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Public Device Dashboard templates

Toni Moreno edited this page Nov 2, 2021 · 3 revisions

From this page you will be able to download a definition and a dashboard from some popular devices/products.

Import Instructions

SnmpCollector Template

1.-Download the json file and Import it, after you will see a new device with id="localhost" 2.- Change the ID , host , port to define your linux box device, and test connectivity with the snmp connection tool 3.- Change the imported InfluxDB server to any of your previously defined influx servers

Grafana Template

1.- Download the json file and import it. Make sure you have been created the influx datasource before.

Template List

Product SnmpCollector Template Grafana Template Detailed Description
Linux based Devices Linux SnmpCollector Template Linux Grafana Template This template will get cpu/memory/disk/fs/netio metrics from any Linux based devices with a net-snmp agent running on it, most linux based appliances will work with these templates linux