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Releases: sippy-platform/valkyrie

Valkyrie 1.0 alpha 8

19 Dec 10:03
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Valkyrie 1.0 alpha 8 Pre-release

Valkyrie 1.0 alpha 8 includes various updated icons to improve style consistency.


Redesigned icons

  • blf has been updated to have negative space within its light indicator.
  • file, files and files-list have been updated to remove the negative space in the fold.
  • 42 icons have been updated with increased border radius to better match other icons.

Renamed icons

  • Renames circle-user to circle-person.

Valkryie 1.0 alpha 7

12 Dec 15:23
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Valkryie 1.0 alpha 7 Pre-release

Valkyrie 1.0 alpha 7 adds more Sippy 3.6 icons.


New icons

Expands our icon library from 224 icons to 225.

  • list-checks-xmark

Valkyrie 1.0 alpha 6

06 Dec 10:05
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Valkyrie 1.0 alpha 6 Pre-release

Valkyrie 1.0 alpha 6 introduces the iconography for Sippy 3.6 and refreshes some other icons. It also introduces the revamped documentation.


New icons

Expands our icon library from 223 icons to 224.

  • music-pause

Changed icons

  • filter has been updated to be wider and more prominent.
  • filter-plus has been updated to match its base icon.
  • filter-xmark has been updated to match its base icon.
  • store has been reworked to align closer to the 0.x-design.


The documentation has been moved from Hugo to NextJS and now includes a functional search feature as well as improved per icon documentation.

Valkyrie 1.0 alpha 5

17 Nov 13:03
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Valkyrie 1.0 alpha 5 Pre-release

Alpha 5 fixes a number of issues.


  • 7d0c9a2 Renames the ValkyrieIcon interface to IValkyrieIcon.


  • e25b884 Fixes a bug that resulted in a failure to compile our CSS.
  • 3376939 The sx prop is now properly typed as SxProps.

Valkyrie 1.0 alpha 4

17 Nov 12:33
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Valkyrie 1.0 alpha 4 Pre-release

Alpha 4 improves the various exports provided by Valkyrie.


  • 08e5e76 The ValkyrieIcon TypeScript interface is now exported as IValkyrieIcon.

Valkyrie 1.0 alpha 3

09 Nov 10:35
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Valkyrie 1.0 alpha 3 Pre-release

Alpha 3 adds support for extending the sx property of the ValkyrieIcon component.


Changed icons

  • 2881eef check has been updated to appear visually centered.


  • 5a4bb2a Support extending the MUI System sx property.
  • aa70636 CSS transitions are now inherited from the parent component.

Valkyrie 1.0 alpha 2

26 Oct 14:42
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Valkyrie 1.0 alpha 2 Pre-release

Alpha 2 introduces a bugfix for SVG imports and updates 2 icons.


Changed icons

  • house has been redesigned to no longer have a door.
  • circlePerson has been update to leave more space between the person's head and the outer border


  • d38c1b5 Fixes fixed width and height being included in all SVGs.

Valkyrie 1.0 alpha 1

25 Oct 07:59
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Valkyrie 1.0 alpha 1 Pre-release

The first alpha of Valkyrie 1.0 is here! Valkyrie 1.0 is a major revamp of the project built on Amaranth. It includes an entirely reworked icon set, improvements to the React component, various naming improvements, a major reorganization in our Figma file, and more.


  • #7 The ValkyrieIcon component is now a standalone component that no longer requires you to import custom CSS.
  • #49 Valkyrie now uses fixed codepoints.


  • 496b10c We no longer include TTF and EOT version of Valkyrie.


General changes

  • #43 Revamp the modifier icons.
  • #44 Revamp the slash icon.
  • #45 Rework the grid to a 16x16 format.
  • #46 Use the non-zero rule instead of odd-even export.
  • #47 Improve consistency.

Redesigned icons

Various icons have been updated with new designs. A quick overview:

  • Various modifier icons have been reworked, for example: a plus-modifier now appears in a circle.
  • Various border radia have been updated to improve consistency.
  • Slashes now go in the opposite direction and only cast a shadow to 1 side to improve the amount of detail visible.
  • Circular icons have been made 1 pixel larger to improve their visual weight compared to the rest of the set.

Renamed icons

Valkyrie 1.0 renames various icons to remove the actions related to icons and put the actual contents of the icon in its name instead.

  • arrow-right-ban => arrow-right-prohibited
  • ban => prohibited
  • clear-formatting => a-gum
  • clear-node => square-gum
  • film => filmstrip
  • horizontal-rule => line
  • link => chain
  • link-slash => chain-slash
  • list-check => list-checks
  • list-ol => list-ordered
  • list-ol-cloc => list-ordered-clock
  • logs => files-list
  • paper-plane-top => paper-plane
  • phone-arrow-down-left-ban => phone-arrow-down-left-prohibited
  • phone-arrow-up-right-ban => phone-arrow-up-right-prohibited
  • repeat-1 => repeat-once
  • smartphone-divert => smartphone-arrow-right
  • unlock => lock-open
  • users => people
  • user => person
  • user-clock => person-clock
  • user-gear => person-gear
  • user-headset => person-headset
  • user-list => person-list
  • user-lock => person-lock
  • user-plus => person-plus
  • volumne-none => volume-slash


If you are are using the ValkyrieIcon component, you will need to install MUI System and Emotion.

npm install @mui/system @emotion/react @emotion/styled -s

Valkyrie 1.0 introduces a number of changes for the component:

  • You no longer need to import the (S)CSS included with the package, the component now includes all styling.
  • clsx is no longer a peer dependency.

Valkyrie 0.21.1

10 Oct 10:04
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Valkyrie 0.21.1 Pre-release

Valkyrie 0.21.1 updates the users-circle icon.


Changed icons

  • Updates users-circle to have only 3 people and make the people in the icon larger.

Valkyrie 0.21

10 Oct 09:40
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Valkyrie 0.21 Pre-release

Valkyrie 0.21 adds icons for Sippy 3.5.


New icons

Expands our icon library from 225 icons to 223.

  • users-circle

Removed icons

Valkyrie 0.21 removes 3 icons.

  • eclipse-alt
  • my-sippy
  • sun-alt

Changed icons

  • h5 has been updated to better balance the size of the "5".


  • Fixes the h3-icon missing various rounded corners.