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PKG Information

georgemoralis edited this page Jun 20, 2023 · 15 revisions

Some findings for PS4 PKG's and information i gathered around.

PKG General Info

A PS4 PKG looks like this:


First 4.096 bytes (0x1000) are the PKG Header. PKG header appears to be in Big Endian (like it was in ps3) although PS4 generally is a Small Endian machine.

PKG Header

Field Type Size Offset Description
pkg_magic U32 4 0x000 Should be 0x7F434E54 to be PS4 valid
pkg_flags U32 4 0x004 Check PKG Flags table below
0x8 U32 4 0x008 ???
pkg_file_count U32 4 0x00C
pkg_table_entry_count U32 4 0x010 Number of files inside PKG (doesn't include PFS)
pkg_sc_entry_count U16 2 0x014
pkg_table_entry_count_2 U16 2 0x016 same as pkg_table_entry_count
pkg_table_entry_offset U32 4 0x018 offset of the first pkg file entry Check File Table below
pkg_sc_entry_data_size U32
pkg_body_offset U64
pkg_body_size U64
pkg_content_offset U64
pkg_content_size U64
pkg_content_id U08
pkg_padding U08
pkg_drm_type U32
pkg_content_type U32
pkg_content_flags U32
pkg_promote_size U32
pkg_version_date U32
pkg_version_hash U32
pkg_0x088 U32
pkg_0x08C U32
pkg_0x090 U32
pkg_0x094 U32
pkg_iro_tag U32
pkg_drm_type_version U32
pkg_zeroes_1 U08
digest_entries1 U08
digest_entries2 U08
digest_table_digest U08
digest_body_digest U08
pkg_zeroes_2 U08
pkg_0x400 U32
pfs_image_count U32
pfs_image_flags U64
pfs_image_offset U64
pfs_image_size U64
pkg_size U64
pfs_signed_size U32
pfs_cache_size U32
pfs_image_digest U08
pfs_signed_digest U08
pfs_split_size_nth_0 U64
pfs_split_size_nth_1 U64
pkg_zeroes_3 U08
pkg_digest U08

PKG Flags Table

Name Value Description
VER_1 0x01000000
VER_2 0x02000000
INTERNAL 0x40000000
FINALIZED 0x80000000

PKG File Table

The file table is a list of file entries. File entries start from pkg_table_entry_offset field of pkg header and it's increasing by 0x20 for each file entry . pkg_table_entry_count field of pkg header indicates the number of file entries. File Table values are also Big Endian

Field Type Size Offset Description
id U32 4 0x000 File ID, useful for files without a filename entry.Check ID to filename Table below
filename_offset U32 4 0x004 Offset into the filenames table (ID 0x200) where this file's name is located
flags1 U32 4 0x008 Flags including encrypted flag, etc
flags2 U32 4 0x00C Flags including encryption key index, etc
offset U32 4 0x010 Offset into PKG to find the file
size U32 4 0x014 Size of the file
padding U64 8 0x018 blank padding

ID to Filename Table

This table matches the id of File Table with filename

Id Filename Extra info
0x0001 digests
0x0010 entry_keys
0x0020 image_key
0x0080 general_digests
0x0100 metas
0x0200 entry_names
0x0400 license.dat
0x0402 nptitle.dat
0x0403 npbind.dat Contains NPCommID and some other info (???)
0x0409 psreserved.dat
0x1000 param.sfo contains information critical to the app / game
0x1001 playgo-chunk.dat contains data regarding playgo
0x1002 playgo-chunk.sha contains hash of playgo
0x1003 playgo-manifest.xml contains manifest for playgo
0x1004 pronunciation.xml contains word definitions for PS4's voice recognition software
0x1005 pronunciation.sig signature of definition file
0x1006 pic1.png large game preview icon
0x1007 pubtoolinfo.dat
0x100B shareparam.json
0x100C shareoverlayimage.png
0x100E shareprivacyguardimage.png
0x1200 icon0.png small icon
0x1220 pic0.png small game preview icon
0x1240 snd0.at9
0x1400 trophy/trophy00.trp
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