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Smithy CLI v1.38.0

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@smithy-automation smithy-automation released this 14 Sep 22:11
· 485 commits to main since this release

1.38.0 (2023-09-14)


  • Updated auto-formatting to use line breaks for some properties (#1939)
  • Updated JSON-based AWS protocols to ignore the __type field when deserializing unions (#1945)
  • Added metadata key to RemovedMetadata diff events (#1940)
  • Improved equality comparison for NumberNode instances (#1955, #1965)
  • Added --aut as a shortcut for --allow-unknown-traits in the Smithy CLI (#1950)
  • Added a --show option to the Smithy CLI to include extra information like type, source location, and captured
    variables. This deprecates the --show-vars option (#1953)
  • Added validation to emit warnings when a member has an HTTP trait applied in a context where it is ignored (#1962,
  • Added validation to check the consistency of IAM resource names and ARN resource names (#1954)
  • Added a RemoveInvalidDefaults transform to remove @default traits when their values conflict with applied @range
    traits (#1964)
  • Added an allowConstraintErrors property to the @examples trait for relaxing content validation requirements (#1949,
  • Added several protocol tests for @restXml (#1909, #1908,
  • Added several protocol tests for @restJson1 (#1908)


  • Clarified how trait values are provided in the IDL (#1944)
  • Added the @length trait to the specification's trait index (#1952)
  • Improved the ability to link to certain sections of the specification (#1958)
  • Clarified behavior of @sigv4 and @optionalAuth (#1963, #1971)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed diff event messages for ChangedNullability events (#1972)
  • Fixed an NPE when auto-formatting certain types of trait values (#1942)
  • Fixed an issue where exceptions thrown when creating traits were not emitted as validation events (#1947)
  • Fixed an issue validating timestamp members in nodes where a @timestampFormat trait was involved (#1948)
  • Fixed an issue where the FlattenAndRemoveMixins transform would not remove unused mixins (#1951)
  • Fixed a malformed request test for the @restJson1 protocol (#1959)
  • Fixed an issue where NonInclusiveTerms validation events would be identical for different text paths. (#1975)