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Releases: axuno/SmartFormat


15 May 20:14
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What's Changed

.NET Framework 4.6.2

SmartFormat has transitioned to using .NET Framework 4.6.2 (net462) as its target framework, replacing the now unsupported .NET Framework 4.6.1 (net461). The support for net461 ended in 2022, while net462 will continue to receive support until January 2027.

Switching to a different patch version of a target framework is generally not considered a breaking change. This is referred to as an in-place update by Microsoft. In the case of SmartFormat, we have not encountered any runtime issues with the existing API after this transition.

The same holds true for the new netstandard2.0 reference to ZString.

.NET 6.0 and .NET 8.0

SmartFormat has expanded its compatibility by adding .NET 6.0 (net60) and .NET 8.0 (net80) as additional target frameworks. You can find details about their end of support here.

All Target Frameworks

We have removed the SmartFormat.ZString assembly and replaced it with a reference to the ZString package. This change does not affect the API.

Commits in detail

  • Fix: Update nuget api key in #378
  • Target Framework Updates in #389 (merged the version/3.4.0 branch)

Thanks to @thompson-tomo for his first contribution with #377

Full Changelog: v3.3.2...v3.4.0


29 Jan 18:38
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Reasoning for the Update

  • Regression caused by #368
  • If there are namespace collisions with Cysharp.Text using v3.3.1 please update to v3.2.2

What's Changed

  • Change all public types in namespace Cysharp.Text to internal in #372
  • Stop namespace collisions with Cysharp.ZString nuget package
  • Affects: class, struct, interface, delegate, enum
  • using on command line, so we can automate this step:
    "fnr.exe" --cl --dir "SmartFormat.ZString\repo\src\ZString" --fileMask ".cs,.tt" --includeSubDirectories --caseSensitive --useRegEx --find "public (?=.*(class |struct |enum |interface |delegate ))" --replace "internal "
  • Add a unit test to get an alert when Cysharp.Text objects are public (e.g. after an update)
  • Bump version to v3.3.2

Full Changelog: v3.3.1...v3.3.2


14 Jan 22:51
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PluralRule for DualFromZeroToTwo: Now a value of 2 is covered and will not throw. Frend is one of the affected languages. Closes #369 in #370


Dictionary<string, PluralRuleDelegate> PluralRule.IsoLangToDelegate holds delegates with the pluralization rule per language. Changing a value of this dictionary will change the pluralization rules globally. This is not recommended, but possible. After a change calling PluralRules.RestoreDefault() will restore the default rules.

Other Changes

  • Unit tests: Convert NUnit Classic Assert to Constraint Model in #364
  • Bump NUnit package reference to v4.0.1 in #367
  • Linq optimizations in #366
  • Update package Cysharp.ZString to v2.5.1 in #368
  • Bump version to v3.3.1 in #371

Full Changelog: v3.3.0...v3.3.1


25 Sep 19:09
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What's Changed

  • Add support for nested formats in LocalizationFormatter by @zacateras in #350. This is useful, if the string to localize contains a SmartFormat placeholder instead of a pure text. Example: If the format is "{:L:{ProductType}}", the ProductType placeholder will be replaced with the variable content "pen". "pen" will in turn be localiced to "bic" for the FR locale.
  • DictionarySource has an option to evaluate IReadOnlyDictionary<TKey,TValue> sources by @axunonb in #353. To enable, set DictionarySource.IsIReadOnlyDictionarySupported to true (default is false). This is for types that only implement IReadOnlyDictionary<TKey,TValue>, but not IDictionary.
  • Bump version to v3.3.0 in #356

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v3.2.2...v3.3.0


03 Aug 15:31
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What's Changed


  • PluralLocalizationFormatter does not treat a numeric string as valid argument (resolves #345, restore behavior of v3.1.0 and before) in #346

  • Bump version to v3.2.2

    Meaning: Smart.Format("{0:{}|is null or empty}", "1234"); will not implicitly invoke PluralLocalizationFormatter but instead ConditionalFormatter. So the result is "1234" as to be expected. A string argument to PluralLocalizationFormatter is never accepted, even if it could be converted to a number.


  • Update appveyor and github CI scripts
  • Update change log for v3.2.1 in #331
  • Update NuGet API Key in #335
  • Update link to pluralization rules we use as a reference in #338
  • Add unit test for DateOnly and TimeOnly types (NET6.0+) in #341

Full Changelog: v3.2.1...v3.2.2


19 Feb 19:31
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What's Changed


  • Fix: Auto-detection of PluralLocalizationFormatter does not throw for values not convertible to decimal by @axunonb in #330 Resolves #329 (Thanks to @BtbN)

    • Current behavior, introduced in v3.2.0:
      When PluralLocalizationFormatter.CanAutoDetect == true, values that are not convertible to decimal will throw then trying to IConvertible.ToDecimal(...)

