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Joining a multiplayer game

tjakubo2 edited this page May 25, 2017 · 2 revisions

You can join any public table that still has free slots. If you're planning on spectating and there are exactly 4 slots, you can ask if you can stay and spectate (since 4 players can be 2 simultaneous games).

Games are joined either directly (not covered here) or through server browser.

I. Joining a table

  1. Click Multiplayer in main menu, then Server browser.
  2. Look for an X-Wing game or use the filter, double click the entry you want to join.
  3. Wait until the table fully loads before doing anything! Stuff lags during this time and you may do damage accidentally if you pick a color and click something.

II. Preparing for a game

  1. Pick a color by clicking colored circle.
  2. [usually] If the circles are crossed and cant't be clicked, ask for a promotion in the game chat (just say you're up for a game).
  3. Spawn in your list. If you're doing that from chest, DO NOT JUST CLICK IT. Drag the entry from chest onto some empty space of the table. Assign your dials.
  4. [optional] If you want, you can click Zone tool on the left bar (F4 shortcut) and draw (click and drag) a hidden zone over your visible ships. That way any potential opponent that joins in will face a truly unknown squad.
  5. Left click a hidden zone with the Zone tool to get rid of it.


III. Unusual things

  • If your opponent leaves all of a sudden, you can type in "/msg <his nick> <message>" in GLOBAL chat to contact him. If he left the game (perhaps crashed), you'll be notified that there's no such user. If he has spaces in nick, omit them in part.
  • If there are weird buttons lingering, things not loading, dots instead of models, LEAVE AND REJOIN FIRST. Nothing will happen to your stuff. See Known issues to check what's screwed up what we can't fix.