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Known issues

sp2xdev edited this page Mar 11, 2025 · 428 revisions



Make sure all of your dependencies are installed first and use the latest build of spice2x! Otherwise you're wasting your time.


If you have Rivatuner (RTSS) or MSI Afterburner, fully shut both of them down before running spice, otherwise your game may crash or hang, sometimes without any trace in the log.


  • When you open a log.txt, you'll want to reopen it with SHIFT-JIS encoding to properly show Japanese text. How you do this depend on your text editor.
  • Some anti-virus software may (incorrectly) flag the binaries as malware. If you have concerns, you are free to inspect the included source files and compile on your own.
  • Windows XP is unfortunately no longer supported - see here for details.
    • You'll see a popup message saying The procedure entry point GetTickCount64 cloud not be located in the dynamic link library KERNEL32.dll if you attempt to load on XP.
  • Make sure the game contents are not marked as read-only on your filesystem. Having files with read only attribute can lead to game crashes or failures to launch. This commonly happens when a file-sharing program (like torrent clients) is open, or when copying files across filesystems or operating systems (Linux, Mac OS).
  • If game crashes with (AcLayers): (unknown): NotifyShims on the stack - this is an internal Windows component crashing. Unsure what the exact cause is, but try unchecking Disable fullscreen optimizations and other compatibility options in Properties dialog for spice.exe / spice64.exe. Seems to be affecting small number of Windows 11 users.
  • No support will be provided for Linux users running with WINE / proton; you're on your own. That being said, we are not against other developers working on getting things to work better in Linux. If there are any small tweaks to the code base that can be made to make it easier to run on Linux, please feel free to submit a patch.

Configurator (spicecfg)

  • If spicecfg.exe fails to launch or crashes, try running spice.exe -cfg or spice64.exe -cfg in the command line instead of spicecfg, which launches the configurator but with logging enabled. It's not exactly the same environment as spicecfg, but it's close enough.
  • spicecfg.exe may fail to launch or be super slow to open while OBS is running. This is due to a bug in OBS that locks the Windows HID APIs. Try turning off OBS temporarily.
  • spicecfg.exe may fail to launch when run from a network share (UNC path).


  • Spice will always process keyboard / mouse / gamepad / touch input even if the game does not have focus, as it uses Windows raw input API to directly communicate with input devices for lowest latency.
  • If your keyboard has trouble with NKRO in spice (i.e., if you press too many buttons, some keys do not respond):
    • Try binding keys using the Naive button (do it for all keys)
    • If you were already using Naive button, try Bind button instead.
    • If neither helps, your keyboard sucks.
    • (Bind uses HID APIs and Naive uses GetAsyncKeyState - one may work better than the other depending on your keyboard)
  • If you're using input remapper like AutoHotKey, slidershim, joytokey, etc - make sure you're running them as admin in order to be bound in spice. Also, try both the Bind and Naive buttons when binding if one or the other doesn't register your remapped input.
    • Some input remappers will not work, depending on what method they use (which Windows API they use). In order for injected input to be recognized by spice, it must flow through Raw Input API. Some applications are unable to do that.
  • Windows 11: if your controller is not detected for some reason, reboot your PC with your controller plugged in. Seems to be some bug with raw input APIs in newer versions of Windows 11.


  • Almost all of the supported games are meant to run in exclusive full screen. Running in windowed mode is a hack done on per-game basis. Things may not work as expected in windowed mode. Namely:
    • Some multi-monitor games will fail to display more than one window.
    • For most touch screen games, game will launch as borderless window. Touch coordinates may not be aligned if resized or moved.
    • Games may launch in incorrect refresh rate.
  • When in windowed mode, resizing the window also resizes the overlay, which may cause it to be difficult to use.
    • As a workaround, use ctrl+mouse wheel to use the zoom function of ImGUI.
    • Additionally, there is also no linear filtering that can be enabled in windowed mode.
    • It's unlikely that these issues will be solved in the future.
  • DirectX 9on12 options may result in better or worse performance. This is entirely up to your GPU.
    • Generally, NVIDIA handles games in DX9 mode fairly well, while AMD suffers from lower framerate, and other GPUs like Intel may flat out not support DX9. With 9on12 enabled, NVIDIA might actually perform slightly worse, while AMD will tend to be better than DX9.
    • 9on12 can also cause games to hang or crash - e.g., SDVX VW, IIDX32+, etc
  • Third party DirectX-reimplementations (e.g., dxvk, ForceD3D9On12) may occasionally cause crashes in the weirdest ways; if you encounter random crashes, please try running the game without them. No support will be provided for these.
  • Having NVIDIA RTX Voice (or other NVIDIA applications) open sometimes causes games to randomly crash in fullscreen.



