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To use some static methods of ModuleFileManager, an include is necessary :

#include "ModuleFileManager.h"

A file content can be loaded in memory with static methods LoadFile or LoadFileAsCharString.

u64 flen;
// load file and add 0 at the end of content to make it a valid string 
CoreRawBuffer* txtfile = ModuleFileManager::LoadFileAsCharString(filename.c_str(), flen, sizeof(char));

The given file name can have a path or not. If no path is given, the file is searched using bundle, FilePathManager or CorePackage management mechanisms.

Some other utility static methods are available :

static	bool	SaveFile(const char *filename, u8* data, u64 length);
static	bool	RemoveFile(const char* filename);
static	bool	CoreCopyFile(const char *sourceFilename, const char *destFileName, int buffLen=2048);

fopen/fclose/fread/fwrite... like methods are available :

// global functions
extern SmartPointer<FileHandle> Platform_fopen(const char* name, const char* mode);

bool		Platform_fopen(FileHandle* handle, const char* mode);
long int	Platform_fread(void* ptr, long size, long count, FileHandle* handle);
long int	Platform_fwrite(const void* ptr, long size, long count, FileHandle* handle);
long int	Platform_ftell(FileHandle* handle);
int		Platform_fseek(FileHandle* handle, long int offset, int origin);
int		Platform_fflush(FileHandle* handle);
int		Platform_fclose(FileHandle* handle);
bool		Platform_remove(FileHandle* handle);


To use FilePathManager, an include is necessary :

#include "FilePathManager.h"

When no special path is specified, files are accessed in assets folder by default. Search paths can be added per file extension of for all file extension :

// get FilePathManager singleton
SP<FilePathManager>& pathManager = KigsCore::Singleton<FilePathManager>();
// search xml in root directory
pathManager->AddToPath(".", "xml");
// and in Skin2 directory
pathManager->AddToPath("Skin2", "xml");
// ask pathManager to search files preferably in Level1 folder 
pathManager->AddToPath("Level2", "*");

Search paths can also be removed :


To check if a file exist (can be found), the method FindFullName can be used :

// check that a file can be found
auto f=pathManager->FindFullName("FileNotFound.txt");
if (f->mStatus & FileHandle::Exist)
  // do something with file

It's also possible to give a path+file name to the methods if the path is known :

// this time the file will be found even if Skin3 is not added to pathes
auto f=pathManager->FindFullName("Skin3/FileNotFound.txt");

Bundle file

Using the tool BundleList (browse the code) it is possible to create an ASCII file containing all the files available in a given folder.

A bundle file looks like that :


Here AppInit.xml, LaunchScreen.xml, Logo.png files are in the root directory, and two files Screen_Main.xml are available in Skin1 and Skin2 folders.

For DataDrivenApplication application, a bundle file can be loaded automatically by giving it's name in AppInit.xml :

<Attr Type="string" N="BundleFileName" V="files.bundle" Dyn="true"/>

It's also possible to load it with the FilePathManager with method InitBundleList.

void	InitBundleList(const std::string& filename);

Once a bundle list is set-up, when giving a file name without a path, FilePathManager will use the bundle to search full path of the file. If several paths are found, then FilePathManager will check if a path is preferred (previously added with AddToPath).

Special folders

Depending on the platform, special folders are available. The enum giving the list of special folders is available in FilePathManager :

enum	DeviceID
	RESERVED1				=	4,
	DB_STORAGE				=	6,
	DRIVEA					=	10,
	EXTERN_FOLDER1				=	30,
	EXTERN_FOLDER2				=	31,
	EXTERN_FOLDER3				=	32,
	EXTERN_FOLDER4				=	33,


RESSOURCES folder is the one used by default when accessing files with only a classic file name.

A path using a special folder can be construct using FilePathManager::DevicePath static method like that :

// open a file for write in document folder
file = Platform_fopen(FilePathManager::DevicePath("KigsTestFileManagerSave.txt", FilePathManager::DOCUMENT_FOLDER).c_str(), "wb");
if (file->mFile)
	std::string towrite = "write in the document directory";
	int readsize = Platform_fwrite(towrite.c_str(), 1, towrite.length(), file.get());


AddToPath and RemoveFromPath methods also have a optional DeviceID parameter.

The two main special folders (except RESSOURCES the default one) are APPLICATION_STORAGE and DOCUMENT_FOLDER.


To use CorePackage, an include is necessary :

#include "CorePackage.h"

It's possible to create file archives using the tool KigsPackager (browse the code). A package is a files and folders hierarchy all in a single file. KigsPackager does not compress files.

After loading a CorePackage with LoadPackage method :

if (pathManager->LoadPackage("someAssets.kpkg"))

Several packages can be loaded at the same time. All files in the packet can be accessed like if they where in the asset folder, and loading a CorePackage update automatically the bundle list, so that it's not necessary to give the full path of the file to access it.

Packages can also be unloaded :


Find all the sample code from this Wiki section in testFileManager project (browse the code)

  1. Getting Started

  2. Overall features

  3. Advances features

    3.1. CoreModifiable

    3.1.1. Upgrador

    3.2. Attributes

    3.3. Methods

    3.4. CoreItem

    3.5. Signal/Slot/Notification

    3.6. Lua Binding

    3.7. Data Driven Application

  4. Other Modules

    4.1. FileManager

    4.2. Timer

    4.3. 2DLayers

    4.4. Collision

    4.5. GUI

    4.6. Input

    4.7. SceneGraph

    4.8. Renderer

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