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CoreModifiable methods

Kigs-framework edited this page Mar 1, 2023 · 10 revisions

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CoreModifiable methods are methods that can be called by their name without knowing the exact type of the called instance.

Fast access fixed prototype methods

Fixed prototype is :

bool	methodName(CoreModifiable* sender,std::vector<CoreModifiableAttribute*>& params,void* privateParams);

Parameters are :

  • CoreModifiable* sender : caller class
  • std::vector<CoreModifiableAttribute*>& params : vector of CoreModifiableAttribute* parameters
  • void* privateParams : a possible user-defined private param

The return value is a bool value. The meaning of the return value is user-defined.


// declare member method called "GiveInfos"

Then COREMODIFIABLE_METHODS must be used to list all the methods declared with one of the previous helper macro ( or directly using the CoreModifiable method prototype ) :

// list all CoreModifiable methods

Helper macro DEFINE_METHOD is then used to define method :

// define member method named GiveInfos on SimpleClass 
DEFINE_METHOD(SimpleClass, GiveInfos)
	std::cout << "SimpleClass GiveInfos method called on " << getName() << " instance" << std::endl;
	std::cout << "-- sender : " << sender->getName() << std::endl;

	for (auto p : params)
   	    std::string v;
	    if (p->getValue(v,this))
		std::cout << "-- parameter : " << p->id() << " value is : " << v << std::endl;
		std::cout << "-- parameter : " << p->id() << " value cannot be evaluated as string" << std::endl;

		std::cout << "-- private parameter is not null" << std::endl;
		std::cout << "-- private parameter is null" << std::endl;

	return true;

Fast call

Then method can be called with "CallMethod" like this :

// create dynamic attribute on this
AddDynamicAttribute<maFloat, float>("FloatParam", 12.0f);

// create CoreModifiableAttribute without owner
CoreModifiableAttribute* intParam = new maIntOrphan("IntParam", 15);

// create a parameter vector
std::vector<CoreModifiableAttribute*> params;
// push dynamic attribute "FloatParam" on vector
// push intParam
// call GiveInfos on instance1 with params vector, private parameter and sender are nullptr  
bool result = instance1->CallMethod("GiveInfos", params, nullptr, nullptr);
std::cout << "GiveInfos returns " << (result?"true":"false") << std::endl << std::endl;

Slower simple call

The SimpleCall template method automatically encode parameters in vector :

// "SimpleCall" on instance2:
result = instance2->SimpleCall("GiveInfos", 32,64,5);
std::cout << "GiveInfos returns " << (result ? "true" : "false") << std::endl << std::endl;

Returned value

Returned value can be pushed on parameter vector with helper macro PUSH_RETURN_VALUE. When called using CallMethod, the returned value must be delete (or a memory leak will occur).

// call GiveInfos on instance2 with params vector, private parameter and sender are nullptr  
int paramsCount = params.size();
result = instance2->CallMethod("GiveInfos", params, nullptr, nullptr);
if (params.size() > paramsCount)
	// a return was value added
		std::string v;
			std::cout << "GiveInfos returned value = " << v << std::endl;

		delete params.back();
std::cout << "GiveInfos returns " << (result ? "true" : "false") << std::endl << std::endl;

With SimpleCall, the returned value can be managed automatically with template parameter :

// "SimpleCall" on instance2:
float floatresult = instance2->SimpleCall<float>("GiveInfos", 32,64,5);
std::cout << "GiveInfos returns " << floatresult << std::endl << std::endl; 

Slower access wrapped methods

Any member method can be wrapped as a CoreModifiable method. In class declaration :

float Multiply(float v1, float v2)
	return v1 * v2;
// Multiply method can be called with SimpleCall

Then Multiply method can be called like this :

float floatresult = instance2->SimpleCall<float>("Multiply", 32, 5);
std::cout << "instance2 Multiply returns " << floatresult << std::endl << std::endl;

Dynamic method

CoreModifiable inherited instances can be "enhanced" with dynamic method.

A dynamic method can be define like this :

// declare a dynamic method named addValues which can be added to any CoreModifiable instance
DEFINE_DYNAMIC_METHOD(CoreModifiable, addValues)
	float result = 0.0f;
	for (auto p : params)
		float v;
		if (p->getValue(v,this))
			result += v;
	return true;

Then at run time, add this method to a given instance, and call it with SimpleCall :

// now add addValues method on instance2, calling name is also addValues
instance2->INSERT_DYNAMIC_METHOD(addValues, addValues);
floatresult = instance2->SimpleCall<float>("addValues", 32, 5);
std::cout << "instance2 addValues returns " << floatresult << std::endl << std::endl;

This mechanism can be used to decorate instances with a specific behaviour.

Find all the sample code from this wiki section in Sample4 project (browse the code)

  1. Getting Started

  2. Overall features

  3. Advances features

    3.1. CoreModifiable

    3.1.1. Upgrador

    3.2. Attributes

    3.3. Methods

    3.4. CoreItem

    3.5. Signal/Slot/Notification

    3.6. Lua Binding

    3.7. Data Driven Application

  4. Other Modules

    4.1. FileManager

    4.2. Timer

    4.3. 2DLayers

    4.4. Collision

    4.5. GUI

    4.6. Input

    4.7. SceneGraph

    4.8. Renderer

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