  • Gitadora may seem like it's stuttering, notes not moving at a steady framerate - if you see this, turn off full screen optimizations for spice64.exe.
  • To troubleshoot MIDI drums, see MIDI input page.

XG2 / XG3

  • Getting UI background videos to work can be finicky. Hopefully, wherever you obtain the data, they also provided the right codec DLLs and told you how to register them; spice won't do that for you.
  • If you get SECURITY ERROR during boot, make sure the game code is set correctly. Even if it's slightly off, the game will refuse to boot.
    • XG2 Drum: K32 J:A:A
    • XG2 Guitar: K33 J:A:A
    • XG3 Drum: L32 J:A:A or J:B:A
    • XG3 Guitar: L33 J:A:A or J:B:A


  • DDR is known to crash when you change window decoration (borderless window) - option has been disabled in the UI.
  • Game may crash if running in windowed mode & focus is taken away while the game is booting.
  • 99% of unknown crashes are due to missing DirectX dependencies and codecs.
    • For DirectX, follow this page here (even if you're not getting an explicit message saying your dependencies are missing, those steps will help)
    • For codecs, read below.
  • If your game crashes on boot, if videos don't play in the menu, if game crashes during attract / demo loop / tutorial, or if some songs cause the game to freeze, make sure you registered the all codecs in the com folder. Run a command prompt window as admin, navigate to the com directory, and use regsvr32 for each file:
    • regsvr32 xactengine2_10.dll
    • regsvr32 k-clvsd.dll (if the file exists)
    • All calls must show a success dialog. If you see an error, ensure you're running the command prompt as admin.
    • You must do this again for each game DLL type (001, 003).
    • You must do this again if you move or rename your game directory.
    • You may need to unregister the DLLs when you want to run older DDR versions, as incompatibility across versions may lead to a crash. (regsvr32 /u ...)



  • sdvx1 (BOOTH) has some audio issues (Issue #186) and very minor graphical glitches on Windows10/11. Try Win7, or just use btools for this which might work better.


  • If you see F:afpu-heap: malloc failed size=428088. then try increasing heap size with -h 201326592.


  • If your game crashes with something like this:
W:signal: exception raised: EXCEPTION_BREAKPOINT
I:stackwalker: 74664880 (libavs-win32): (unknown): XCd229cc000099
  • ...
    • then you got the bad HH data from a certain site. You need to get better prop files. Ask where you got your data.
  • If your game crashes when you switch regions (changing <spec>J</spec> to A or K), it means you have the Japanese region data and therefore missing the region graphic files.
    • You'll likely see this message: W:BM2D: CreateLayer() 指定したレイヤーは存在しません shutter2


  • If your game freezes after carding in, make sure dx9on12 / 9on12 options are OFF. VW causes 9on12 layer to crash or hang during certain screen transitions.


  • On laptops - especially ones with hybrid iGPU+dGPU configuration - seem to have a lot of trouble correctly launching recent EG versions. This includes: window launching on the wrong monitor, failing to launch at correct resolution and/or refresh rate, or just failing to launch completely. The main issue seems to be that the game uses Windows and NVIDIA APIs to determine monitor state, but ends up with wrong information on hybrid GPU configurations. There is no fix or workaround at the moment, other than playing in windowed mode (YMMV), or just switching to a desktop PC. Issue 117
  • EG may launch at wrong refresh rate when using the auto-rotate option. If that happens, try specifying -graphics-force-refresh - and if that still doesn't work, try setting -dx9on12 to DX12on9. Note that, depending on your GPU, 9on12 may result in poor performance - or maybe better performance, it depends.
  • For EG, running on AMD GPUs (to be precise, non-NVIDIA GPUs) will need a few workarounds, due to the game taking dependency on NVIDIA SDK:
    • You MUST have x64 versions of nvcuda.dll and nvcuvid.dll next to soundvoltex.dll. Originally, these are bundled with NVIDIA GPU drivers and installed automatically, but if you don't have NVIDIA, you can use the stub DLLs included in the release package, starting with version 2023-12-27 and up. Look in the /stubs/64 folder.
    • If you get graphical glitches, such as missing textures or invisible lasers, enable -dx9on12 option, but performance may vary depending on your GPU.
    • For running in VM mode with AMD GPU, see below regarding notes scroll speed issue.
  • SDVX Force 720p (-sdvx720) does not work for EG. If you must, use windowed mode instead, and then use window resize function.
  • Some songs with heavy Live2D effects may result in lowered framerate.
    • Live2D effects are mostly CPU bound, so ensure your CPU is at least Intel 9400F or better.
    • Please see this wiki page for potential solutions.
      • The most impactful tweaks are: disable graphics scaling (F11 menu in overlay), ensure XMP is enabled in BIOS, setting loglevel to fatal, and disable VBS and the hypervisor.
  • Game crashes with W:BM2D: CreateLayer() 指定したレイヤーは存在しません <name of missing texture>, and then later with EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION.
    • You have bad / incomplete data. Usually, it means a texture file is missing. In some cases, it may be caused by mismatched DLLs as well.


