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Releases: VictoriaMetrics/operator


05 Jul 17:49
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v0.46.3 - 5 Jul 2024

Full Changelog: v0.46.2...v0.46.3


04 Jul 00:50
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v0.46.2 - 4 Jul 2024


Full Changelog: v0.46.0...v0.46.2


03 Jul 17:02
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v0.46.1 - 3 Jul 2024

Breaking changes

  • Update note 1: the --metrics-addr command-line flag at operator was deprecated. Use --metrics-bind-address instead.
  • Update note 2: the --enable-leader-election command-line flag at operator was deprecated. Use --leader-elect instead.
  • Update note 3: the --http.readyListenAddr command-line flag at operator was deprecated. Use --health-probe-bind-address instead.
  • Update note 4: multitenant endpoints suffix /insert/multitenant/<suffix> needs to be added in remoteWrite.url if storage supports multitenancy when using remoteWriteSettings.useMultiTenantMode, as upstream vmagent has deprecated -remoteWrite.multitenantURL command-line flag since v1.102.0.


  • operator: adds tls flag check for AsURL method. It must allow to use https configuration for VMUser service discovery. See this issue for details.
  • operator: kubebuilder v2 -> v4 upgrade
  • operator: operator docker images are now distroless based
  • operator: upgraded to
  • operator: code-generator v0.27.11 -> v0.30.0 upgrade
  • vmalertmanagerconfig: adds missing handleReconcileErr callback to the reconcile loop. It must properly handle errors and deregister objects.
  • vmrule: sync group attributes eval_offset, eval_delay and eval_alignment from upstream.
  • operator: fix VM CRs' xxNamespaceSelector and xxSelector options, previously they are inverted. See this issue for details.
  • vmnodescrape: remove duplicated series_limit and sample_limit fields in generated scrape_config. See this issue.


03 Jul 15:42
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v0.46.0 - 3 Jul 2024

Breaking changes

  • Update note 1: the --metrics-addr command-line flag at operator was deprecated. Use --metrics-bind-address instead.
  • Update note 2: the --enable-leader-election command-line flag at operator was deprecated. Use --leader-elect instead.
  • Update note 3: the --http.readyListenAddr command-line flag at operator was deprecated. Use --health-probe-bind-address instead.
  • Update note 4: multitenant endpoints suffix /insert/multitenant/<suffix> needs to be added in remoteWrite.url if storage supports multitenancy when using remoteWriteSettings.useMultiTenantMode, as upstream vmagent has deprecated -remoteWrite.multitenantURL command-line flag since v1.102.0.


  • operator: adds tls flag check for AsURL method. It must allow to use https configuration for VMUser service discovery. See this issue for details.
  • operator: kubebuilder v2 -> v4 upgrade
  • operator: operator docker images are now distroless based
  • operator: upgraded to
  • operator: code-generator v0.27.11 -> v0.30.0 upgrade
  • vmalertmanagerconfig: adds missing handleReconcileErr callback to the reconcile loop. It must properly handle errors and deregister objects.
  • vmrule: sync group attributes eval_offset, eval_delay and eval_alignment from upstream.
  • operator: fix VM CRs' xxNamespaceSelector and xxSelector options, previously they are inverted. See this issue for details.
  • vmnodescrape: remove duplicated series_limit and sample_limit fields in generated scrape_config. See this issue.


03 Jul 13:57
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v0.46.0-rc5 Pre-release
removes psp RBAC


10 Jun 12:26
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v0.45.0 - 10 Jun 2024

  • operator: expose only command-line flags related to the operator. Remove all transitive dependency flags. See this issue for details.
  • vmalertmanager: ignores content of cr.spec.configSecret if it's name clashes with secret used by operator for storing alertmanager config. See this issue for details.
  • operator: remove finalizer for child objects with non-empty DeletetionTimestamp. See this issue for details.
  • operator: skip storageClass check if there is no PVC size change. See this issue for details.
  • vmauth: fix url when default http port is changed in targetRef. See this issue for details.
  • vmauth: fix deployment when custom reloader is used. See this pull request.
  • prometheus-converter: removed dependence on getting the list of API resources for all API groups in the cluster (including those that are not used by the operator). Now API resources are requested only for the required groups (*).
  • alertmanagerconfig-converter: fix alertmanagerconfig converting with receiver opsgenie_configs. See this issue.


09 May 16:51
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v0.44.0 - 9 May 2024

  • vmagent: adds new fields into streamAggrConfig: dedup_interval, ignore_old_samples, keep_metric_names, no_align_flush_to_interval. It's only possible to use it with v1.100+ version of vmagent. See this issue for details.
  • operator: use Patch for finalizers set/unset operations. It must fix possible issues with CRD objects mutations. See this issue for details.
  • operator: adds spec.pause field to VMAgent, VMAlert, VMAuth, VMCluster, VMAlertmanager and VMSingle. It allows to suspend object reconcile by operator. See this issue for details. Thanks @just1900
  • vmagent: set status.selector field. It allows correctly use VPA with vmagent. See this issue for details.
  • prometheus-converter: fixes bug with prometheus-operator ScrapeConfig converter. Only copy spec field for it. See this issue for details.
  • vmscrapeconfig: authorization section in sd configs works properly with empty type field (default value for this field is Bearer).
  • prometheus-converter: fixes owner reference type on VMScrapeConfig objects
  • vmauth&vmuser: sync config fields from upstream, e.g., src_query_args, discover_backend_ips.


26 Apr 11:35
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What's Changed

  • Update VictoriaMetrics image tags to v1.101.0.

Full Changelog: v0.43.4...v0.43.5


25 Apr 17:49
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v0.43.4 - 25 Apr 2024

  • operator: properly set status to expanding for VMCluster during initial creation. Previously, it was always operational.
  • operator: adds more context to Deployment and Statefulset watch ready functions. Now, it reports state of unhealthy pod. It allows to find issue with it faster.


23 Apr 12:51
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v0.43.3 - 23 Apr 2024

  • operator: fix conversion from ServiceMonitor to VMServiceScrape, bearerTokenSecret is dropped mistakenly since v0.43.0. See this issue.
  • operator: fix selector match for config resources like VMUser, VMRule... , before it could be ignored when update resource labels.