Only compatible with CryEngine 3.5 and up.
Only compatible with Blender 2.7 and up.
Supports primary assets: CGF, CGA, CHR, SKIN, ANM, I_CAF.
Compatible with LumberYard.
UI Changes:
Timeline Editor choose for Add Animation Node window.
New Generate LODs menuitem.
Removed Add Bone Geometry, Remove Bone Geometry, Rename Phys Bones menuitems.
New Physicalize Skeleton menuitem.
New Clear Skeleton Physics menuitem.
New Add Locator Locomotion menuitem.
New Add Primitive Mesh menuitem.
Edit Inverse Kinematics menuitem name changed to Set Bone Physic and IKs.
Removed Remove Old Fakebones menuitem.
New Generate Materials menuitem.
Export to Game changed to Export to CryEngine.
Export to Game icon is changed.
New Features:
New Smoothing System.
VCloth 2 exporting.
Custom Normals.
Bone Axis Orientations.
X-Axis Skeleton exporting.
X-Axis Animated Skeleton exporting.
Player SDK.
New Physicalize Skeleton tool.
New Clear Skeleton Physics tool.
New Generate LODs tool.
New Generate Materials tool.
Color exporting for materials.
New Add Locator Locomotion tool.
New Add Primitive Mesh tool.
Geometry writing is completely adapted to BMeshes.
Input prediction for Add Export Node tool.
Vertex Colors exporting is fixed.
Calculate normals using with BMesh tessfaces.
Now smooth normals are calculated according to face areas.
Bone axis, length and Tool Shelf panel supporting for Add Root Bone tool.
Tool Shelf panel supporting for Apply Transformaitons tool.
SelectGameDirectory wrong folder name fixed.
Default Physic is changed to None.
Armature writing enhancements.
Now animation nodes can be stored with skin and chr nodes.
Geometry name is rearrenged for Library Controllers.
Apply Modifiers are fixed.
Apply Modifiers, Export Selected Nodes supporting.
Custom Icons interface.
Multiple Cycles Texture support.
Descriptions for Set Material Physics tool.
Logs have been improved.
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