As of early 2024, game DLLs started to check for SUBMONITOR_VSYNC_ENABLE and USE_CUDA_VIDEO_PRESENTER server-side flags. They get loaded when you card into the game. Since they are sent by the server to your game, they must be toggled on the EA server; ask your server operator about how to change them.

Depending on your PC configuration, toggling these may result in vastly different performance characteristics.

Generally, try to keep both of these on; turning them off may cause some modes to run poorly (e.g., MEGAMIX mode may run super slow).

When you would need to toggle flag(s) :

  • If windowed mode crashes with the following signature when carding in, turn SUBMONITOR_VSYNC_ENABLE off.
    • ... (nvd3dumx): (unknown): QueryOglResource
    • If dx9on12 is active (on AMD/Intel GPUs), it may crash on top of ... (d3d9on12) instead.
  • If videos show up as black (menu themes or subscreen background videos) - try turning USE_CUDA_VIDEO_PRESENTER off. This is only a problem on AMD/Intel GPU; no issue with NVIDIA.
  • If fullscreen runs at expected FPS (60 or 120) but windowed mode doesn't (weird FPS like 40 or 90) then try changing SUBMONITOR_VSYNC_ENABLE to see if it improves it.

VM mode specific

  • VM mode doesn't play nice with -monitor option. As a workaround, change the primary monitor before launching.
  • VM mode may fail to launch if you have 3 or more monitors connected. Disconnect them so that you only have 1 or 2 connected, or try using SDVX Subscreen Disable option.
  • On non-NVIDIA GPUs, VM mode may launch at 120Hz, but the notes scroll at 60Hz. As a workaround, apply Notes FPS Target patch in a patcher to match the refresh rate. Issue 107
  • The PIN pad input (physical buttons, not touch screen) may not work in all menus. This is expected, as the real VM cab does not have a PIN pad, you're supposed to use the touch screen; it just happens to work in some places due to leftover code in the game DLLs.
  • AMD GPUs may see a crash after certain battle modes, such as Single Battle (crash on top of d3d9on12 module). Not enough data to determine exact configuration that causes this issue.
  • If you see F:GraphicUtility: Timeout AddLoadBuff during boot, then disk I/O is timing out in the game due to slow disk read speed. Add folder exception in anti-virus and move to an SSD.

Physical touchscreen for subscreen

  • Note that a touch screen is not required to play VM mode. In full screen mode, you can press Page Up (Toggle Sub Screen button) and use your mouse to click. Or you can play in windowed mode which will launch two windows.
  • See this page for instructions on how to set up your touch screen.
  • If the secondary monitor doesn't refresh (if graphics seem "stuck"), enable -sdvxsubredraw. Don't enable it if there are no issues.


