All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
3.3.1 (2021-03-24)
- docs: update fixed-widths section (#77)
- fix: dpr srcset when only h param (#76)
- docs: update travis badge to (#74)
- docs: reorder install instruction to promote usage of composer (#72)
3.3.0 (2020-06-05)
- fix: normalize behavior of target widths (#56)
- fix: remove ensure even requirement (#57)
- feat: create custom srcsets (#58)
- feat: validate custom srcsets (#61)
3.2.0 (2020-03-31)
- feat: use https by default (#53)
3.1.0 (2019-08-29)
- feat: add srcset generation (#47)
3.0.0 (2019-06-11)
- fix: remove deprecated domain sharding functionality (#45)
2.3.0 (2019-05-06)
2.2.0 (2019-04-08)
- add support for multiple URL parameter values by flattening nested arrays passed into $params (#40)