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Cyrus Harrison edited this page Mar 6, 2020 · 1 revision
  1. Create a spack config for uberenv for the ORNL Ascent Cluster
  2. Craft a ORNL GitLab Equiv of a small subset of our Azure Testing:
# run uber to build tpls, build and test ascent
# echo system python details
which python
python --version
# setup spack spec
export SPACK_SPEC="%gcc+mpi"
# vtkh
if [ $ENABLE_VTKH  = 'OFF' ]; then export SPACK_SPEC="${SPACK_SPEC}~vtkh"; fi
# mfem
if [ $ENABLE_MFEM  = 'ON' ];  then export SPACK_SPEC="${SPACK_SPEC}+mfem"; fi
if [ $ENABLE_MFEM  = 'OFF' ]; then export SPACK_SPEC="${SPACK_SPEC}~mfem"; fi
# babelflow
if [ $ENABLE_BABELFLOW  = 'ON' ]; then export SPACK_SPEC="${SPACK_SPEC}+babelflow"; fi
# python
if [ $ENABLE_PYTHON  = 'ON' ]; then export SPACK_SPEC="${SPACK_SPEC} ^python@${PYTHON_VERSION}"; fi
if [ $ENABLE_PYTHON  = 'OFF' ]; then export SPACK_SPEC="${SPACK_SPEC}~python"; fi
# run uber to build tpls
python scripts/uberenv/ --pull --test --install --spec "${SPACK_SPEC}" --spack-config-dir=scripts/uberenv/spack_configs/olcf/ascent/
  1. Figure out CDASH Drop Process
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