Releases: EdgeTX/edgetx-sdcard
Bug Fixes
- wizard: respect radio default channel order when deleting rudder input (#191) #191 (Alexander Gnauck)
EdgeTX "Centurion" v2.10.5 SD Card Pack
What's Changed
- fix(SoarETXv2): wrong sized widget text for F5J by @neuhausj in #163
- add Jumper Bumblebee (Peter Feerick)
- a bunch of boring CI related changes
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v2.10.3...v2.10.5
EdgeTX "Centurion" v2.10.3 SD Card Pack
What's Changed
- fix(color): use configured DR switch in plane wizard by @gbisaga in #158
- Add Jumper T12 MAX and Jumper TPro S
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v2.10.2...v2.10.3
EdgeTX "Centurion" v2.10.2 SD Card Pack
What's Changed
- BattAnalog: adjust values of HV battery by @offer-shmuely in #152
- Flights: add option to invert arm switch by @offer-shmuely in #151
- SoarETX: use bundled LibGUI by @offer-shmuely in #150
- LibGUI: onUpdate() backward compatibility by @frankiearzu in #154
- feat: add Jumper T15 by @3djc in #155
- feat: add Fatfish F16 by @pfeerick in 533e70c
Full Changelog: v2.10.0...v2.10.2
EdgeTX "Centurion" v2.10.0 SD Card Pack
What's Changed
- fix(SoarETX): 2.9 compatibility updates by @jfrickmann in #118
- Add basic RGB leds script support by @3djc in #115
- feat(pl18): RGBLED LUA Scripts by @richardclli in #122
- libgui updates by @offer-shmuely in #123
- remove counter widget by @offer-shmuely in #125
- Add more RGB LED lua scripts for MT12 by @zyren in #124
- plane wizard fix is-arm switch by @offer-shmuely in #131
- glider wizard update by @offer-shmuely in #132
- wing wizard update by @offer-shmuely in #133
- SoarETX V2 improvements and support for F3J/F5J 4-servo wing templates by @frankiearzu in #126
- flights: fix bug in heli mode by @offer-shmuely in #135
- fix(libgui): update last switch detection to work with 2.10 by @offer-shmuely in #140
- feat: updates to Value2, GaugeRotary and BattAnalog widgets by @offer-shmuely in #141
- feat(color): model presets by @offer-shmuely in #127
- fix(SoarETX): Replace the way to identify the radio Switches by @frankiearzu in #143
- readme: add RadioMaster MT12 by @bd4 in #146
New Contributors
- @3djc made their first contribution in #115
- @richardclli made their first contribution in #122
- @bd4 made their first contribution in #146
Full Changelog: v2.9.0...v2.10.0
EdgeTX "Centurion" v2.10.0-RC1 SD Card Pack
What's Changed
- fix(SoarETX): 2.9 compatibility updates by @jfrickmann in #118
- Add basic RGB leds script support by @3djc in #115
- feat(pl18): RGBLED LUA Scripts by @richardclli in #122
- libgui updates by @offer-shmuely in #123
- remove counter widget by @offer-shmuely in #125
- Add more RGB LED lua scripts for MT12 by @zyren in #124
- plane wizard fix is-arm switch by @offer-shmuely in #131
- glider wizard update by @offer-shmuely in #132
- wing wizard update by @offer-shmuely in #133
- SoarETX V2 improvements and support for F3J/F5J 4-servo wing templates by @frankiearzu in #126
New Contributors
- @3djc made their first contribution in #115
- @richardclli made their first contribution in #122
Full Changelog: v2.9.0...v2.10.0-rc1
EdgeTX "Providence" v2.9.0 SD Card Pack
What's Changed
- Heli wizard added by @jrwieland in #92
- Added an S8R/S6R setup script which has had some much-needed updating by @offer-shmuely in #113
- Added Wing wizard & plane wizard improvements by @offer-shmuely in #107
- Added Lua Scripts for DSM Telemetry + TextGen by @frankiearzu in #97
- Various updates to Flights, Rotary Gauge, Value2 and Batt Check widgets by @offer-shmuely
- Added SerialPower widget to control the serial port power from LUA by @rotorman in #101
Full Changelog: v2.8.0...v2.9.0
New Contributors
- @frankiearzu made their first contribution in #97
- @jrwieland made their first contribution in #92
Unsure which file is the one for your transmitter? Check the readme for an example of what radios the different SD card pack files are for.
If you are after the voice packs also, jump on over to sdcard-sounds and download your preferred voice language.
EdgeTX "Flying Dutchman" v2.8.0 SD Card Pack
What's Changed
- New Rotary Gauge widget by @offer-shmuely in #60
- More intuitive folder structure naming by @rotorman in #64
- Rotary gauge widget by @offer-shmuely in #63
- Horus widget flights count by @offer-shmuely in #67
- BattCheck - 8 cell and li-ion by @offer-shmuely in #76
- BattAnalog support li-ion battery by @offer-shmuely in #78
- Model Locator: support additional sources (e.g. RSSI) by @offer-shmuely in #84
- SoarETX for 2.8 by @jfrickmann in #88
Full Changelog: v2.7.0...v2.8.0
Unsure which file is the one for your transmitter? Check the readme for an example of what radios the different SD card pack files are for.
If you are after the voice packs also, jump on over to sdcard-sounds and download your preferred voice language.
EdgeTX "Black Pearl" v2.7.0 SD Card Pack
What's Changed
While there is no need to update the SD card pack for your transmitter to function, it's always good to check if any of the issues affect you, or if there is anything new you might be interested in.
For B&W:
For colorlcd:
- feat: SoarETX templates by @jfrickmann (#48, #53, #54, #57)
- fix: timer2 widget hesitates and skips numbers and negative timer display by @offer-shmuely (#59, #50)
- fix: Model Locator Lua script wrong path for the audio file used by @MrAlucardDante in #45
- txGpsTest widget: Removed spurious commands by @rotorman in #56
- 480x320 bg from mhotar by @rotorman in #51
- Updated the link to the voice generator repo by @MrAlucardDante in #47
New Contributors
- @MrAlucardDante made their first contribution in #45
- @zyren made their first contribution in #52
Full Changelog: v2.6.0...v2.7.0
EdgeTX "Santa" v2.6.0 SD Card Pack
What's Changed
- Support app-mode (full screen) in batt check by @offer-shmuely in #31
- Launcher for Wizards by @pfeerick in #33
- Added Horus widget to display the levels of Lipo battery from single analog source by @offer-shmuely in #30
- Update timer2 widget to app-mode (full screen mode) by @offer-shmuely in #29
- Add Batt analog colorlcd widget by @offer-shmuely in #37
- Added model locator by RSSI colorlcd widget (to find lost/crashed plane) by @offer-shmuely in #35
- Nested GUI and other LibGUI improvemetns by @jfrickmann in #41
New Contributors
- @offer-shmuely made their first contribution in #31
- @markjaquith made their first contribution in #42
- @jurgelenas made their first contribution in #43
Full Changelog: v2.5.0...v2.6.0