[bug ] Should change the id after DeepClone()
the lyric. #2054
[closed ] ElementIdConverter
does not accept the nullable property. #2051
[closed ] Some property like element id need extra convertor in the DeepClone()
method. #2050
[encoder/decoder ] Able to write the value into the property with protected/private setter. #2048
[closed ] Move hit-object related utils into the HitObjects
namespace. #2042
[enhancement ] Use Grid instead of int as primary key. #2040
[code quality ] Remove all #nullable disabled annotation. #1986
[enhancement ][Design ] Implement issue table in the lyric editor composer. #1728
[closed ] Lyric display issue #1641
[bug ][code quality ] Remove all AllowNull
using. #1511
[code quality ] Enable NRT by default #1390
[enhancement ][code quality ] Move some utils for editor only. #1206
[code quality ] use EqualityComparer.Default to compare the language. #1117
[code quality ] Normalise trailing commas in code #991
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