  • For camera hook (enabling webcams in-game) you have a few options:
    • IIDX 25-26: leave -iidxdisablecams off and see if it works - YMMV, unless you're using official cams you will likely have poor experience.
    • IIDX 27 and above: use -iidxcamhook option described on this page, should work for most webcams
  • Depending on the type of DLL you have (003, 010, 012...) and the version of the DLL, you may not be able to freely switch between LDJ and TDJ modes just from spice. You will need to find a patcher to force LDJ mode, or TDJ mode, and in addition, enable the appropriate setting in spice.
  • If you try to run older games (iidx26 and below) with -iidxtdj the game will fail to boot with USB I/O error, because TDJ didn't exist then. Simply omit the flag when running older games.
  • iidx18 (RA) is only partially supported; card reader is not fully implemented.
  • iidx24 and below (ezusb I/O) does not accept Insert Coin due to incomplete I/O emulation. Use the Service button instead. (Not an issue on iidx25+).
  • iidx25 and above requires SSE4.2 instruction set. If your CPU is too old, you will not be able to run the game, it will crash with EXCEPTION_ILLEGAL_INSTRUCTION. Patches exist that may help you boot the game without some features.
  • iidx31 and above requires AVX2 instruction set. If your CPU is too old, you will not be able to run the game, it will crash with EXCEPTION_ILLEGAL_INSTRUCTION.
  • iidx31+ will most likely not run on integrated GPU (Intel or AMD), resulting in a crash when entering song select screen. This seems to be issues with drivers not properly supporting DX9.
  • On some GPUs, DX9on12 may crash iidx31+. Turn off DX9on12 / 9on12 options on these versions of iidx. Your log will be spammed with afputils: CTexture::set_texture_image テクスチャの取得に失敗 or W:CTexture: no such texture: id and the game will eventually crash.
  • iidx25 and above: if the game suddenly stopped launching on Windows 11 around Feb/March 2025, you may be running into Issue 260 caused by Windows Update. Update to build spice2x-25-03-03 or newer which contains a workaround. As a side effect, REVERB EX filter will sound different from what it's like on Windows 10.

LDJ specific

This section only applies to LDJ mode, and not to TDJ mode.

  • If you can't change VEFX mode using VEFX Change button, this is not a bug in spice, but the game doing that. Check the following:
    • Make sure you're running the right mode (LDJ vs. TDJ) with the correct DLL or patched DLL.
    • If you start the game without carding in, it cannot be changed. (Only applies to recent versions - not sure exactly which)
    • If you enabled VEFX Lock option on the server side on your profile, it cannot be changed.
    • (IIDX31+) If you are in song select, it cannot be changed. It can only be changed during the song.
  • LDJ is meant to be run at 60Hz. While you can patch the game to run at 120Hz you will see minor issues like default offset being "incorrect".

TDJ specific

This section only applies to TDJ mode, and not to LDJ mode.

  • Note that a touch screen is not required to play TDJ mode. In windowed mode, two windows will launch. In full screen, press Page Up (Toggle Sub Screen button) and use your mouse to click.
  • TDJ mode doesn't play nice with -monitor option. As a workaround, change the primary monitor before launching.
  • If a game mysteriously hangs & shuts down when starting certain songs, with no stack trace in the log, it's most likely a failure in NVENC trying to enable Play Record function. Try playing a song that doesn't have the record icon, or try disabling play record support on the server side, and see if it helps.
  • TDJ mode may fail to launch if you have 3 or more monitors connected. Disconnect them so that you only have 1 or 2 connected, or use IIDX TDJ Subscreen Disable (-iidxnosub) option. Subscreen overlay will continue to work.
  • iidx28-29 may mysteriously crash during boot when using -iidxtdj option on 003 DLL. As a fix, enable Lightning Mode camera crash fix for spicetools patch, or just use 010 DLL.
The following can happen if you have the wrong DLL type and you're using -iidxtdj:
  • Game shuts down immediately with no obvious crashes in the log
  • USB I/O Error on boot
  • Subscreen overlay is blank/transparent
  • Crash with nvd3dumx on the stack shortly after CreateWindowA
  • Game booting with 60Hz

... to fix this, get the right DLL type for TDJ, or ensure your game is patched correctly to "force TDJ mode".


  • Beatstream uses native Windows Touch APIs, but makes a lot of assumption about how often touch events are sent. If your touch screen doesn't poll enough, it'll end up with holds not working in the game (instead it will be flickering on and off). You can try using Force Touch Emulation (-touchemuforce) option to work around it.
  • Game crashes if it loses window focus during boot. Keep the window at the front while the game is booting.
  • You may need to press Insert Card a few times for the card to be recognized (Issue #219).


  • Same touch polling issue may be present in Nostalgia - see Beatstream section for a workaround. Fortunately, since you only need to navigate menus with the touch screen, you can just use a mouse instead.
  • Nostalgia is picky about audio. If you see the boot screen trying to initialize audio & eventually the window automatically closing, try a different audio device. Onboard Realtek device usually works.
  • If you want to use a mouse to navigate menus, enable Show Cursor & Touch Emulation (-c). If you want to use a touch screen, leave it off.
  • If album jacket images don't show up, there is an issue with your EA server.
  • Piano keys used for Nostalgia are velocity-sensitive. If you have velocity-sensitive MIDI piano, read this section. If you are using anything else, bind your buttons to Key n Medium so that every press registers as a medium press, which counts as both soft and hard press.
  • Game may crash if you touch a touch screen while it's booting up.

