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Releases: bvobart/mllint


20 Jun 22:37
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  • 1bb68c6 Disable Python 3.6 Docker build because Pygit2 and libgit2-dev are not compatible there
  • f345a39 Support [] for specifying Poetry dev dependencies in pyproject.toml
  • 204f865 Updates ReadMe with warning that mllint is no longer maintained, remove survey message
  • 4b2d33e Fixes #35
  • 10e79de Updates build & publish dependencies, adds Win ARM64 as build target, adds support for Python 3.10, makes Python source package work for all supported platforms
  • f4f0def Updates mllint example run SVG and example report


12 Aug 11:45
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7e2a29d Fixes tests for code quality linters
6826d72 Make Pylint, Mypy, Black, isort and Bandit ignore all virtualenv directories from Python gitignore (env, venv, .env, .venv, env.bak, venv.bak, ENV)
0691571 Fixes potential nil pointer panic in utils.FileExists. Fixes #29
d1f4a5f Adds script to run a demo and create an animated SVG of this demo with svg-term
24c0f41 To prevent empty category sections in report, don't run linters that have no rules (e.g. the custom category when unconfigured)
cfcafde Adds mllint render to pretty-print Markdown reports to terminal

Docker images

  • docker pull bvobart/mllint:latest-py3.8
  • docker pull bvobart/mllint:0.12.1-py3.8
  • docker pull bvobart/mllint:0.12.1
  • docker pull bvobart/mllint:latest-py3.9
  • docker pull bvobart/mllint:0.12.1-py3.9
  • docker pull bvobart/mllint:latest-py3.7
  • docker pull bvobart/mllint:0.12.1-py3.7
  • docker pull bvobart/mllint:latest-py3.6
  • docker pull bvobart/mllint:0.12.1-py3.6


04 Aug 21:34
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400f497 Fixes mllint website deploy job so it correctly triggers for pushes on main and changes to site source code
9693f88 Fixes mllint version not showing correctly on GH Pages site on tagged releases
2e70662 Updates ReadMe with directly visible link to survey, updates website homepage to better show survey link
9257d39 Merge pull request #27 from bvobart/category-score
72969ef Print a score for the entire category in the Markdown report, calculated as weighted average of all rules' scores

Docker images

  • docker pull bvobart/mllint:latest-py3.8
  • docker pull bvobart/mllint:0.12.0-py3.8
  • docker pull bvobart/mllint:0.12.0
  • docker pull bvobart/mllint:latest-py3.9
  • docker pull bvobart/mllint:0.12.0-py3.9
  • docker pull bvobart/mllint:latest-py3.6
  • docker pull bvobart/mllint:0.12.0-py3.6
  • docker pull bvobart/mllint:latest-py3.7
  • docker pull bvobart/mllint:0.12.0-py3.7


03 Aug 19:57
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15623de Fixes missing space in describe help text and updates link to survey
7fd388a Merge pull request #26 from bvobart/mllint-site
273ad44 Adds links to the website to the ReadMe and adds GoReportCard badge
fb2bdb5 Updates website description again
ae26179 Fixes website description and adds a note on the homepage asking users to fill in the survey about mllint
675d6f6 Disables building mllint GH Pages website on mllint-site branch, only on master and tags now
e5eaafa Adds a ReadMe to the docs/gh-pages code
6aaa32a Fixes mllint version unknown in regular commit GH pages workflow
d133457 Enable GH Pages workflow on pushes to master & mllint-site branches, fixes GH Pages website footer so that it can show individual commit versions instead of just proper tags
3b6aa93 Implements a pipeline to build and publish mllint's GitHub pages website
b7d80b1 Adds a small footer with the mllint version used to generate the docs
ac16553 Apply a slight zoom on the example run SVG on GH pages to have the text be better readable
d3c7341 Adds a flair of colour to the GH pages site with some accent colours for markers, links, inline code blocks and titles
1c1e92c Ensures home info post and post descriptions get the proper Markdown formatting CSS like post content also gets
67e41af Tweaks the GH pages menu and adds layouts such that post descriptions get Markdown processing done on them
24ed2d0 Implements a script to generate Hugo .md content files for every rule and category that mllint has.
63f21ff Sets up a simple documentation website for mllint, built with Hugo using PaperMod theme. Already contains the information from the ReadMe, all it needs now are auto-generated rule & category documentations.

