Update 20180731
Replaced sonoff.bin with a slightly smaller version (disabled sensor LM75AD) making wifi connection more stable due to different compiler optimization.
Replaced sonoff-minimal with a version not forcing to default settings leading to unability to upload final image.
Update 20180723
Removed Travis builds containing byte alignment errors and uploaded new re-compiled binaries.
Migration Information
See wiki migration path for instructions how to migrate to a major version. Pay attention to the following version breaks due to dynamic settings updates:
- Migrate to Sonoff-Tasmota 3.9.x
- Migrate to Sonoff-Tasmota 4.x
- Migrate to Sonoff-Tasmota 5.14
- Migrate to Sonoff-Tasmota 6.x
Version 6.1.1 20180714
- Revert wifi changes (#3177)
- Revert some sonoff-minimal removals causing failure of wifi connection (#3177)
Version 6.1.0 20180706
- Remove version 3, 4 and pre 5.2 settings auto-upgrade. See
- Change default CFG_HOLDER from 0x20161209 to 4617 (=0x1209) - no impact on default upgrades
- Change number of supported switches from 4 to 8 (#2885, #3086)
- Change BME680 driver from Adafruit to Bosch BME680 library (#2969)
- Fix Pzem004T checksum error
- Fix KNX bug when doing reply of sensors values
- Fix rules induced LWT message
- Fix possible wifi connection problem (#1366)
- Fix some Pow R2 and S31 checksum errors (#1907)
- Fix display selection of un-available GPIO options in Module Configuration webpage (#2718)
- Fix timer re-trigger within one minute after restart (#2744)
- Fix IRSend not accepting data value of 0 by David Conran (#2751)
- Fix vars on rules by Adrian Scillato (#2769)
- Fix bug in KNX menu by Adrian Scillato (#2770)
- Fix anomalies in rules (#2778)
- Fix HUE bridge V1 software version by Heiko Krupp (#2788)
- Fix Hardware Watchdog restart when using event command (#2853)
- Add Ukrainian language file
- Add KNX support for DS18S20 Temperature sensor
- Add CRC to Settings making future upgrades more fail-safe
- Add feature information to Status 4
- Add tools folder with python script for decoding some status fields like SetOption and Features
- Add Slots on the KNX Web Menu to select Group Addess to receive data to trigger rules
- Add two rule sets of 511 characters using commands rule1, rule2 and rule3
- Add Console Commands to send KNX Commands and KNX Values
- Add Slots on the KNX Web Menu to select Group Addess to send data from console commands
- Add Events to trigger rules when a command or read requests is received from KNX
- Add command SetOption30 to enforce Hass discovery as light group (#1784)
- Add support for BlitzWolf BW-SHP2 (and Homecube, Gosund SP1) Energy Monitoring Smart Socket (#2223)
- Add time in minutes to rule Time#Initialized, Time#set and Time#Minute (#2669)
- Add Eastron SDM630 energy meter by Gennaro Tortone (#2735)
- Add KNX communication enhancement by Adrian Scillato (#2742)
- Add KNX energy data by Adrian Scillato (#2750)
- Add rule support for IrReceive and RfReceive (#2758)
- Add python script in tools folder to create a simple OTA server by Gennaro Tortone (#2759)
- Add rule variables %time% for minutes since midnight, %uptime%, %sunrise% and %sunset% giving time in minutes (#2669)
- Add rules %mem1% to %mem5% variable names storing data in flash (#2780)
- Add rules test on %varx% or %memx% (#2780)
- Add optional token %id% substituting the unique MAC address to fulltopic by Michael Graf (#2794)
- Add support for Sonoff S26 Smart Socket (#2808)
- Add command WebSend [<host>(:<port>,<user>:<password>)] <command> (#2821)
- Add increment and decrement value to command Counter (#2838)
- Add support for Sonoff iFan02 as module 44 introducing command FanSpeed 0..3 (#2839)
- Add source information to command execution to be shown with logging option 3 (#2843)
- Add support for uploading Sonoff Bridge firmware found in tools/fw_efm8bb1 folder build by Portisch using Web Gui File Upload (#2886)
- Add command RfRaw to control Portisch firmware features
- Add support for I2C temperature sensor LM75AD (#2909)
- Add option 0 to command Timers disarming all timers (#2962)
- Add performance improvement when updating multiple individual WS2812 pixels (#3007)
- Add command SetOption28 to switch between hex or decimal Sonoff Bridge RF received data format (#3008)
- Add command SetOption29 to switch between hex or decimal IR received data format
- Add decimal values support for commands ADD, SUB, MULT and SCALE (#3083, #3089)
- Add support for bitflags SetOption50 .. SetOption81 (#3118)
Provided Binary Downloads
The following binary downloads have been compiled with ESP8266/Arduino library version 2.3.0
- sonoff.bin = the default firmware in English
- sonoff-minimal.bin = is interim firmware to be used when the above firmware images become too big to fit as OTA or web upload; installing this one first and THEN uploading the desired sonoff.bin allows for firmware size growth over the OTA file limit of 1/2 flash size. The settings in this version are non-persistent.
- sonoff-classic.bin = is a version of sonoff.bin with almost the same features as previous releases (without IR receive) to enable OTA upload in one go.
- sonoff-knx.bin = is a version of sonoff.bin with KNX enabled and Emulation disabled to safe some code and memory space.
- sonoff-allsensors.bin = is a version of sonoff.bin with all sensors enabled including support for more ds18x20 sensors.
- sonoff-BG.bin to sonoff-TW.bin = the default firmware in different languages
See Tasmota ESP/Arduino library version related issues why these files are still released using ESP/Arduino library version v2.3.0.