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Telecon: 2021 11 03

Cyrus Harrison edited this page Nov 3, 2021 · 4 revisions

2021/11/03 Meeting



Discussion Topics:

  • VTK-m update (1.7RC) process + timeline
  • Ascent Tutorial
    • This Friday 2021/11/05 12pm - 1pm pacific. Hank's Zoom.
  • We are adding Ascent into WarpX's CI testing using a container
  • AMR Wind Updates
    • Focal point going forward for Ascent will be ARMWind (not combined ARMWind NaluWind)
    • Yuya has CUDA Ascent + ARMWind working on Summit (CMake 3.19 vs 3.20 vs 3.21 reqs were a quandary)
    • Ghost Data -- Replay reproducer with Blueprint
  • Scaling Study
    • Plan is for Yuya to use AMRWind to do a scaling study
  • Blender Pathing
    • In-memory blueprint to STL or PLY
  • Broken isosurfaces due to ghost data
  • Call Freqz: is bi-weekly ok?
    • YES

Stock take:

  • Share thing else that should be on our radar (timelines, which ECP App this impacts)

  • Marco: Ascent on Perlmutter?

    • Cyrus: We have not started building there yet
    • Q: What compilers do we need to use there? (Marco will let Cyrus know)


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