Docker images

  • docker pull bvobart/mllint:latest-py3.8
  • docker pull bvobart/mllint:0.11.1-py3.8
  • docker pull bvobart/mllint:0.11.1
  • docker pull bvobart/mllint:latest-py3.9
  • docker pull bvobart/mllint:0.11.1-py3.9
  • docker pull bvobart/mllint:latest-py3.6
  • docker pull bvobart/mllint:0.11.1-py3.6
  • docker pull bvobart/mllint:latest-py3.7
  • docker pull bvobart/mllint:0.11.1-py3.7


16 Jul 17:09
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a06595c Adds a message to mllint's run command asking users whether they would be so kind to fill in a feedback survey about mllint
b5d637c Replaces deprecated use_buildx: true with use: buildx in GoReleaser config
a8d04f1 Merge pull request #25 from bvobart/custom-linter
093df9e Updates ReadMe with information about custom linting rules
100be2f Makes custom rules show up in mllint list all and allows custom rules to be disabled with through the config as though they are normal rules.
2648009 Adds TOML example of custom rule definition to custom category description
117ca38 Adds a description for the custom category, outlining how to create custom linting rules
f839d21 Makes it possible to use mllint describe with custom rules from the configuration in the current directory
12f7ee8 Adds the custom category and enables the Custom linter
9e37ff5 Implements option in linter test framework to run the tests with an mllint.Runner, implements custom linter running its custom rules on the runner
e4ebce6 Implements a linter with tests to run custom rules, expecting a JSON / YAML formatted response as output from the rule's run command
bdbfb6d Implements config structure for custom rule definitions, adds api method to make api.Rule definition from config.CustomRule
5aa8e36 Fixes coverage reports on CodeCov by only including the coverage.txt generated by the tests
f8e5ca9 Fixes CodeCov configuration to ignore test coverage files in linters/testing/test-resources
967df03 Adds Go package documentation badge to ReadMe

Docker images

  • docker pull bvobart/mllint:latest-py3.8
  • docker pull bvobart/mllint:0.11.0-py3.8
  • docker pull bvobart/mllint:0.11.0
  • docker pull bvobart/mllint:latest-py3.9
  • docker pull bvobart/mllint:0.11.0-py3.9
  • docker pull bvobart/mllint:latest-py3.7
  • docker pull bvobart/mllint:0.11.0-py3.7
  • docker pull bvobart/mllint:latest-py3.6
  • docker pull bvobart/mllint:0.11.0-py3.6


25 Jun 15:24
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eb1c0aa Fixes two small layout issues and an error reporting bug in OpenFile
aa3e0ff Fixes a small typo in the details provided with the testing/coverage rule as to where the coverage report should be placed
183a6f9 Merge pull request #22 from bvobart/testing-linter
5876ada Finally fixes the implementation of testing/has-tests such that it conforms to the intendede intuition, updates details and descriptions of all testing/ rules and testing category
40599ae Fixes tests and fixes behaviour of testing/has-tests
37a2f72 Implements a better config structure for testing and test coverage targets. Implements better (and more configurable) check for whether a project has at least a certain amount of test files, or a certain ratio of test files to other files
9e88a75 Merge pull request #17 from bvobart/license
a549c9b Irons out some kinks in the formatting of details for testing rules
301b892 Adds Testing linter to mllint's analysis
88ec080 Implements linting rule for checking whether project's tests are in tests folder
a3960e7 Implements the linting rule to check for test coverage including a boatload of tests for it
9ed90ac Changes license to GPLv3 in mllint's as well
7c54535 Create LICENSE
384f39e linters: expands test suite for testing linter
cc19ce7 linters: test suite: only run tests in parallel when linter is not configurable, as multiple tests trying to configure the same linter object before running creates race conditions
274c8be Fixes GoReleaser config by removing YAML anchors
89a3142 Implements some tests for the Testing linter's RuleHasTests
0d90fcb Adds a test for the template linter
1876535 Refactors dependency management tests to use new testing framework
9282364 Implements a simple testing framework to help create linter tests
0b2b141 Updates testing category description
c3e9890 commands: config: adds --toml or -t option to output TOML instead of YAML
1afabd2 Updates code-quality category description
2237cda Enables docker buildx for when building mllint docker containers
120fc8e Starts implementing a linter for the Testing category: user should provide JUnit XML test report and Cobertura-compatible XML coverage report that will be analysed for test completion and coverage. Implements checking test completion stats from JUnit XML