Reflec Beat

  • RB cabinets use high-frequency polling of IR sensor grid. Which means:
    • You may see phantom touches! If you use two fingers to touch [X1, Y1] and [X2, Y2], game will also register a touch at [X1, Y2] and [X2, Y1]. This is an issue on real cabs too, you just gotta live with it; it's a limitation of IR sensor grid technology.
    • Spice will attempt to translate touch events received through raw input API to emulate the IR touch grid for the game. Unfortunately, due to how capacitive touch screens work, it may be difficult to register flicks. You may need to do more exaggerated swipe motion to compensate for it.
    • You can try using Force Touch Emulation (-touchemuforce) option to work around touch screen issues (and make sure Show Cursor (-c) is off) - Issue 100
  • In test menu, in touch screen test option where it shows the touch points, the lines may seem misaligned near the edges. This is actually normal and happens on the cab too for some reason.
    • It should be fine once you're in the game, check for touch "glow" animation that shows up in the menu. Do note that only one of these touch indicators show up in the menu, even when you're pressing with multiple fingers. This is normal.
  • When launched in windowed mode, the game must stay in borderless & fixed on top left corner of the primary monitor in order for touch emulation to work correctly. This is really only meant for debugging (with a mouse). For best experience, connect a touch screen and play in full screen mode.
  • Game crashes if it loses window focus during boot. Keep the window at the front while the game is booting.


  • Jubeat is unique in that it's the only OpenGL game.
    • Therefore, many of the graphics options simply do not work, including but not limited to: screenshots, window options, image scaling, streaming to Companion, etc.
    • The game always launches in a window without any decorations.
    • The recommended set up is the following. This way, you can have an experience close to full screen.
      1. Rotate desktop 90 degrees to portrait mode
      2. Set resolution to 768x1366 or 768x1360
      3. If playing on touch screen, move task bar to the top of screen
      4. Set task bar to auto-hide


  • pop'n 19 Tune Street; when HD mode is enabled, it may crash on title screen with CommReadMyAddr / CommPolling on the stack. This is caused by dirty / incomplete data that is widely distributed.
  • pop'n may appear to hang immediately after launching (either stuck on black screen, or "not responding" popup from Windows). This may be caused by slow disk I/O when the game tries to access NVRAM. Try waiting a few minutes and see if the game eventually boots. To speed this up, move to an SSD, and add an exception to any anti-virus scanners.
  • Some older popn games may boot into a cyan boot screen with white text (instead of black background with white text). Normally, this should only happen on boot screen, and should go back to normal colors when the game boots to the title screen.

HELLO! pop'n music

  • Game may crash if it loses focus during initialization. Let the game fully initialize and don't click away to another window.
  • Hello! pop'n music may boot into a cyan boot screen with white text (instead of black background with white text). Normally, this should only happen on boot screen, and should go back to normal colors when the game boots to the title screen.
  • Hello! pop'n music may completely freeze during boot up sequence on AMD Ryzen processors. Root cause is unknown and it has not been debugged yet. #87

Silent Scope: Bone Eater

  • Implementation is incomplete. It boots to test menu, but fails I/O check and does not boot to title screen. Serial I/O needs work. Issue 114

Busou Shinki: Armored Princess Battle Conductor

  • Busou Shinki is based on Unity. See section on Unity Games for various limitations.
  • If you get a camera error, either plug in three compatible webcams, or get patched DLLs.
  • Mouse cursor disappears after boot screen. To fix this, update to spice2x 24-12-30 or newer. Mouse cursor should show by default after the update; if it still doesn't show, use Show Cursor option.
  • Insert key is a hardcoded debug key bound to Test button - bind a different key to insert coins.
  • WASD keys are hardcoded to be directional input.

Chase Chase Jokers

  • Local EA server does not work for CCJ; it has been explicitly disabled.
  • CCJ is based on Unity. See section on Unity Games for various limitations.
  • Pressing Delete key occasionally breaks the game and causes I/O to stop working (seems to be a debug option). Recommended that you bind test button to some other key, or use a controller.

Otoca Doll

  • If you get a camera error, disable / unplug all webcams on your PC, including any VR headsets.


  • Bad data is commonly distributed that causes boot failure. Double check contents of eacoin.xml in dev/nvram.
  • Overlay doesn't work.