    • New behavior, equivalent to v3.1.0:
      When PluralLocalizationFormatter.CanAutoDetect == true, for values that are not convertible to decimal, IFormatter.TryEvaluateFormat(...) will return false

  • Fix processing for Singular languages by @axunonb in #322

Other Changes

  • EditorConfig and appveyor.yml by @axunonb in #319
  • Integrate Cysharp.ZString release v2.5.0 (26 Oct 2022) by @axunonb in #323
  • Fix: PluralRules for Czech locale by @alexheb in #325
  • Fixes for Demo App and NUnit TestAdapter by @axunonb in #328

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v3.2.0...v3.2.1


18 Sep 21:26
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  • Remove usage of Linq for less GC
  • Add IConvertable support for PluralLocalizationFormatter and ConditionalFormatter
  • ListFormatter
    • ListFormatter handles selector name "Index" in IEnumerables and ILists: In v1.6.1 a Selector was tested for having the name "index", even if data was not an IList, and returned the CollectionIndex. This is now implemented again in the ListFormatter.TryEvaluateSelector(...)
    • Set the ParentPlaceholder property for item Formats
    • Use PooledObject<T> where possible, so objects will be returned to ObjectPool also in case of exceptions


  • FormatItem.AsSpan() returns the correct name
  • Remove potential namespace collisions: All public types in namespace Cysharp.Text are now internal

What's Changed

  • Upgrade projects targeting NET5.0 to NET6.0 by @axunonb in #286
  • Refactor suggestions by @karljj1 in #290
  • Refactored unit tests for ReflectionSource and thread-safe mode by @axunonb in #291
  • Convert solution to file-scoped namespacing by @axunonb in #292
  • Use is instead of checking the type info. by @karljj1 in #293
  • SonarCloud do not support analysis of forked PRs by @axunonb in #294
  • Avoid using Linq as it generates GC each time. by @karljj1 in #296
  • IConvertible support for plural and conditional formatters by @karljj1 in #300
  • Fixed: FormatItem.AsSpan() by @axunonb in #304
  • Refactor ListFormatter by @axunonb in #305
  • Ignore bools in plurals formatter. by @karljj1 in #306
  • Change all public types in namespace Cysharp.Text to internal by @axunonb in #309
  • ListFormatter handles selector name "Index" in IEnumerable and IList by @axunonb in #314
  • Bump version to v3.2.0 by @axunonb in #315

Full Changelog: v3.1.0...v3.2.0


28 Jun 17:20
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Fix: Newtonsoft.Json prior to version 13.0.1 is vulnerable

Newtonsoft.Json prior to version 13.0.1 is vulnerable to Insecure Defaults due to improper handling of expressions with high nesting level that lead to StackOverFlow exception or high CPU and RAM usage. Exploiting this vulnerability results in Denial Of Service (DoS).

Package reference updated to a minimum version 13.0.1


17 May 20:42
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This is a feature update, that is released upon feedback from the community.

Thread-safe Mode

Thread-safe mode is now enabled by default:
SmartSettings.IsThreadSafeMode == true.

This has no impact on the API.

In case SmartFormat is exclusively utilized in a single-threaded context, SmartSettings.IsThreadSafeMode=false should be considered for enhanced performance.

Static Smart Methods for Formatting

Static Smart methods like Smart.Format(format, args) can now be called in an async / multi-threaded context.

The SmartFormatter instance returned by Smart.Default is flagged with the ThreadStatic attribute.
See more details in the Wiki: Async and Thread Safety

ListFormatter may have Placeholders in "spacers"

Thanks to karljj1 for the PR.

Before v3.1.0 the format options for ListFormatter could only contain literal text. Now Placeholders are allowed.


var args = new {
    Names = new[] { "John", "Mary", "Amy" },
    IsAnd = true, // true or false
    Split = ", "  // comma and space as list separator
_ = Smart.Format("{Names:list:{}|{Split}| {IsAnd:and|nor} }", args);
// Output for "IsAnd=true":  "John, Mary and Amy"
// Output for "IsAnd=false": "John, Mary nor Amy"


14 Mar 10:08
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Changes since v3.0.0-rc.2


The formatter now accecpts a format argument with a nested Placeholder that lets you format the result of the sub-string operation.
Example: Convert the sub-string to lower-case:

Smart.Format("{0:substr(0,2):{ToLower}}", "ABC");

Reasoning: Enhancement

Nullable Notation

KeyValuePairSource, PersistentVariablesSource and GlobalVariablesSource can now process "null if nullable"
Reasoning: Enhancement


The name of the formatter is now "t" (was "template" before).
Reasoning: Minimize the format string

Char to split options and formats is limited to pipe, comma, tilde

  • Char to split options and formats is limited to pipe, comma, tilde
  • SplitChar for formatters is unified and checked for validity
  • Affects ChooseFormatter, ConditionalFormatter, IsMatchFormatter, ListFormatter, PluralLocalizationFormatter, SubStringFormatter

Reasoning: Avoid conflicts with reserved characters

Modified ChooseFormatter case-sensitivity for option strings

  • bool and null: always case-insensitive
  • using SmartSettings.CaseSensitivity unless overridden with ChooseFormatter.CaseSensitivity
  • option strings comparison is culture-aware, using CultureInfo if supplied in Smart.Format(...) or CurrentUICulture

Reasoning: Enhancement

Magic Leading Colon

An implementation of a magic leading colon in order to identify whether ConditionalFormatter or PluralLocalizationFormatter should be invoked, was removed.
This is undocumented and unnecessary.
Adding the formatter name in the format string achieves the same target.