Docker images

  • docker pull bvobart/mllint:latest-py3.8
  • docker pull bvobart/mllint:0.10.0-py3.8
  • docker pull bvobart/mllint:0.10.0
  • docker pull bvobart/mllint:latest-py3.9
  • docker pull bvobart/mllint:0.10.0-py3.9
  • docker pull bvobart/mllint:latest-py3.6
  • docker pull bvobart/mllint:0.10.0-py3.6
  • docker pull bvobart/mllint:latest-py3.7
  • docker pull bvobart/mllint:0.10.0-py3.7


21 Jun 16:59
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eec5e44 Updates code-quality category description

Docker images

  • docker pull bvobart/mllint:latest-py3.8
  • docker pull bvobart/mllint:0.9.2-py3.8
  • docker pull bvobart/mllint:0.9.2
  • docker pull bvobart/mllint:latest-py3.9
  • docker pull bvobart/mllint:0.9.2-py3.9
  • docker pull bvobart/mllint:latest-py3.6
  • docker pull bvobart/mllint:0.9.2-py3.6
  • docker pull bvobart/mllint:latest-py3.7
  • docker pull bvobart/mllint:0.9.2-py3.7


03 Jun 12:38
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f59c814 Finding Python files in project now ignores 'venv' folder

Docker images

  • docker pull bvobart/mllint:latest-py3.6
  • docker pull bvobart/mllint:0.9.1-py3.6
  • docker pull bvobart/mllint:latest
  • docker pull bvobart/mllint:0.9.1
  • docker pull bvobart/mllint:latest-py3.9
  • docker pull bvobart/mllint:0.9.1-py3.9
  • docker pull bvobart/mllint:latest-py3.7
  • docker pull bvobart/mllint:0.9.1-py3.7
  • docker pull bvobart/mllint:latest-py3.8
  • docker pull bvobart/mllint:0.9.1-py3.8


28 May 21:24
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498dedd Merge pull request #14 from bvobart/git-improvements
29a0a42 setools: git: fixes MakeGitInfo remote URL test on CI
12832b6 linters: ci/use now checks for CI configurations at the Git root of the given project, fixing false negative on this rule when analysing project in subfolder of a monorepo. Implements git.GetGitRoot() to retrieve the root of the Git repo. Refactors the CI linter's tests to be based on files generated in a temp dir, rather than in this repo.
addf81b Adds Git information to report, i.e. URL of remote, current commit hash & branch and whether folder currently has changes relative to HEAD
0f08641 linters: version-control/code/git-no-big-files now checks the entire Git history for large files instead of just the current revision.
55e74b6 commands: when specifying -o with a path where its folder doesn't exist yet, create it

Docker images

  • docker pull bvobart/mllint:latest-py3.8
  • docker pull bvobart/mllint:0.9.0-py3.8
  • docker pull bvobart/mllint:latest
  • docker pull bvobart/mllint:0.9.0
  • docker pull bvobart/mllint:latest-py3.9
  • docker pull bvobart/mllint:0.9.0-py3.9
  • docker pull bvobart/mllint:latest-py3.6
  • docker pull bvobart/mllint:0.9.0-py3.6
  • docker pull bvobart/mllint:latest-py3.7
  • docker pull bvobart/mllint:0.9.0-py3.7


26 May 20:07
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4269be9 Merge pull request #13 from bvobart/docker-and-peer-deps
01e6e83 Updates ReadMe with info about optional dependencies, Docker containers and describe / config also matching on partial rule slugs
ab82e15 Adds Docker login action to publish workflow
2312297 Adds a Dockerfile and adds instructions in GoReleaser config to build and publish mllint Docker images for Python 3.6, 3.7, 3.8 and 3.9
1f9d897 Adds a list of optional Python dependencies required to run all mllint's analyses. Can be installed with pip install mllint[tools] when released

Docker images

  • docker pull bvobart/mllint:latest-py3.7
  • docker pull bvobart/mllint:0.8.8-py3.7
  • docker pull bvobart/mllint:latest
  • docker pull bvobart/mllint:0.8.8
  • docker pull bvobart/mllint:latest-py3.9
  • docker pull bvobart/mllint:0.8.8-py3.9
  • docker pull bvobart/mllint:latest-py3.6
  • docker pull bvobart/mllint:0.8.8-py3.6
  • docker pull bvobart/mllint:latest-py3.8
  • docker pull bvobart/mllint:0.8.8-py3.8