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GDK for Unreal Release 0.13.1

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@gdk-for-unreal-bot gdk-for-unreal-bot released this 03 Jun 13:08

The release notes are published in both English and Chinese. To view the Chinese version, scroll down a bit for details. Thanks!

Release notes

虚幻引擎开发套件 0.13.1 版本说明:


English version

We have released Unreal GDK version 0.13.1!

The GDK for Unreal 0.13.1 is an internal release. There are some differences with an internal release compared to a public release:

  • Minimal public documentation.
  • No public announcement.

The default branch stays as a tag (0.11.0) which points open platform customers to the latest public release, as opposed to the latest internal release which is 0.13.1.

Release notes

This release introduces the following:

Breaking changes

  • We optimised event tracing to reduce overhead when tracing events, particularly when events are not sampled. We modified the tracing API to accommodate these improvements. You will have to modify your project if you use the API.

New features

  • Added SpatialExecServerCmd console command with one command StartInsights to dynamically enable insights capturing.
  • Format: SpatialExecServerCmd < server > < command > < args >
  • Example usage: "SpatialExecServerCmd local StartInsights -trace=CustomChannel -tracefile=MyNewTrace"
  • Visual Logger now optimized for multi-worker environments.
  • The GDK for Unreal 0.13.1 runs against SpatialOS 15.1.0. Older versions of SpatialOS do not work with the GDK for Unreal 0.13.1.
  • Added event tracing rotating log support (with bEnableEventTracingRotatingLogs, EventTracingRotatingLogsMaxFileSizeBytes and EventTracingRotatingLogsMaxFileCount).
  • Added event tracing filter support (configured with UEventTracingSamplingSettings).


虚幻引擎开发套件 0.13.1 版本现已发布!

虚幻引擎开发套件 0.13.1 属于内部发布版本。相较于公开发布版本,内部版本在以下方面有所区别:

  • 对应的公开文档更简洁。
  • 没有发布公告。

默认分支保留“0.11.0”标签,将开放平台用户引导至最新的公开发布版本 (即“0.11.0”),而不是最新的内部发布版本 (即“0.13.1”)。




  • 我们对事件追踪 (event tracing) 进行了优化,从而减少追踪事件时产生的开销。特别当这些事件没有被采样显示时,优化追踪框架可以有效节省成本。为此,我们修改了相关的 tracing API 以适应这方面的功能改进。如果您使用该 API,则需要对项目进行相应调整。


  • 添加了 SpatialExecServerCmd 控制台命令,只需一个命令 StartInsights 即可动态启动虚幻引擎应用性能分析工具 (Unreal Insights) 开始信息捕捉。
  • 命令格式: SpatialExecServerCmd < server > < command > < args >
  • 命令示例: "SpatialExecServerCmd local StartInsights -trace=CustomChannel -tracefile=MyNewTrace"
  • 可视记录器 (Visual Logger) 现已针对多 worker 环境进行了优化。
  • 虚幻引擎开发套件 0.13.1 运行在 SpatialOS 15.1.0 版本技术栈上。注意:如果还没有升级至 SpatialOS 15.1.0 版本,将无法使用虚幻引擎开发套件 0.13.1 版本。
  • 添加了事件追踪日志转储 (轮替) 支持,通过 bEnableEventTracingRotatingLogsEventTracingRotatingLogsMaxFileSizeBytesEventTracingRotatingLogsMaxFileCount 来实现。
  • 添加了事件追踪筛选功能支持,通过 UEventTracingSamplingSettings 来配置。