- Implementation of a stack using an array
- Implementation of a stack using a struct
- Implementation of a stack using a linked list (courtesy of Joel)
- Converting infix expression to postfix expression
- Postfix expression evaluation (courtesy of Joel)
- Checking if parentheses in expression are balanced with a stack
- Factorial
- Binary Search
- GCD of two numbers
- Sum of integers in an array
- Product of two numbers
- Towers of Hanoi Code Recursion Tree for 3 disks
- Applications of Stack in Recursion
- Queue using an array and global variables (courtesy of Joel)
- Queue using an array and pointers
- Queue using a struct
- Implementation of a circular queue (courtesy of Joel)
- Ordered singly linked list
- Implementation of a stack using a linked list (courtesy of Joel)
- Reversing a Singly Linked List
- Sparse Matrix (courtesy of Joel)
- Multiplication of two polynomials using a Linked List (courtesy of Joel)
- Binary Search Trees with all operations
- AVL Trees (incomplete)
- Threaded Binary Trees: notes Code
- B-trees and B+ trees
- Splay Trees
- Tries