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Releases: thomasp85/gganimate

gganimate 1.0.9

27 Feb 14:05
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  • Fix for using "svg" device during knitting (#484)
  • Fix for correctly getting chunk options during knitting (#485)
  • Fix a bug in transition_reveal() that would remove data during transitions
    (#480 and #473)
  • General upkeep to keep it in line with the evolvling coding principles in
    ggplot2 (move to using vctrs, cli, lifecycle, etc)
  • transition_reveal() now throws an error when it is used in conjunction with
    stat_align() and transitioning before the stat has been calculated (#476)
  • Label interpolation now works when labels are expressions (#439)
  • as_html_video() gains muted, loop, and controls argument to control
    presentation of the video. Like autoplay these can be controlled during knitr
    through the chunk options (e.g. gganimate = list(muted = TRUE, loop = TRUE))
  • Make the build process up-to-date with ggplot2 3.5.0

gganimate 1.0.8

08 Sep 10:34
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  • Fix a bug when creating labels from aesthetics that include glue expressions
  • Fix a bug in ffmpeg detection (#346, @rfaelens, #360, @adamdsmith)
  • Remove plyr dependency
  • Fix a bug in transition_filter() in the presence of NA filter values
    (#404, @rsaporta)
  • Fix a bug with static layers that include position adjustments (#418)
  • Fix a bug in transition_time() where multiple time values in the same frame
    would lead to unexpected stacking of the data (#414)
  • Fix a bug in transition_reveal() where coinciding tweens would result in
    wrong direction of the arrow (#409)
  • Fix a bug in transition_layer() when the last layer had an exit duration
  • Fix a bug in transition_time() when facets had data with different starting
    time (#357)
  • Make sure exclude_layer in view_*() is taken into account
  • Fix a bug when using a view with coord_flip() which would result in weird
    flickering and movement of the position guies (#336)
  • Fix a bug in transition_reveal() that would require input to be ordered
    along the time dimension for point-like geoms (#323)
  • Fix a bug in view_follow() that would result in errors when used with
    discrete scales (#304)
  • Fix bug in transition_states() where too few frames relative to states in
    combination with wrap = FALSE would cause an error (#301)
  • Fix a bug in transition_time() when the time dimension contained NA values

gganimate 1.0.7

19 Oct 06:36
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  • Support ragg png device to ensure that it works with knitr's ragg support

gganimate 1.0.6

14 Oct 18:25
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Merge branch 'master' of

gganimate 1.0.5

09 Feb 20:11
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  • No longer needs the png package for gifski rendering
  • Give startup message if no renderer backend are detected.

gganimate 1.0.4

18 Nov 09:08
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  • Fix a bug in ffmpeg_renderer() where the fps argument were being ignored.
  • Make sure ggraph objects registers the graph context after they are promoted
    to gganim objects.
  • Better fallback strategy for lack of gifski.

gganimate 1.0.3

04 Apr 13:10
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  • Fix a conditional in the plot building step to make it work with the ggplot2
    3.1.1 hotfix

gganimate 1.0.2

04 Mar 12:34
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  • Fix registration of S3 methods for suggested packages

gganimate 1.0.1

18 Feb 08:49
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  • Fix bug in transitions when the group aesthetic was late evalued (#262)
  • Better fade support for geom_smooth(). Both ribbon and line will now fade.
  • Fix bug in transitions when group aesthetic was a string that could be
    interpreted as a double (#266)
  • Fix bug in shadow_mark() where future shadows were drawn above the main
    frame data.
  • Better error messages when a layer type is not supported by the transition
  • Fix bug where transitions didn't work with difftime/hms for specifying
    durations when transition variable was a POSIX or date class.
  • Fix bug where using a view would modify the plot coordinate system in-place,
    resulting in modifications to the original plot object.
  • view_follow now works with transformed scales.

gganimate 1.0.0

03 Jan 14:48
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  • First CRAN release, featuring a complete rewrite... Too much stuff to put in
    a changelog