
dateDecease string Decease date for this contact. If the contact is alive, this value should be "". [optional]
civilStatus string Civil status. [optional]
civilStatusSince string Date since civil status. [optional]
hin string Health Insurance Number. [optional]
advisor \Equisoft\SDK\EquisoftConnect\Model\LegacyUser [optional]
sponsor \Equisoft\SDK\EquisoftConnect\Model\LegacyUser [optional]
managers \Equisoft\SDK\EquisoftConnect\Model\LegacyUser[] Manager Users. [optional]
jobs \Equisoft\SDK\EquisoftConnect\Model\KronosFinanceJob[] List of jobs. [optional]
generalInsurances \Equisoft\SDK\EquisoftConnect\Model\KronosFinanceGeneralInsurance[] General insurance (Property and casuality). [optional]
passport string Passport. [optional]
passportExpiration string Passport expiration. [optional]
drivingLicense string Driving license. [optional]
drivingLicenseExpiration string Driving license expiration. [optional]

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