This plugin integrates the LanguageTool grammar checker into Vim. LanguageTool is an Open Source style and grammar checker for English, French, German, etc. See for a complete list of supported languages.
LanguageTool detects grammar mistakes that a spelling checker cannot detect such as "it work" instead of "it works". LanguageTool can also detect spelling mistakes using Hunspell dictionaries bundled with LanguageTool for several languages or using morfologik for other languages. Vim builtin spelling checker can also of course be used along with LanguageTool. One advantage of the spelling checker of LanguageTool over Vim spelling checker, is that it uses the native Hunspell dictionary directly, so it works even with the latest Hunspell dictionaries containing features not supported by Vim. For example, the latest French Hunspell dictionaries from are not supported by Vim, but they work well with LanguageTool. On the other hand, the Vim native spelling checker is faster and better integrated with Vim.
See for more information about LanguageTool.
to check grammar in the current buffer. This will check for grammar mistakes and highlight grammar or spelling mistakes. The location list for the buffer being checked is also populated, so you can use location commands such as:lopen
to open the location list window,:lne
to jump to the next error, etc. -
to open a summary window where you can navigate errors using]]
, jump to them by hit<CR>
and fix them by hittingf
on a suggestion. -
to remove highlighting of grammar mistakes, close the scratch window containing the list of errors, clear and close the location list. -
:help LanguageTool
to get more details on various commands and configuration information.
Some commands are also available from the menu in gvim:
Plugin -> LanguageTool -> Check
-> Clear
You can use any popular plugin manager according to your preference.
For example, with vim-plug,
add this line in your .vimrc
Plug 'vigoux/LanguageTool.nvim'
To use this plugin, you need to install the Java LanguageTool grammar checker. You can choose to:
Download the standalone version of LanguageTool(LanguageTool-*.zip) from here using the orange button labeled "LanguageTool for standalone for your desktop".
or download a nightly build LanguageTool-.* from It contains a more recent version than the stable version but it is not tested as well.
or checkout and build the latest LanguageTool from sources in git from
Recent versions of LanguageTool require Java-8.
Several global variables can be set in your .vimrc
to configure the behavior
of the LanguageTool plugin.
This variable specifies the location of the LanguageTool java grammar checker program. Default is empty. Example:
:let g:languagetool_server='$HOME/languagetool/languagetool-standalone/target/LanguageTool-3.7-SNAPSHOT/LanguageTool-3.7-SNAPSHOT/languagetool-server.jar'
All LanguageTool configuration goes through this varaible, which is organized as follows (all lists are comma separated):
g:languagetool = {
'.' : {
{model1} for all filetypes
'my_filetype' : {
{model1} for my_filetype
{model1} = {
'enabledRules' : list of enabled rules,
'disabledRules' : list of disabled rules,
'enabledCategories' : list of enabled categories,
'disabledCategories' : list of disabled categories,
'language' : the code of the language to check,
as given by :LanguageToolSupportedLanguages
Actually, there are more options than those found here, you can found an exhaustive list here :!/default/post_check
You can customize the following syntax highlighting groups:
For example, to highlight grammar mistakes in blue, and spelling mistakes in red, with a curly underline in vim GUIs that support it, add this into your colorscheme:
hi LanguageToolGrammarError guisp=blue gui=undercurl guifg=NONE guibg=NONE ctermfg=white ctermbg=blue term=underline cterm=none
hi LanguageToolSpellingError guisp=red gui=undercurl guifg=NONE guibg=NONE ctermfg=white ctermbg=red term=underline cterm=none
LanguageTool.nvim provides <Plug>
mappings for a more convenient usage.
can be used in both normal and insert modes to run a check on current buffer.
triggers some User
, which is triggered right after a check is doneLanguageToolServerStarted
, which is triggered right after the server has started
Just add the following lines to you .vimrc
autocmd User LanguageToolCheckDone LanguageToolSummary
Add this to your .vimrc
(this example is for latex
autocmd Filetype tex LanguageToolSetUp
The VIM LICENSE applies to the LanguageTool.nvim plugin (see
:help copyright
but replace "LanguageTool.nvim" with "Vim").
LanguageTool is freely available under LGPL.