This is the GitHub page for code development. If you just want to download the latest spice2x EXE, visit the homepage instead:
🌶️🌶️ 🌶️🌶️
If you have problems, read Known Issues (FAQ) wiki page first, most of your questions are already answered.
spice2x is a continuation of SpiceTools project. Original development of SpiceTools has stalled in 2022; spice2x is led by a new group of developers.
spice2x team does not provide any tools to circumvent software copy protection, nor distribute any copyright-protected game data.
By policy,
- we do NOT provide links on where to acquire game data
- we do NOT provide tools or instructions on decrypting data
- we do NOT provide guides on setting up & basic troubleshooting
please do not ask for these, as it will never happen here.
Please file bugs if you find them! If you just complain about something in Discord servers, we can't see them, so they'll never be fixed.
Rules for filing a new issue or adding comments to existing issues in the tracker:
- Check the known issues page first before reporting a new issue. If you have some new information or workarounds for a known issue, you can file a documentation bug as well.
- Use the search function and see if there is an existing issue.
- This is not the place to obtain a guide or receive basic troubleshooting.
- Don't file a bug demanding game XYZ to be supported.
- Do not upload game data - any part of it, XML files included!
- Do not mention or link to external websites that distribute game data!
- Do not link to external websites that provide guides on how to run games!
New GitHub accounts are prevented from creating new issues to prevent spam. Maintainers of this project reserve the right to close or delete any issues that violate the rules above, or any low effort issues. If you ask for very basic troubleshooting help with setting up a game, we'll just delete them without warning.
We encourage the community to submit bugs and suggestions via the issue tracker, and to contribute code changes by opening pull requests
If you want to resolve any reported (or not reported) bugs, implement features, add support for new games, or fix a known issue - feel free to reach out via the Issue tracker or by opening a Pull Request. All submitted code is assumed to be GPLv3 compliant.
We explicitly do NOT have a Discord server for dicussions - we try to do everything out in the open on this GitHub repo. That being said we haven't opened a Discussions tab here because we know it's going to be immediately filled with support requests.
Please see CONTRIBUTING page for a full list of guidelines when submitting code.