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A Modestly Exhaustive dLx Architecture - RISC microprocessor - VHDL implementation - DLX ISA


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MELA: a Modestly Exhaustive dLx Architecture

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Author Note

I don't like this folder structure but it was imposed on us to keep the project "tidier" and simpler to recognize the hierarchy from. To be honest the constraint is understandable but it's still awful to look at and use.

Block Level Overview

top_level As can be seen in the block schema of the processor, data and instruction memories are placed outside the CPU.


The data-path is represented in black, the control unit and its signals are blue and the hazard unit is purple. data-path


The ALU features a Pentium 4 adder unit, a UltraSPARC T2 Shifter and Logic units and a behavioural comparator unit. alu

T2 Shifter

The shifter unit is based on the SUN UltraSPARC T2 design, with a three-stage shifter implemented using masks shifted by varying amounts and combined to obtain the required operation. The implemented unit is able to perform left and right logical shifts and right arithmetical shifts. t2 Shifter Unit

Mask Generator

The mask generator generates four masks, that contain the input A signal shifted by 8, 16, 24 and 32 bits respectively. The shift direction is dictated by the op signal (00 for logical left shift, 01 for logical right shifts and 10 for arithmetical right shifts). An additional signal, msb, generates a fifth mask that is used for AMOUNT values greater than 31. The value of msb is 0 when a logical shift is being performed and is equals to the most-significant bit of A when an arithmetic shift is selected.

Coarse Shift

The coarse shift stage selects the coarse mask by considering the 30 most-significant bits of the AMOUNT signal. If AMOUNT is bigger than 31, the coarse shift will select the msb mask.

Fine Shift

The fine shift will shift the selected coarse mask by the three least- significant digits of AMOUNT , completing the shift operation

T2 Logic Unit

The T2 logic unit is able to perform five logical operations (AND, NAND, OR, NOR and XOR) with just five NAND gates. T2 Logic Unit


  • Questa Sim-64 10.7c
  • design compiler F-2011.09-SP3
  • Bash
  • Perl

How To Run An Assembly Program

  1. Write an Assembly program using the DLX isa found here

    1. The size of your program (lines of code), must be so that it could be saved in the instruction memory. If your program exceeds this size the design will not compile, in such case change the value C_IMEM_ADDR_W in file ./src/000-common.core/000-DLX_PKG.vhd accordingly.
    2. If you need to address more then the default data-memory space change the variable C_DMEM_ADDR_W in file ./src/000-common.core/000-DLX_PKG.vhd accordingly. The compiler can't catch this error, the design will simulate your design but will truncate the data-memory-addresses to comply with its internal address space.
  2. Run the assembler on the assembly program and link the output to the instruction memory ram-file

    ./scripts/assembler/ <path_to_your>.asm ./src/000-common.core/003-IMEM_INIT_FILE.txt
    1. If you want to initialize the data-memory with a ram-file the link it to ./src/000-common.core/004-DMEM_INIT_FILE.txt:
      ln -s <your_dmem_ram_file>.txt ./src/000-common.core/004-DMEM_INIT_FILE.txt
      The file must contain 32 bit, hexadecimal, newline escaped values
  3. Compile the design (this script assumes vsim is in the system $PATH)

  4. Run the simulation, it will run for 212us. (this script assumes vcom is in the system $PATH)

    ./scripts/ sim

    To change the simulation time modify the line run 212us in ./sim/

  5. The simulation will output the file ./sim/rf_dmemd.dump. This file contains the content of the Register file (in order 0 to 31) and data memory (in reverse order DATA_MEM_SIZE-1 downto 0). Check this file to see if your program is compliant with your behaviour (you obviously need to save the program state either in data memory of in the register file)

How To Syntesize The Design

The design synthesized is only MELA without memories.
There are 5 available configurations of this design:

  1. Full behavioural ALU.
    • design name: CFG_CPU_BEHAV
  2. Behavioural ALU but LogicalUnit is UltraSPARK T2 LogicalUnit.
    • design name: CFG_CPU_BEHAV_ALU_T2LOGIC
  3. Behavioural ALU but Shifter is UltraSPARK T2 Shifter.
    • design name: CFG_CPU_BEHAV_ALU_T2SHIFTER
  4. Behavioural ALU but adder is Intel Pentium4 adder.
    • design name CFG_CPU_BEHAV_ALU_P4ADDER
  5. ALU made of all the previous components but with behavioural comparators.
    • design name: CFG_CPU_BEHAV_ALU_STRUCT

Select the configuration and the desired clock-period in nanoseconds (can be a float value) and run (the script assumes dc_shell-xg-t (design compiler) is in your systems $PATH):

./scripts/ syn <design_name> <clock_period_ns>

Synthesis outputs will be in the ./syn folder, respectively:

  • ./syn/reports will contain timing, area and power reports
  • ./syn/netlists will contain the synthesized netlist
  • ./syn/design_compiler_sdc will contain the sdc file generated by design compiler for this synthesis run

Place And Route

Here some nice pictures. No description for this process because we didn't know what we where doing, just following a recipe, but nice pics.


All metal layers Transistor cells
place_and_route transistor_cells
The pads on the perimeter are Data Memory and Instruction Memory ports

Space used: Data Path vs Control Unit


Space used: whole ALU vs P4 Adder vs T2 Shifter vs T2 Logic



I don't like this folder structure but it was imposed on us to keep the project "tidier" and simpler to recognize the hierarchy from. To be honest the constraint is understandable but it's still awful to look at and use.


MELA's ALU features a Pentium 4 adder unit, UltraSPARC T2 Shifter and Logic units, and a behavioural comparator. The ALU can be configured to have behavioural implementations of the aforementioned units.

For more info about MELA's architecture, check out the report

Nerd corner

Vim bindings

Make sure the vim PWD is the root of the project

# compile the asm file open in the current buffer
:nnoremap <F4> :!./scripts/assembler/ % ./src/000-common.core/003-IMEM_INIT_FILE.txt<cr>
# save all buffers and push to remote
:nnoremap <F5> :wa<cr>:! rsync -hh -a --info=stats1,progress2 --partial /home/simone/Documents/00.PoliTO/1.2-MicroElectronic-Systems/DLX/ ms_polito:~/dlx_simone<cr>
# compile on remote
:nnoremap <F6> :! ssh ms_polito "cd ./dlx_simone; ./scripts/"<cr>