  • Do not run the game in windowed mode. It'll freeze / hang / lock up at random times. Run the game full screen in portrait orientation, 720x1280. If it persists, try disabling Full Screen Optimizations for it as well, so that you use Full Screen Exclusive.


  • You need to install Kinect v1.x SDK, Kinect Developer Tools, and DirectX SDK, otherwise the game will fail to launch with DLL load error.
  • Kinect v1 hardware (Xbox 360 Kinect or Kinect for Windows, not Xbox One Kinect, not Azure Kinect) is needed for the game to be fully playable with video feed and motion sensing; however, it is not required.

Winning Eleven 2012

  • Path to the game must contain KCK-001; keep the folder name as-is (e.g., KCK-001-2013040101).

Unity-based Games

Spicetools was never designed to provide support for games based on the Unity engine. While few games are supported, many basic functionalities may be missing compared to support for other games.

  • These games are sensitive to long file paths (even 32+ character path will make the game unhappy and fail to launch) - put them closer to the drive letter root.
  • Graphics: no hooks are performed. This means: no windowed mode, no Spice overlay, no screenshots, and so on.
    • You can pass in command line arguments if you want windowed mode: Reference.
      • Windowed mode: -screen-fullscreen 0
      • Change window size: -screen-width 1920 -screen-height 1080
      • Borderless window: -popupwindow
    • Above is confirmed to work with CCJ, but confirmed to NOT work in Busou Shinki.
  • They seem to have a set of default debug key binds that always work; e.g., WASD for directional input. You'll need to map keys through spice that do not conflict with these, or use a controller.
  • These games will try to hide the cursor by default, but spice will override this to show the cursor if no touch screen is connected. If you want to forcibly show the cursor, use Show Cursor (-s) option.
  • Videos not playing (such as opening movie on attract screen) - see Issue #250.


Note that SpiceCompanion apps are not part of the spice2x project (not forked). Unfortunately, they are also not being updated.

  • Mirroring display - main or subscreen - is very resource-intensive, on both server and client side.
  • On Windows and Android apps, multi-touch does not seem to work properly.
  • As of 2025, the iOS app has been delisted from the App Store.


  • Always Show Cursor (-s) option force enables WinTouch hooks. This is usually not what you want if you're using a touch screen, so leave it off.
  • In some rare cases, the overlay may interfere with touch input. Toggle it off, or use Disable Spice Overlay (-overlaydisable).

Physical NFC Card Readers

HID SmartCard (ACR122U)


ACR112U card readers are no longer recommended to purchase. Official product was discontinued years ago, and many cheap Chinese clones on Amazon and Alibaba are unable to properly read FeliCa cards.

HID Smartcard option is intended for NFC readers with ACR112U chipset; it's coded to their specifications. Official driver is here; however, Windows default driver is usually sufficient.

As mentioned above, many clones of ACR112U fail to properly read FeliCa cards. When you place a FeliCa card on the reader, you may notice:

  • Continuous beeping sound
  • scard: error connecting to the card: 0x80100069 in spice2x logs

... and not actually read the card contents.

Instead of trying to find a good ACR112U unit, you may instead want to look into DIY solutions based on cardIO HID protocol:

Card format conversion for ACR122U readers

There are two types of valid cards:

  • FeliCa cards
  • ISO15693 cards that start with E004

If you want to use invalid cards, such as MiFare cards, use -scardfix fix to convert unsupported cards into one with E004 number.

Really old games do not support FeliCa card numbers, instead they expect all card numbers to begin with E004. If you want to use your FeliCa cards with these old games, use -scardfix all to have spice automatically convert your new cards into the old format by prefixing with E004 (and chopping off a few digits at the end).

Other issues

  • For more, please see the GitHub issue tracker.
  • Builds of spice2x 24-11-20 and older ship with ifs_layeredfs built in, but it's an old and slightly broken version. As of 24-12-06, the built-in plugin is completely removed.
    • In either case, download a newer version from ifs_layeredfs and add it as a DLL hook (-k).
  • Riva Tuner Statistics Server (RTSS) / MSI Afterburner is known to cause mystery crashes during boot on some PCs.
    • Common sign of above issue is that your 64-bit game DLL doesn't load at 0x180000000, because RTSS injects itself to the game early during launch. Some games boot with an assumption that its game DLL loads at that precise address.
    • I:avs-game: loaded successfully (0x180000000) <- GOOD
    • I:avs-game: loaded successfully (0xdbf0000) <- anything other than 0x180000000 is BAD
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